Attitude of neighbouring countries | National Defence and security | BA Defence Studies

The attitudes of neighboring countries can vary widely based on historical, political, economic, cultural, and geographical factors. Here's an overview of the attitudes of neighboring countries towards India:


1. Pakistan:

   India and Pakistan have a complex relationship marked by historical conflicts, border disputes, and ideological differences. The countries have fought multiple wars and have tense bilateral relations. Terrorism and the Kashmir issue remain significant points of contention.


2. China:

   China and India share a complex relationship as well. While they have extensive trade ties, they also have unresolved border disputes, particularly in the Aksai Chin region. China's growing influence in the region and its strategic partnerships with other South Asian nations can impact India's strategic concerns.


3. Bangladesh:

   India and Bangladesh share a growing relationship with improved ties in recent years. Both countries collaborate on various fronts, including trade, security, and counterterrorism. The settlement of border disputes and water-sharing agreements have helped enhance cooperation.


4. Nepal:

   India and Nepal have historically close ties due to cultural, economic, and people-to-people connections. However, the relationship has faced occasional strains over border issues and perceived interference by India in Nepal's internal affairs.


5. Bhutan:

   Bhutan maintains strong diplomatic and economic ties with India. It relies on India for its security and foreign policy concerns. The two countries collaborate on various developmental projects and share cultural affinities.


6. Sri Lanka:

   India and Sri Lanka share complex ties that encompass political, economic, and cultural aspects. While they collaborate on various fronts, including trade and counterterrorism, there have been concerns about the Tamil minority issue and the role of external powers in Sri Lanka.


7. Myanmar:

   India's relations with Myanmar have improved over the years, driven by economic cooperation, security interests, and connectivity projects. India seeks to balance its relations with Myanmar while navigating its strategic interests.


8. Maldives:

   India-Maldives relations have been influenced by political changes and shifts in leadership. The countries have occasionally faced challenges due to political dynamics, but both are working to enhance cooperation on various fronts.


9. Afghanistan:

   India and Afghanistan share friendly ties and collaborate on developmental projects and infrastructure. India has provided assistance for Afghan development, education, and capacity-building.


10. Policies and Diplomacy:

    India's "Neighborhood First" policy emphasizes strengthening relations with its neighboring countries. India aims to enhance cooperation, address common challenges, and promote regional stability through diplomatic efforts.


It's important to note that these attitudes are subject to change based on evolving geopolitical dynamics, internal political changes, and shifts in foreign policies. The relationships between neighboring countries are multifaceted and can be influenced by a wide range of factors.


Certainly, here are multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the attitudes of neighboring countries towards India along with their answers:




1. What defines the relationship between India and Pakistan?

   a) Cultural collaboration

   b) Historical friendship

   c) Ongoing border disputes and conflicts

   d) Joint economic projects

   Answer: c) Ongoing border disputes and conflicts


2. The Kashmir issue remains a major point of contention between India and:

   a) Bangladesh

   b) Bhutan

   c) China

   d) Nepal

   Answer: c) China




3. India and China have strong economic ties, but they also have unresolved disputes, primarily in:

   a) Aksai Chin

   b) Kashmir

   c) Bhutan

   d) Sri Lanka

   Answer: a) Aksai Chin


4. What impact does China's growing influence in the region have on India?

   a) Enhanced security cooperation

   b) Reduced border tensions

   c) Strategic concerns

   d) Improved cultural ties

   Answer: c) Strategic concerns




5. India and Bangladesh have improved ties due to cooperation in areas such as:

   a) Border disputes

   b) Water-sharing agreements

   c) Military alliances

   d) Cultural preservation

   Answer: b) Water-sharing agreements


6. What issue has historically strained India-Bangladesh relations?

   a) Border disputes

   b) Economic competition

   c) Cultural differences

   d) Religious conflicts

   Answer: a) Border disputes




7. What is a point of contention in India-Nepal relations?

   a) Economic cooperation

   b) Water-sharing agreements

   c) Border issues

   d) Joint cultural initiatives

   Answer: c) Border issues


8. India's close ties with Nepal are primarily based on:

   a) Economic benefits

   b) Geographical proximity

   c) Religious connections

   d) Trade alliances

   Answer: c) Religious connections




9. Bhutan's security and foreign policy concerns are closely linked to:

   a) India

   b) China

   c) Pakistan

   d) Nepal

   Answer: a) India


10. Bhutan's diplomatic and economic dependence on India is due to its:

    a) Vast natural resources

    b) Strong military capabilities

    c) Small size and limited resources

    d) Cultural dominance

    Answer: c) Small size and limited resources


11. India-Sri Lanka relations have faced challenges due to concerns about:

    a) Border disputes

    b) Maritime security

    c) Energy resources

    d) Tamil minority issues

    Answer: d) Tamil minority issues


12. What is the primary focus of India-Sri Lanka collaboration?

    a) Joint military exercises

    b) Cultural preservation

    c) Economic cooperation and counterterrorism

    d) Space exploration

    Answer: c) Economic cooperation and counterterrorism




13. India-Myanmar relations are characterized by:

    a) Ongoing border conflicts

    b) Enhanced economic cooperation and connectivity projects

    c) Religious differences

    d) Geopolitical rivalries

    Answer: b) Enhanced economic cooperation and connectivity projects


14. India's relationship with Myanmar is influenced by its strategic interests in:

    a) Energy resources and counterterrorism

    b) Cultural exchanges and diplomatic ties

    c) Religious affiliations

    d) Military alliances

    Answer: a) Energy resources and counterterrorism




15. India's relationship with the Maldives has been influenced by:

    a) Political rivalry

    b) Economic cooperation and development projects

    c) Cultural differences

    d) Geographical isolation

    Answer: b) Economic cooperation and development projects


16. What has occasionally strained India-Maldives relations?

    a) Joint counterterrorism efforts

    b) Political dynamics and leadership changes

    c) Maritime disputes

    d) Economic competition

    Answer: b) Political dynamics and leadership changes




17. India and Afghanistan share friendly ties due to collaboration on:

    a) Trade disputes

    b) Counterterrorism efforts and developmental projects

    c) Maritime security

    d) Religious alliances

    Answer: b) Counterterrorism efforts and developmental projects


18. India's assistance to Afghanistan focuses on areas such as:

    a) Military intervention

    b) Cultural exchanges

    c) Economic development and education

    d) Diplomatic alliances

    Answer: c) Economic development and education


Diplomacy and Policies:


19. India's "Neighborhood First" policy emphasizes:

    a) Prioritizing global partnerships over regional ties

    b) Strengthening ties with distant nations

    c) Enhancing cooperation with neighboring countries

    d) Ignoring regional challenges

    Answer: c) Enhancing cooperation with neighboring countries


20. What plays a crucial role in shaping India's attitudes towards neighboring countries?

    a) Geographical isolation

    b) Economic dominance

    c) Historical, political, and cultural factors

    d) Technological advancements

    Answer: c) Historical, political, and cultural factors


21. Which two neighboring countries have unresolved border disputes with India?

    a) Bangladesh and Nepal

    b) China and Bhutan

    c) Pakistan and Sri Lanka

    d) Afghanistan and Myanmar

    Answer: b) China and Bhutan


22. The relationship between India and Pakistan is primarily characterized by:

    a) Economic cooperation

    b) Strong political alliances

    c) Historical friendship

    d) Ongoing conflicts and tensions

    Answer: d) Ongoing conflicts and tensions


Nepal and Bhutan:


23. India-Nepal relations have occasionally faced strains over:

    a) Energy resources

    b) Trade agreements

    c) Border issues

    d) Religious affiliations

    Answer: c) Border issues


24. Bhutan's close ties with India are primarily due to its concern for:

    a) Geopolitical rivalries

    b) Economic competition

    c) Security and foreign policy interests

    d) Maritime disputes

    Answer: c) Security and foreign policy interests


Bangladesh and Sri Lanka:


25. India-Bangladesh cooperation has improved through agreements on:

    a) Border disputes

    b) Water-sharing and trade

    c) Energy resources

    d) Cultural exchanges

    Answer: b) Water-sharing and trade


26. What major issue has historically strained India-Sri Lanka relations?

    a) Economic competition

    b) Terrorism

    c) Energy resources

    d) Water-sharing disputes

    Answer: b) Terrorism


Myanmar and Maldives:


27. India's relationship with Myanmar is focused on:

    a) Religious alliances

    b) Geopolitical dominance

    c) Economic cooperation and connectivity

    d) Border disputes

    Answer: c) Economic cooperation and connectivity


28. What occasionally influences India-Maldives relations?

    a) Joint counterterrorism efforts

    b) Political dynamics and leadership changes

    c) Maritime disputes

    d) Economic competition

    Answer: b) Political dynamics and leadership changes


Afghanistan and Diplomacy:


29. India's assistance to Afghanistan is primarily focused on:

    a) Religious affiliations

    b) Economic development and education

    c) Maritime security

    d) Cultural exchanges

    Answer: b) Economic development and education


30. India's "Neighborhood First" policy aims to:

    a) Promote global partnerships

    b) Enhance cooperation with neighboring countries

    c) Prioritize military alliances

    d) Isolate neighboring countries

    Answer: b) Enhance cooperation with neighboring countries


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