20 MCQS on "Johari Window Model" with answers | Enchancing Communication Skills Vocational Lucknow University

What is Johari Window Model ?

20 MCQS on "Johari Window Model" with answers | Enchancing Communication Skills Vocational Lucknow University

The Johari Window is a psychological model that helps individuals understand their interpersonal relationships and improve their communication and self-awareness. It was developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the 1950s and is named after the combination of their first names, "Jo" and "Hari."

The Johari Window is essentially a grid divided into four quadrants, each representing a different aspect of an individual's self and how it is perceived by others. The model is based on the premise that there are aspects of ourselves that we know and that others know, as well as aspects that we are unaware of but others may see, and aspects that are unknown to both ourselves and others.

Let's explore each quadrant of the Johari Window:

Open Area (Known to self and others):
  • This quadrant represents the part of ourselves that we are aware of and that others also perceive. It includes our behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and opinions that are open and shared with others. In this area, there is transparency, trust, and effective communication. The more we disclose about ourselves, the larger this quadrant becomes, leading to greater self-awareness and understanding in relationships.

Blind Area (Known to others, unknown to self):
  • The blind area represents aspects of ourselves that are evident to others, but of which we are unaware. It includes behaviors, mannerisms, or traits that others can observe and perceive, but we might be oblivious to them. Feedback from others is crucial in expanding our self-awareness and enlarging the open area. By receiving and accepting feedback, we can reduce the blind area and improve our understanding of how we are perceived by others.

Hidden Area (Known to self, unknown to others):
  • The hidden area consists of information, emotions, or experiences that we know about ourselves but choose not to disclose to others. It includes personal thoughts, fears, desires, or sensitive information. This quadrant represents our privacy and the boundaries we establish in relationships. Sharing more about ourselves in appropriate contexts can help us develop deeper connections and reduce the hidden area.

Unknown Area (Unknown to self and others):
  • The unknown area represents aspects of ourselves that are unknown both to us and to others. It includes unconscious or repressed feelings, motivations, or talents that have not yet been discovered. This quadrant represents untapped potential and unexplored aspects of our personality. Through self-reflection, introspection, and new experiences, we can gradually expand the open area and reduce the unknown area.

The main goal of the Johari Window is to increase the open area by sharing information, receiving and giving feedback, and building trust and mutual understanding. By expanding the open area, individuals can enhance their self-awareness, improve relationships, and develop effective communication skills.

The Johari Window model is often used in various settings, such as therapy, team building, leadership development, and interpersonal communication training. It encourages individuals to actively engage in self-reflection, seek feedback from others, and create a supportive environment where people can openly express themselves and build stronger connections.

Here are 20 multiple-choice questions on the Johari Window model along with their answers:

1. The Johari Window model is a psychological tool used to improve: a) Communication and self-awareness b) Physical health and wellness c) Financial management skills d) Decision-making abilities Answer: a) Communication and self-awareness

2. The Johari Window model was developed by: a) Sigmund Freud b) Carl Rogers c) Abraham Maslow d) Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham Answer: d) Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham

3. Which of the following represents the "Open" area in the Johari Window model? a) Known to self and known to others b) Known to self but unknown to others c) Unknown to self but known to others d) Unknown to self and unknown to others Answer: a) Known to self and known to others

4. The "Blind" area in the Johari Window model represents: a) Known to self and known to others b) Known to self but unknown to others c) Unknown to self but known to others d) Unknown to self and unknown to others Answer: c) Unknown to self but known to others

5. The "Hidden" area in the Johari Window model represents: a) Known to self and known to others b) Known to self but unknown to others c) Unknown to self but known to others d) Unknown to self and unknown to others Answer: b) Known to self but unknown to others

6. Which area in the Johari Window model is sometimes referred to as the "Facade"? a) Open area b) Blind area c) Hidden area d) Unknown area Answer: c) Hidden area
7. The process of expanding the Open area in the Johari Window model is known as: a) Discovery b) Disclosure c) Denial d) Distortion Answer: b) Disclosure

8. Which area in the Johari Window model represents information or behaviors that are unknown to both the individual and others? a) Open area b) Blind area c) Hidden area d) Unknown area Answer: d) Unknown area

9. Which of the following is a benefit of using the Johari Window model? a) Enhanced self-awareness and trust b) Improved physical strength and agility c) Increased financial wealth d) Enhanced decision-making skills Answer: a) Enhanced self-awareness and trust

10. The Johari Window model is commonly used in: a) Business management b) Sports coaching c) Counseling and therapy d) Political science Answer: c) Counseling and therapy

11. The Johari Window model can help individuals: a) Understand their own strengths and weaknesses b) Develop effective communication skills c) Build stronger relationships with others d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above

12. Which area in the Johari Window model can be expanded through feedback and self-disclosure? a) Open area b) Blind area c) Hidden area d) Unknown area Answer: a) Open area

13. The "Unknown" area in the Johari Window model can be reduced by: a) Seeking feedback from others b) Engaging in self-reflection c) Exploring new experiences d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above

14. The Johari Window model emphasizes the importance of: a) Self-reflection and introspection b) Assertive communication c) Active listening d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above

15. The Johari Window model is primarily focused on: a) Individual behavior and characteristics b) Group dynamics and teamwork c) Cultural diversity and inclusion d) Economic systems and policies Answer: a) Individual behavior and characteristics

16. The Johari Window model can be used to resolve conflicts by: a) Improving communication and understanding b) Ignoring the issue until it goes away c) Assigning blame to one party d) Avoiding confrontation Answer: a) Improving communication and understanding

17. The Johari Window model is based on the principle of: a) Personal growth and self-actualization b) Behavioral conditioning c) Genetic predisposition d) Cognitive dissonance Answer: a) Personal growth and self-actualization

18. The Johari Window model can be applied in various contexts, including: a) Personal relationships b) Team development c) Conflict resolution d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above

19. Which of the following is not an area in the Johari Window model? a) Known b) Blind c) Hidden d) Unknown Answer: a) Known

20. The Johari Window model encourages individuals to:
a) Seek feedback from others b) Embrace vulnerability and openness c) Engage in self-reflection d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above

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