Philosophy BA 1 Year Lucknow University Preferred Books Pdf - EduCatn

In this blog I've uploaded Lucknow University BA first Year Philosophy Books pdfs which is recommended in the Philosophy Syllabus of Lucknow University To Download the syllabus click here

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Semester 1 Syllabus

Semester – I 
Paper - I 

Unit - I 
  • Introduction: Nature and Scope of Philosophy, Conceptual Background of Indian Philosophy and various understanding of Indian tradition including Grammarians, Shaiva and Shakti tradition, Introduction to Prasthantrayee and Purusarth-Chatustaya Common characteristics of Indian Philosophy, Classification of Indian Philosophical Schools : Āstika and Nāstika

Unit- II 
  • Sāmkhya: Theory of Causation (Satkāryavāda), Nature of Prakrti, its constituents and proof for its existence, Evolution of Prakrti, Nature of Purusa and proof for its existence, Plurality of Purusas, Concept of Bondage and Liberation.
  • Yoga: Nature, meaning and objective of yoga, Concept of Ćitta, Ćittabhūmis, Ćittavrtti, Ćittavrttinirodh The path of yoga (Astāng yoga): yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prānayāma, Pratyāhār, Dharanā, Dhyān,and Samādhi. Conceptual analysis and importance of yoga. Nature and Qualities of God. 

Unit - III
  • Ćārvāka: Epistemology: The denial of Inference, Testimony and Comparison as sources of knowledge. Metaphysics: The reality of the World, Concept of Soul and God. Ethics: The denial of Virtue, Vice, Merit, Demerit, Law of Karma. Concept of Liberation, Transmigration and Ideal of Life.
  • Jainism: Concept of Valid forms of knowledge. Perception (Pratyaksa) and mediate knowledge (Paroksa), Anekāntavāda, The Doctrine of Nayas, Syādvāda and Saptabhanginaya, Concept of Substance (Dravya), Attributes (Guna) and Modes (Paryāya) Kinds of substance: Extended (Astikaya) and Un-extended (Anastikaya), Nature of Bondage and Liberation (Moksa).

Unit - IV
  • Buddhism: Four Noble Truths (Ċatvāri āryasatyāni), Theory of Dependent Origination (Pratityasamutpāda), The wheel of existence (Bhavachakra), Eight Fold Path (astāngik marg) Doctrine of Momentariness (Ksanabhangavāda), Theory of No-soul (Anatmyavāda), Concept of Karma, Transmigration and Liberation (Nirvāna), Hinayana & Mahayana

Suggested Readings: Text: Book References: 
1. Datta, D.M. & Chatterjee, S. C., “An Introduction to Indian Philosophy”, Rupa Publication India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. 
2. Datta, D.M. & Chatterjee, S. C., “Bhartiya Darshan”, Pustak Mahal, Patna, 2013. 
3. Hiriyanna, M., “Outlines of Indian Philosophy”, Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2014. 
4. Mohanty, J. N., “Classical Indian Philosophy”, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers INL Maryland, U.S.A., 1992. 
5. Pandey, S.L., “Bhartiya Darshan ka Sarvekshana”, Central Publishing House, Allahabad, 2008. 
6. Radhakrishnan, S., “Indian Philosophy” (Vol. I & II), Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008. 
7. Raju, P.T., “The Philosophical Traditions of India”, Motilal Banarasidass Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. 
8. Sharma, C.D., “A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy”, Motilal Banarasidass Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2016.

Web References: 
1. Suggestive digital platforms web link 


For english medium student: 
Datta, D.M. & Chatterjee, S. C., “An Introduction to Indian Philosophy”, Rupa Publication India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. 

For Hindi Medium Students:
Datta, D.M. & Chatterjee, S. C., “Bhartiya Darshan”, Pustak Mahal, Patna, 2013. 

Semester 2 Syllabus

Semester – I(Paper - 2)
Unit - I
  • Indian Logic: Definition, Nature and Scope, 
  • Nature of Knowledge 
Unit - II
  • Pramā and Apramā, Pramāṇa: Nature and Its different kind, 
  • Perception according to Nyāya 
Unit - III 
  • Inference: According to Nyāya, Buddhism, Jainism.  Verbal Testimony, Upamāna, Arthāpatti, Anuplabdhi 

Unit - IV
  • Prāmāṇyavāda: Svataḥ and Parataḥ Prāmāṇyavāda,
  • Khyātivāda: Theory of Error 

Reference Books: 

1. Bandishtey, Dr. D.D. & Sharma, Dr. Ramashankar, “Bhartiya Darshnik Nibandh” (ed.), Madhya Pradesh Hindi Grantha Academy, Bhopal, 2008. 
2. Barlingay, S.S., “A Modern Introduction to Indian Logic”, Orient Book Distributers, New Delhi, 1976. 
3. Bijalvan, C.D., “Bhartiya Nyayashastra”, Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthana, Lucknow, 1983.
4. Chatterjee, S.C., “The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge”, Rupa Publication, New Delhi, 2015.
5. Ganeri, Jonardon, “Indian Logic: A Reader” (ed.), Routledge, New York, 2017. 
6. Maitra, S.K., “Fundamental Questions of Indian Metaphysics & Logic”, Chakraverty, Chatterjee & Co. Ltd., Calcutta, 1956. 
7. Pandey, S.L., “Jñāna, Mulya evam Sat”, Central Publishing House, Allahabad, 1988. 
8. Shastri, S. Kuppuswami, “A Primer of Indian Logic”, KSRI Mylapore, Madras, 1951. 9. Tiwari, Kedarnath, “Bhartiya Tarkshastra Parichaya (An Introduction to Indian Logic)”, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 2014. 
10. Tiwari, N.P., “Bhartiya tarkshastra (Indian Logic)”, PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi, 2009. 

Web Reference: 


For english medium student: 
Chatterjee, S.C., “The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge”, Rupa Publication, New Delhi, 2015 

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