Semester – III Paper - 6 ETHICS - I (INDIAN) - BA Philosophy Syllabus Lucknow University

Semester – III
Paper - 6

Unit – I
  • Ethics of Bhagavadgītā: Niṣkāma Karma-yoga, Sthitiprajña, Lokasaṃgraha, Puruṣārthās and their inter-relations.

Unit – II:
  • Meaning of Dharma, Classification of Dharma: Sāmānya dharma, Viśeṣa dharma, Sādhāraṇa dharma, Concept of Ṛṇa and Ṛta.

Unit – III:
  • The general features of Jaina and Bauddha Ethics: Triratna and Kaivalya, Four Noble truth, Arhat and Bodhisattva- Ideals in Buddhism

Unit – IV:
  • Ethics of Gandhi: Eleven vows, Sarvodaya, Concept of seven sins, Doctrine of Trusteeship

Suggested Readings:

TextBook References:
1. Dasgupta, Surama, “Development of Moral Philosophy in India”, Munshiram Manoharlal
Publication, New Delhi, 1994.
2. Frankena, W., “Ethics”, Pearson, New Delhi, 1998.
3. Maitra, S.K., “The Ethics of the Hindus”, Calcutta University Press, Calcutta, 1963.
4. Pandey, S.L., “Neetishastra ka Sarvekshana”, Central Publishing House, Allahabad, 1992.
5. Satyanarayana, Y.V., “Ethics: Theory and Practice”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2009.
6. Shaida, S.A., “Problems of Ethics”, Spectrum Publications, Delhi, 2003.
7. Sharma, I.C., “Ethical Philosophies of India”, Johnsen Publishing, U.S.A., 1965.
8. Tewari, K.N., “Classical Indian Ethical Thought”, Motilal Banarasidass, New Delhi, 1998.
9. Verma, Ved Prakash, “Neetishastra ke Mool Siddhanta”, Hindi Madhyam Karyanvayan
Nideshalaya, New Delhi, 1991.

Web References:
1. Suggestive digital platforms web links-

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