BA First Year Political Science Syllabus - Lucknow University Syllabus 2021 - EduCatn

BA First Year Political Science Syllabus - Lucknow University Syllabus 2021
BA First Year Political Science Syllabus - Lucknow University Syllabus 2021

University of Lucknow

Department of Political Science
Paper - I

Title of the Paper: Political Theory

Course Outcome :
• This course will familiarize students with the basic concepts in political theory and
encourage them to understand how they manifest in social practices.
• It will enable the students to understand the nature of State and various theories of the origin of the State.
• Students will understand the significance of theorizing and of applying theory into practice.
• Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of political concepts such as equality, justice, law and liberty.

Unit I :
Definition, Nature and Scope of Political Science, Relation with other Social Sciences,
Methods of Study

UnitII :
Approaches to the study of Political Science:Traditional Approach - Institutional, Historical and Philosophical,
Modern Approach – Behavioural and Post- Behavioural

UnitIII :
State- Origin, Nature and ends, the Welfare State

UnitIV :
Concepts of Law, Justice, Liberty and Equality

Paper - II

Title of the Paper: National Movement of India

Course Outcome :
• Students will understanding the evolution of nationalism in India.
• Students will understand the political resurgence which led to the independence of India
•Students will understand the processes in the framing of Indian constitution and its
inherent philosophy

Unit I :
Birth and growth of Nationalism in India, Indian National Congress, Policies and
Programmes of Moderates and Extremists

Unit II :
Revolutionary Movement in India- goals and strategy, Swaraj Party, Non-Cooperation

Civil Disobedience Movement, Macdonald Award and Poona Pact, Government of India Act

Quit India Movement, Politics of Muslim League, Cripps Mission, Cabinet Mission, Partition
of India

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