BA SECOND YEAR PSYCHOLOGY NEP 2020 Lucknow University Syllabus PDF DOWNLOAD - EduCatn

BA SECOND YEAR (sem-3) PSYCHOLOGY NEP 2020 Lucknow University Syllabus PDF DOWNLOAD - EduCatn


Lucknow University

BA Semester 3 Syllabus 

Paper 5
Title of the Paper: Developmental Psychology I

Course Outcome: 
At the end of this course, the student will : 
• Be able to demonstrate a broad working knowledge of developmental
psychology by providing an overview of basic principles related to biosocial,
cognitive and psychosocial changes throughout the entire lifespan.
• Be able to demonstrate an understanding of different stages of development
through the lifespan.
• Identify major theorists that contribute to the field of developmental full-width

Unit I: Overview of concepts and perspectives

Development: Concept, Principles, Milestones, Growth and Development,
Determinant Biological, Social
Developmental Perspectives: Psychoanalytic (Freud and Erikson),
Behavioristic (Skinner and Bandura)
Developmental Perspectives: Cognitive (Piaget and Vygotsky), Socio-
biological (Wilson), Moral (Kohlberg)

Unit II: How Life Begins: Prenatal Development

• Prenatal Period and Hereditary Endowment: Conception to Birth
• Period of Ovulation, Zygote, Embryo & Fetus
Factors Influencing Development: Physical, Psychological and

Unit III: Childhood Development

Early and Late Childhood: Characteristics and Growth
Major Milestones of Childhood: Physical, Psychomotor and Speech
Enculturation: Socialization, Moral Development and Emotional

Unit IV: Development in Puberty and Adolescence

Puberty: Characteristics and Growth (Body Changes and Puberty Growth
Developmental tasks during adolescence: Physical, Emotional, Social,
Morality during Adolescence
Personality Changes and Challenges:Self Esteem, Self Concept, Identity


Text Books:
• Shaffer, D.R. (1985) Developmental Psychology. Brooks and Cole
• Hurlock, C. (1981). Developmental Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill
Book Company.

Suggested Reading:
• Mishra, P.C. (1999). Aaj ka Vikasatmak Manovigyan. Agra: Sahitya
• Santrock, J.W. (2002) A Topical Approach to Life Span Development. New
York: McGraw Hill Book Company.

Web References:

Download Pdf - BA SECOND YEAR (sem-3) PSYCHOLOGY NEP 2020 Syllabus

Paper 6
Title of the Paper: Social Psychology

Course Outcome:
• To facilitate students in developing an understanding of historical
background, methods and status of Social Psychology in India.
• To enable them to relate with different phenomena of personal and social
perception, interpersonal interaction, attribution, pro-social behavior and
various aspects of interpersonal communication in their daily living.
• Students would learn about the factors influencing social perception, social
thinking and interpersonal influences; ways to be more effective in social
situations and identify and reduce prejudices to make society a better place to
live in.

UNIT I: Introduction and Development of Social Psychology

• Introduction: Nature and Scope of Social Psychology Relation with other
Social Sciences
• Methods: Experimental and Sociometry.
• Approaches: Correlational and Cross- Cultural.
• Social Psychology in India.

UNIT II: Social Perception

• Person Perception: Forming Impressions: Central Traits and Non Verbal
• Social Cognition and Social Perception: Concept, Linguistics and Cultural
• Attribution: Concept and Theories (Jones, Davis and Kelly).
• Interpersonal Attraction: Nature and Theories (Equity, Similarity, and
Proximity) andDeterminants.

UNIT III: Social Thinking and Social Influence

• Attitudes: Concept and Measurement of Attitudes.
• Attitude Behavior Link: Attitude Formation and Change of Attitude.
• Prosocial Behavior: Helping, Altruism, Social Facilitation.
• Aggression: Determinants: Personal and Social Perspectives.

UNIT IV: Interpersonal Communication

• Group Dynamics: Structure & Functions, Cooperation & Conflict, Group
Decision Making.
• Social Influence: Conformity, Obedience and Compliance.
• Social Biases: Understanding and dealing with Stereotypes and Prejudices.
• Leadership: Concept, Functions & Types.


Text Books:

• Alcock, J.E., Carment, D.W., Sadana, S.W., Collins, J.E. and Green,
J.W. (1997). ATextbook of Social Psychology. Scarborough, Ontario:
Prentice Hall/Allyn and Bacon
• Baron, R.A. and Byron, D (1998). Social Psychology. New Delhi: Prentice
• Feldman, R.S.(1985). Social Psychology: Theories, Research and
Applications. New York:McGraw hill
• Krech, D., Crutchfield, R.S. and Ballachcy, E. L. (1983). Individual in
Society. McGrawHill, International book Company.
• Myers, D. G. (1994). Exploring Social Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill
• Secord, P.F. and Backman, C.W. (1974). Social Psychology. McGraw Hill
• Singh, R.N. (2001). Samajik Manovgyaan. Motilal Banarsi das, Varanasi.

Suggested Readings:
• Misra, G. (2009). Psychology in India,Vol.4: Theoretical and
methodological Developments (ICSSR Survey of Advances in Research).
New Delhi: Pearson.
• Taylor, S.E., Peplau, L.A. & Sears, D. O. (2006). Social Psychology (12th
edition). NewDelhi: Pearson.

Web References:

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