Different Types Of War & Causes Of Wars -Defence Studies BA/BSC Sem 1 Sem 1 Lucknow University| EduCatn

Different Types Of War & Causes Of Wars -Defence Studies BA/BSC Sem 1 Sem 1 Lucknow University| EduCatn

Different Types Of War & Causes Of Wars

Route 2

We use a variety of phrases to describe wars. Each of you will research the kind of war and present it to the class. Please include examples.




  • Total war is a war, which a country devotes its entire human, economic and military resources.

  • Ex. 
    • Economic resources
      • Government controls key aspects of economy so that it can be directed into the war effort
        • e.g. war bonds, rationing
    • Human resources
      • conscription/draft (mandatory enlistment)
      • civilians used in industry and home defence to contribute to the war effort
        • e.g. blackout, observers (people who used binoculars to watch for bomb planes)
        • Government controls media to justify/motivate means of war

        • propaganda posters, children's books, videos ('duck and cover'), radio, cartoons
      • Military resources

      • All weapons available and developing new ones will be used
  • Targets are not restricted to the army. Civilians will be attacked as well for the purpose "total" victory over the enemy's political, social and military structure

LIMITED WAR (Kaye Mathies)

  • war which limited

    • geographical area (e.g. Syria, Ukraine, Kenya)

    • type of target (e.g. ISIS, Al Qaeda)

    • weapons (e.g. Cold War -- no nuclear weapons, ISIS -- bombing, no soldiers)

    • degree of mobilization (e.g. Iraq War -- US is pulling soldiers)

    • involved nations (e.g. Ukraine)

  • 19th century → limited aims and the fact that full mobilization was hard → limited war

  • After 1945 → nuclear war was possible → limited war


  • Conflicts fought between two or more factions or regions of the same country

    • Philippines -- MILF, ?

    • Syria -- ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and others...

  • The warring sides clash over ethnic, religious, political or ideological issues. 

    • The Spanish Civil War (ideological issue) 

      • fought between Republicans and Nationalists

  • Civil war combatants can be identified as

    • incumbents

      • the holder of an office or post

      • authority figures in the military and government

    • insurgents

      • a rebel or revolutionary

      • someone who fights against authority

  • Generally, the combatants aim to take control of the political and legal institutions of the state

    • to change the government (make the change happen) 

  • coup d'état

    • a sudden attempt by a small group of people to take over the government usually through violence 

  • Often foreign involvement, depending on its role and impact, could be viewed as broadening civil war into an international conflict

    • Syria -- Britain, US, Canada involved

    • Ukraine -- NATO involved


  • "Little War"

    • unconventional warfare

      • Small groups of fighters use tactics (ex. ambush, small-unit raids) against larger, less mobile formal army

  • Ex. Mao Zedong used guerrilla tactics in Chinese Civil War (late 1920s-1949)

  • Common after 1945 because:

    • conflicts after 1945 - involved people from Asia and Africa -> free themselves from colonial rule of European countries

      • limited military resources = used guerrilla tactics

        • ex. jungles in Vietnam, bush in Rhodesia, mountains in Afghanistan

      • Also, guerrilla fighters had support of local population & good knowledge of terrain

    • Developments of Cold War after 1945 -> encouraged guerrilla warfare

      • always struggle against communism or capitalism -> local opposition no choice but to resort to guerrilla warfare

    • Spread of Marxism

      • Belief of masses must rise up against capitalist governments -> supported idea of guerrilla warfare

    • post-Cold War -> guerrilla warfare central

      • al-Qaeda's war against West -> democratic political systems - vulnerable to guerrilla tactics

    • Technological developments

      • Global distribution of shoulder-launched missiles, powerful small arms

    • International coverage of mass media - provides publicity guerrilla fighters need in order to win support


Revolutionary War - A war fought with the aim of overthrowing a corrupt or ineffective government. 

Colonial War - Colonial war is a blanket term relating to the various conflicts that arose as the result of overseas territories being settled by foreign powers creating a colony. The term especially refers to wars fought during the nineteenth century between European armies in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean; imperial war; when subject people struggle to get their independence, they fight wars of national liberation or decolonization

Ideological War - A clash of opposing ideals, ideologies, or concepts through which nations or groups use strategic influence to promote their interests abroad.

Economic War - In military operations, economic warfare is economic policy followed as a part of fighting during wartime; can also be general economic policy aiming to cripple an opponent economically.

Defensive War - At least one nation is mainly trying to defend itself from another, as opposed to a war where both sides are trying to invade and conquer each other. 

Religious War - A war between religions or over religious issues (primarily caused or justified by differences in religion); holy wars; jihad; crusade

Neo-colonial War - Fighting against a strong nation to maintain independence and not allow economic / political control over the smaller nation. 

Post-colonial Wars - Sudan / South Sudan

Proxy Wars - war that is fought between states on behalf of other states


Economic (Kaye Mathies)

Economic Cause

  • conflict over economic resources

    • foreign markets

    • raw materials

  • e.g. Gulf War

Economic Effects

  • inflation → when prices increase

  • food rationing

Social (Seira)

Social Cause

  • often caused by tensions between different social groups or classes in country/region

    • ex. Spanish Civil War

Social effects

  • Structures, customs, traditions of society -> changed by war

    • ex. WW1 brought huge transformation in European society 

      • shift in status of women

      • beginning of collapse of traditional ruling classes

Political (Suzie Kim)

Political cause: War that begins with Clash between different political factions

  • Ex. Spanish Civil War

    • Fascist dictator V.S Republican government

Political effects: Structural change of a government or nation

  • Ex. WW1's result: break-up of empires & creation of new states

Ideological (Jiwoo)

Ideological Cause

  • a fundamental clash of ideas between different groups about how society and government should be run 

    • ex) Spanish Civil War: fascism vs. communism

Ideological Effects

  • affect the ideological position of a country or of groups within a country 

    • e.g. provided some of the conditions in which the communist revolution in Russia in 1917 

Causes, practices and effects of wars

War is a major feature of the 20th century. In this topic, we will identify different types of war, and focus on the causes, practices and effects of these conflicts.

Major themes

Different types and nature of 20th century warfare

civil war

guerrilla war

Limited war, total war

Origins and causes of wars

Long term, short term and immediate causes

Economic, ideological, political, religious causes

Nature of 20th century wars

Technological developments, tactics and strategies, air, land and sea

Homefront: economic and social impact (including changes in the role and status of women)

Resistance and revolutionary movements

Effects and results of wars

Peace settlements and wars ending without treaties

Attempts at collective security pre-and post-Second World War

Political repercussions and territorial changes

Post-war economic problems

Material for detailed study

  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
  • Chinese Civil War (1927-1937 and 1946-1949)
  • Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
  • Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988)
  • Gulf War (1991)





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