Ba Economics NEP 2020 Syllabus Lucknow university
Paper-I (For Major 1 and Major 2 Courses) -Micro Economics-I
- Basic Economic Concepts: Meaning and definition of economics, Problem of scarcity and choice, Opportunity cost and production possibility frontier, Methods of Economic Study, Static and Dynamic Economics, Equilibrium and its types.
Unit- II
- Demand Analysis and Consumer Behaviour-I: Concept of Demand, Demand function, Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand- Types, Measurement and Factors affecting demand elasticity. Utility Analysis- Cardinal Approach; Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, law of Equi-Marginal utility, Consumer’s Equilibrium
Unit- III
- Demand Analysis and Consumer Behaviour-II: Utility Analysis- Ordinal Approach, Indifference curve analysis- Properties, Budget line and its slope, Consumer’s Equilibrium, Price effect, Income effect and Substitution Effect, derivation of demand curve, Consumer’s Surplus, Revealed Preference Theory.
- Production: Concept of Production, factors of production, production possibility curve, production function, Short run theory of production, Law of Variable proportions; Long run theory of production, Laws of Returns to scale, concept of Isocost line and Producer’s Equilibrium. References:
- Stonier and Hague: A text book of Economic theory
- R.G. Lipsey: An Introduction to positive economics
- P. A. Samuelson: Economics
Suggested Readings
- Gould and Ferguson: Micro Economic Theory
- Awasthi & Agnihotri: Arthik Siddhant
Web References
Paper-II (For Major 1 and Major 2Courses) - Indian Economy-I
Unit I
- Development and Structure of Indian Economy Concept of Growth and Development, Developed, developing and Emerging Market Economies (EME), Characteristics of Indian Economy, India’s economic development during plan period, NITI Ayog and post- Plan development, Savings and Capital Formation in India
Unit II
- Demographic Characteristics of India India’s demographic Profile, Regional contrast and basic demographic characteristics, Rapid population growth and India’s Population policies, Concept and Reasons of Migration, Basic Theories of Migration
Unit III
- Poverty and Unemployment Concept of unemployment, types, measures to curtail unemployment in India, Poverty relative and absolute, Measures of Poverty Alleviation, Employment generation Programmes, Inclusive Growth, Occupational Structure in the unorganized and unorganized sector, Economic Inequality, Social Security measures for India’s population
Unit IV
- Foreign Trade and Investment India’s Foreign trade: Composition and direction, EXIM policy, Current account deficit and capital flows, FDI and Portfolio investment, Balance of trade and Balance of Payment.
Text Books
- AN Agarwal/MK Agarwal- Indian Economy
- Rudra Dutt and KPM Sundaram- Indian Economy
- Uma Kapila- Indian Economy
Suggested Readings
- Government of India- Economic Survey
- Misra and Puri- Indian Economy
Web References
Paper-I (For Minor Course) - Micro Economics
Paper-III (For Major 1 and Major 2Courses) - Micro Economics-II
Unit- I:
- Costs and Revenue Concept and Types, Total, Average and Marginal cost: short run and long run, Inter relationship between cost curves. Concept of revenue, Total, Average and Marginal revenue and its interrelationship, shape of revenue curves. Break even analysis.
- Market Structure and Price Determination Structure of markets, perfect competition- characteristics, Equilibrium of firm and Industry, price determination under perfect competition, Monopoly-Characteristics, equilibrium, price or output determination under monopoly. Price discrimination and its degrees. Nature of Monopolistic competition-Characteristics, equilibrium, price and non-price competition.
- Theory of Distribution-I Concept of Factor income: Marginal Productivity theory, Concept of rent and Quasi rent, theories of rent: classical and modern, concept of quasi rent. Concept of Wage and Wage Determination; Theories: Classical, Neo-Classical and Modern.
- Theory of Distribution-II Concept of Interest and its theories: Classical, Neo-Classical and Modern; Concept and Theories of Profit: Classical, Neo-Classical and Modern.
Text Books
- P. A. Samuelson: Economics
- R.G. Lipsey: An Introduction to positive economics
- Stonier and Hague: A text book of Economic theory
Suggested Readings
- Awasthi & Agnihotri: Arthik Siddhant
- Gould and Ferguson: Micro Economic Theory
Web References
Paper-IV (For Major 1 and Major 2Courses) - Indian Economy-II
Unit I:
- Agriculture Production, Growth and Structure, Resource limitations and role of Technical change in Agriculture, Land Reforms, Agricultural Marketing-need, objectives, defects and remedial measures, Agricultural Produce and Marketing Act (APMC), Agricultural Credit-Non Institutional and Institutional sources of credit.
Unit II:
- Industry and Services Major Industries- Iron and Steel, Cement, Paper and Sugar Industries, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Sources of Industrial Finance, Industrial Policy, Trade Unions and Social Security Measures for Industrial Labour. Services- Growth of Trade, Hotels and Restaurants, Transport, Storage and Communication, Finance and Real Estate
Unit III:
- Infrastructure Economic Infrastructure- Energy, Roads, Irrigation. Social Infrastructure- Health and Education
Unit IV:
- U.P. Economy Demographic and Population features, poverty and unemployment. Growth and Pattern of Farm Sector, Development of Industrial Sector, Major Policy initiatives of Development.
Text Books
1. A.N. Agarwal/MK Agarwal- Indian Economy
2. Rudra Dutt and KPM Sundaram- Indian Economy
3. Uma Kapila- Indian Economy
4. Manoj Kumar Agarwal- Uttar Pradesh ka Arthik Vikas
5. Sanjeev Kumar-The State of Indian Agriculture, Sage Publications
Suggested Readings
1. Government of India- Economic Survey
2. Misra and Puri- Indian Economy
Web References
Paper-II (For Minor Course) - Indian Economy