University of Lucknow
Department of Political ScienceB.A.Semester-IPaper - I
Title of the Paper: Political Theory
Course Outcome :• This course will familiarize students with the basic concepts in political theory andencourage them to understand how they manifest in social practices.• It will enable the students to understand the nature of State and various theories of the origin of the State.• Students will understand the significance of theorizing and of applying theory into practice.• Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of political concepts such as equality, justice, law and liberty.
Unit I :
Definition, Nature and Scope of Political Science, Relation with other Social Sciences,
Methods of Study
UnitII :
Approaches to the study of Political Science:Traditional Approach - Institutional, Historical and Philosophical,
Modern Approach – Behavioural and Post- Behavioural
UnitIII :
State- Origin, Nature and ends, the Welfare State
UnitIV :
Concepts of Law, Justice, Liberty and Equality
Semester-IPaper - II
Title of the Paper: National Movement of India
Course Outcome :• Students will understanding the evolution of nationalism in India.• Students will understand the political resurgence which led to the independence of India•Students will understand the processes in the framing of Indian constitution and itsinherent philosophy
Unit I :
Birth and growth of Nationalism in India, Indian National Congress, Policies and
Programmes of Moderates and Extremists
Unit II :
Revolutionary Movement in India- goals and strategy, Swaraj Party, Non-Cooperation
Civil Disobedience Movement, Macdonald Award and Poona Pact, Government of India Act
Quit India Movement, Politics of Muslim League, Cripps Mission, Cabinet Mission, Partition
of India