Defence Studies BA Semester 1 Syllabus Lucknow University - EduCatn

Syllabus For Defence Studies

B.A. - Semester

Paper 1 

Ancient Indian Military History

Unit I
1. Military system in Vedic and Epic period.
2. Indo – Greek art of war with special reference to Battle of Hydespes 326

Unit II
1. Kautilyas Philosophy of War: Military Organization, art of war and inter -
state relations.
2. Maurya Military System as described by Greek historians.

Unit III
1. Hindu Military System during the age of Gupta and Harsha with special
reference to the decline of Chariots and the rise of Cavalary upto 7th Century
2. Rajput Military System and Turk pattern of warfare with special reference to
the Battle of Somnath and Terrain up to 12th Century A.D.

Unit IV
1. Army Organisation during Sultantate Period. Military and Economic reforms
of Balban and Alauddin Khilji.
2. Invasion of Babar with special reference to First Battle of Panipat 1526
A.D.and Battle of Khanwa 1527 A.D. Mughal Military System under

Text Books:
1. Alfred, David., (1953) Indian Art of War, Atma Ram , Delhi.
2. Bajwa F.S., (1964) Military System of the Sikhs, Moti Lal, Banarsi Dass, Delhi.
3. Bruce, George., (1969) Six Battles of India, Rupa & Company, Calcutta.
4. Das, S.T., (1969) Indian Military - Its History and Development, Sagar, New Delhi.
5. Dikshitar, Ramachandra V. R. (1999) War in Ancient India. Cosmo, New Delhi.
6. Fuller, J.F.C., (1958) Generalship of Alexander The Great, Natraj Publishes, Dehradun.
7. Gustav Oppert, (1967) Weapons, Army Organisation and Political Maxims of Ancient Hindus, R.F Patel Rajratan Press,

Suggested Reading:
1. Kangle, R.P., (1963) Kautilya`s Arth Shastra, University of Bombay, Mumbai.
2. Majumdar, B.K., (1960) Military System in Ancient India, Firma K.L. Mukhopadhyoy, Calcutta.
3. Majumdar, B.N., (1963) Study of Indian Military History. Army Educational Store, Delhi.

Web references:

Paper 2 

Study Of Wars

Unit I
1. Concept and Definition of War, Nature of War and its study.
2. Conduct of War – Cycle of War and Stages of War.
3. War and their evolution.

Unit II
1. Causes of War: Political, Economic, Social, Psychological, Military and
Allied aspects.
2. Features of Modern War and Nature of Future Wars and its advantages
3. War is an instrument of National Policy

Unit III
1. Types of war: (a) Total, Limited Guerilla war and Specialized Wars
(Mountain, Desert and Jungle) (b) Nuclear warfare, Chemical warfare,
Biological warfare.
2. Psychological Warfare, Political Warfare and Economic Warfare.

Unit IV
Principles of War – Brief History of Principles of War, selection and
maintenance of the aim, Security , Offensive action , Mobility and Flexibility,
Concentration ,Economy of Force, Co operation, Administration and morale

Text Books:
1.Andreski S., (1968) Military Organization and Society, Univ. California Press, Berkeley.
2. Anthony James Joes, (1996)Guerrilla Conflict before the Cold War, (Praeger Publishers,
3. Aron R., (1966) Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations, Praeger, New York.
4. Barringer R., (1972) War: Patterns of Conflict, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
5.Blainey G., (1973) The Causes Of War, Macmillan, London,.
6.Montgomery Viscount, (1983) A History of Warfare, William Morrow & Co, New York City.
7. Mukherji and Shyam Lal, (1952) A Textbook of Military Science, Vol. II., Navayuga, New Delhi.
8.Osanka, F.M., (1962) Modern Guerrilla Warfare, Free Press of Glencoe, New York.
9.Sidhu, K.S., (1988) War and Its Principles, Atlantic, New Delhi.
10.Tripathi, K.S., (1970) Evolution of Nuclear Strategies, Vikas, New Delhi
11.Van Evara, Stephen, (1999), Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict, Cornell University Press, Ithaca.
12. Wright, Quincy, (1942) Study of War, University of Chicago Press.

Web references: 

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