Foreign Policy of India | National Defence and Security | BA Defence Studies

Foreign Policy of India | National Defence and Security

India's foreign policy is shaped by its strategic interests, historical relationships, and evolving global dynamics. It aims to promote its national security, economic growth, and regional stability while upholding principles like non-alignment, peaceful coexistence, and respect for sovereignty. Here are key aspects of India's foreign policy:


1. Non-alignment: India's foreign policy stance of non-alignment emerged during the Cold War when it chose not to align with either of the superpowers, the United States or the Soviet Union. This approach aimed to maintain independence and pursue its own interests.


2. Regional Stability: India focuses on maintaining stability in its neighborhood. Initiatives like the "Neighborhood First" policy aim to enhance cooperation, trade, and cultural ties with neighboring countries.


3. Economic Diplomacy: India seeks to enhance economic engagement through trade agreements, investment treaties, and initiatives like "Make in India" to attract foreign investment and boost domestic manufacturing.


4. Strategic Partnerships: India has strategic partnerships with various countries, including the United States, Russia, Japan, and several European nations. These partnerships involve cooperation in areas like defense, technology, counterterrorism, and energy.


5. Multilateral Diplomacy: India actively participates in international organizations like the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and BRICS, advocating for reform to reflect contemporary global realities and increase its influence.


6. Soft Power: India uses its rich cultural heritage, Bollywood, yoga, and educational institutions to enhance its global image and foster people-to-people connections.


7. Security Concerns: India's foreign policy takes into account security concerns related to terrorism, insurgency, and cross-border conflicts. It seeks cooperation with other nations to counter these threats.


8. Energy Security: Given its energy requirements, India engages in energy diplomacy by securing access to resources through agreements and partnerships with energy-producing countries.


9. Act East Policy: This policy aims to strengthen India's ties with Southeast Asian countries, recognizing the region's economic and strategic importance.


10. International Norms and Values: India advocates for adherence to international law, including respect for territorial integrity and peaceful resolution of disputes.


11. Global Issues: India addresses global challenges like climate change, poverty, and healthcare through diplomatic efforts, contributing to international discussions and cooperation.


12. Diaspora Engagement: India maintains ties with its large diaspora around the world, leveraging their networks for economic, cultural, and diplomatic purposes.


13. Defense and Security Cooperation: India engages in defense cooperation and joint military exercises with various countries to enhance its capabilities and foster regional stability.


14. Balancing China: India's foreign policy is influenced by its complex relationship with China. It seeks to balance cooperation and competition, addressing border disputes while engaging in economic and diplomatic exchanges.


15. Cybersecurity and Technology: India's foreign policy also addresses cybersecurity concerns and technological advancements to safeguard its interests in the digital realm.


Overall, India's foreign policy is dynamic and responsive to global shifts while remaining committed to its core principles of sovereignty, non-alignment, and peaceful coexistence.




 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers related to the foreign policy of India:



1. What is the guiding principle of India's foreign policy during the Cold War?

   a) Bipartisanship

   b) Non-alignment

   c) Alliance

   d) Confrontation

   Answer: b) Non-alignment


2. India's "Neighborhood First" policy emphasizes improving relations with which group of countries?

   a) African nations

   b) European nations

   c) Neighboring countries

   d) South American countries

   Answer: c) Neighboring countries


3. Which policy focuses on enhancing India's engagement with Southeast Asian countries?

   a) Look East Policy

   b) Pivot to Asia Policy

   c) Act West Policy

   d) Global Outreach Policy

   Answer: a) Look East Policy


4. India's foreign policy aims to promote its national interests while upholding principles of:

   a) Hegemony

   b) Isolationism

   c) Non-alignment

   d) Colonialism

   Answer: c) Non-alignment


5. Which global organization advocates for adherence to international law and peaceful dispute resolution?

   a) UNICEF

   b) NATO

   c) World Bank

   d) United Nations

   Answer: d) United Nations


6. "Make in India" is an initiative related to which aspect of India's foreign policy?

   a) Economic diplomacy

   b) Security cooperation

   c) Cultural exchange

   d) Environmental protection

   Answer: a) Economic diplomacy


7. India's strategic partnerships include countries like the United States, Russia, Japan, and:

   a) China

   b) Brazil

   c) Germany

   d) France

   Answer: d) France


8. What is the key principle of India's foreign policy when it comes to dealing with terrorism?

   a) Isolation

   b) Negotiation

   c) Retaliation

   d) Non-cooperation

   Answer: b) Negotiation


9. Which policy focuses on building cultural ties, using elements like Bollywood and yoga?

   a) Soft Power Diplomacy

   b) Economic Diplomacy

   c) Military Diplomacy

   d) Energy Diplomacy

   Answer: a) Soft Power Diplomacy


10. India's foreign policy aims to maintain stability primarily in which region?

    a) North America

    b) Middle East

    c) Asia-Pacific

    d) Caribbean

    Answer: c) Asia-Pacific


11. India's approach of maintaining independence during the Cold War by not aligning with any superpower is known as:

    a) Neutralism

    b) Superpower Avoidance

    c) Non-interference

    d) Non-alignment

    Answer: d) Non-alignment


12. India's foreign policy places emphasis on ensuring access to energy resources through:

    a) Economic sanctions

    b) Energy alliances

    c) Cultural exchange

    d) Military interventions

    Answer: b) Energy alliances


13. The Act East Policy aims to strengthen India's ties with which group of countries?

    a) South Asian countries

    b) African countries

    c) Southeast Asian countries

    d) European countries

    Answer: c) Southeast Asian countries


14. Which country is considered a key partner in India's "Look West" policy?

    a) Japan

    b) China

    c) United States

    d) Russia

    Answer: c) United States


15. India's "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" principle relates to:

    a) Economic development

    b) Environmental conservation

    c) Cultural exchange

    d) Global outlook and coexistence

    Answer: d) Global outlook and coexistence


16. What is the primary focus of India's "Connect Central Asia" policy?

    a) Enhancing trade with Central Asian nations

    b) Establishing military bases in Central Asia

    c) Combating terrorism in Central Asia

    d) Promoting cultural exchanges with Central Asian nations

    Answer: a) Enhancing trade with Central Asian nations


17. The India-Japan strategic partnership focuses on collaboration in areas like:

    a) Space exploration

    b) Military interventions

    c) Science and technology

    d) Maritime disputes

    Answer: c) Science and technology


18. Which principle of India's foreign policy emphasizes respect for other countries' sovereignty?

    a) Non-interference

    b) Expansionism

    c) Hegemony

    d) Annexation

    Answer: a) Non-interference


19. The Act East Policy was launched under the leadership of which Indian Prime Minister?

    a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

    b) Manmohan Singh

    c) Narendra Modi

    d) Indira Gandhi

    Answer: c) Narendra Modi


20. India's foreign policy places special importance on its relations with which neighboring country?

    a) Nepal

    b) Afghanistan

    c) Myanmar

    d) Sri Lanka

    Answer: a) Nepal


21. India's "Look North" policy focuses on strengthening ties with which region?

    a) North America

    b) Northern Europe

    c) Central Asia

    d) Northeast Asia

    Answer: d) Northeast Asia


22. The "Strategic Partnership" between India and Russia includes cooperation in which sector?

    a) Healthcare

    b) Agriculture

    c) Defense and energy

    d) Fashion and design

    Answer: c) Defense and energy


23. Which organization is not a part of the BRICS group that India is a member of?

    a) Brazil

    b) Russia

    c) Indonesia

    d) China

    Answer: c) Indonesia


24. India's foreign policy aims to maintain peaceful relations with neighboring countries under the principle of:

    a) Diplomatic immunity

    b) Non-alignment

    c) Territorial expansion

    d) Preemptive strike

    Answer: b) Non-alignment


25. Which initiative promotes India's engagement with African countries through trade and investment?

    a) Look West Policy

    b) Look East Policy

    c) Look North Policy

    d) Africa Outreach Policy

    Answer: d) Africa Outreach Policy


26. India's foreign policy emphasizes the importance of engaging with its vast diaspora. What does "diaspora" refer to?

    a) Tourists visiting India

    b) Indian expatriates living abroad

    c) International diplomats

    d) Foreign tourists in India

    Answer: b) Indian expatriates living abroad


27. The "Blue Economy" initiative in India's foreign policy focuses on:

    a) Promoting environmental conservation

    b) Strengthening maritime security

    c) Developing coastal infrastructure

    d) Exploring economic opportunities from oceans

    Answer: d) Exploring economic opportunities from oceans


28. Which foreign policy approach involves using culture, education, and art to promote a country's interests?

    a) Economic Diplomacy

    b) Soft Power Diplomacy

    c) Military Diplomacy

    d) Strategic Diplomacy

    Answer: b) Soft Power Diplomacy


29. India's Act East Policy aims to develop stronger relations with countries in which region?

    a) Middle East

    b) Southeast Asia

    c) North America

    d) Latin America

    Answer: b) Southeast Asia


30. The foreign policy approach of "Economic Diplomacy" focuses on:

    a) Military alliances

    b) Cultural exchanges

    c) Strengthening economic ties

    d) Expanding territory

    Answer: c) Strengthening economic ties


31. India's "Look East" policy was later transformed into the:

    a) Act West Policy

    b) Pivot to Asia Policy

    c) Act East Policy

    d) Global Outreach Policy

    Answer: c) Act East Policy


32. The doctrine of "Panchsheel" is closely associated with India's foreign relations with which country?

    a) Japan

    b) China

    c) Russia

    d) United States

    Answer: b) China


33. Which organization does India collaborate with to address issues related to the Indian Ocean region?

    a) NATO

    b) ASEAN

    c) BIMSTEC

    d) IORA

    Answer: d) IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association)


34. India's policy of "Strategic Autonomy" implies that:

    a) India seeks military alliances with major powers

    b) India's foreign policy decisions are guided by its own interests

    c) India aims to expand its territory through diplomatic means

    d) India aligns itself with one superpower against another

    Answer: b) India's foreign policy decisions are guided by its own interests


35. Which policy focuses on strengthening India's ties with the Gulf and Middle East countries?

    a) Gulf Focus Policy

    b) Westward Expansion Policy

    c) Middle East Outreach Policy

    d) West Asia Policy

    Answer: d) West Asia Policy


36. The "Nehruvian Approach" in India's foreign policy refers to the principles set by:

    a) Jawaharlal Nehru

    b) Indira Gandhi

    c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

    d) Rajiv Gandhi

    Answer: a) Jawaharlal Nehru


37. India's "SAGAR" initiative aims to:

    a) Enhance maritime security in the Pacific Ocean

    b) Develop tourism along coastal areas

    c) Strengthen ties with landlocked countries

    d) Promote blue economy and maritime cooperation

    Answer: d) Promote blue economy and maritime cooperation


38. Which country is not a member of the "Quad" group, also known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue?

    a) India

    b) Japan

    c) Australia

    d) Russia

    Answer: d) Russia


39. India's approach to handling border disputes with neighboring countries is primarily based on:

    a) Military intervention

    b) International arbitration

    c) Diplomatic negotiations

    d) Unilateral annexation

    Answer: c) Diplomatic negotiations


40. The "India-Africa Forum Summit" focuses on enhancing cooperation between India and:

    a) North America

    b) European countries

    c) African countries

    d) South American countries

    Answer: c) African countries



41. India's "Act West" policy aims to strengthen ties with countries in which region?

    a) Southeast Asia

    b) Europe

    c) South America

    d) Middle East and North Africa

    Answer: d) Middle East and North Africa


42. Which foreign policy principle emphasizes India's commitment to upholding international norms and values?

    a) Peaceful coexistence

    b) Non-alignment

    c) Soft power diplomacy

    d) Respect for sovereignty

    Answer: d) Respect for sovereignty


43. The policy of "Strategic Restraint" in India's foreign policy refers to:

    a) Limited military engagement

    b) Expanding territorial claims

    c) Seeking military alliances

    d) Pursuing aggressive expansion

    Answer: a) Limited military engagement


44. Which Indian Prime Minister introduced the "Look East" policy?

    a) Jawaharlal Nehru

    b) Indira Gandhi

    c) Rajiv Gandhi

    d) P. V. Narasimha Rao

    Answer: d) P. V. Narasimha Rao


45. India's "Gujral Doctrine" focuses on improving relations with its neighboring countries based on principles of:

    a) Reciprocity and non-interference

    b) Economic dominance

    c) Military cooperation

    d) Territorial expansion

    Answer: a) Reciprocity and non-interference


46. Which international organization is focused on promoting economic cooperation and regional integration among South Asian countries?

    a) BRICS

    b) ASEAN

    c) SAARC

    d) G20

    Answer: c) SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)


47. The "Vajpayee Doctrine" emphasizes:

    a) Non-interference in the affairs of other countries

    b) Striving for global hegemony

    c) Seeking military alliances with major powers

    d) Balancing power between superpowers

    Answer: a) Non-interference in the affairs of other countries


48. India's "Look East" policy aimed to enhance relations with which major country in the Asia-Pacific region?

    a) China

    b) Australia

    c) Japan

    d) South Korea

    Answer: c) Japan


49. Which foreign policy approach involves the use of military strength to achieve diplomatic goals?

    a) Economic Diplomacy

    b) Soft Power Diplomacy

    c) Military Diplomacy

    d) Strategic Diplomacy

    Answer: c) Military Diplomacy


50. Which of the following is not a key principle of India's foreign policy?

    a) Non-alignment

    b) Economic Dominance

    c) Respect for sovereignty

    d) Peaceful coexistence

    Answer: b) Economic Dominance



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