BA SEM 4 Psychology Practical Files | Lucknow University

BA SEM 4 Psychology Practical Files

Lucknow University 

Paper 8

Title of the Paper: Lab Work/ Practical

Any 10

1. Social Perception    Open PDF

2. Social Facilitation     Open PDF

3. Senguin Form Board/ Prayag Mehta

4. Emotional Expressiveness    Open PDF

5. Sociometry    Open PDF

6. Youth Problem    Open PDF

7. Mohsin Significant Other Attitude Scale    Open PDF

8. Locus of Control (Rotter)    Open PDF

9. Moral Judgment

10. Emotional Intelligence Scale (A.K.Sinha & Ajay Jain)

11. Observation Method Open PDF

12. Gender Stereotypes (Bem Sex Role Inventory/ Adjective Checklist)    Open PDF

    Friendship    open pdf

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