Unit 2: Ethnographic profiles of Indian tribes: Racial, linguistic and socioeconomic characteristics| BA/Bsc Sem 4 Anthropology Lucknow University

Unit 2: Ethnographic profiles of Indian tribes: Racial, linguistic and socioeconomic characteristics

Racial Characteristics:

The racial characteristics of an Indian tribe can vary widely based on their geographical location and historical interactions. Many Indian tribes have distinctive physical features such as skin color, facial features, and hair types that are unique to their group. It's important to note that India is incredibly diverse racially, and tribes can range from having Mongoloid features in the northeastern regions to Dravidian or Aryan features in other parts of the country.


Linguistic Characteristics:

Indian tribes often have their own languages, dialects, and linguistic practices that are specific to their community. These languages are often distinct from the major languages spoken in the region and are an integral part of the tribe's identity. Some tribes may also have their own scripts or writing systems that are used to document their languages.


Socio-Economic Characteristics:

The socioeconomic characteristics of an Indian tribe can be influenced by various factors, including historical marginalization, geographical isolation, and government policies. Many tribes have traditionally been engaged in subsistence activities such as hunting, gathering, fishing, and shifting agriculture. However, socio-economic changes over time have led some tribes to adapt to modern agricultural practices or even urban occupations.


The socio-economic status of Indian tribes varies widely, with some experiencing poverty and limited access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Government initiatives and non-governmental organizations have aimed to improve the socio-economic conditions of these tribes through various development programs.


Overall, understanding the ethnographic profile of an Indian tribe requires a comprehensive study of their racial, linguistic, and socio-economic characteristics, while considering the diversity and unique histories of different tribal communities across the country.


Of course, here are multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers related to the ethnographic profile of Indian tribes, focusing on racial, linguistic, and socio-economic characteristics:


Racial Characteristics:


1. Which of the following factors can contribute to the racial diversity of Indian tribes?

   a) Historical interactions

   b) Religious practices

   c) Urbanization

   d) Political affiliations

   Answer: a) Historical interactions


2. The physical features of Indian tribes can include variations in:

   a) Eye color

   b) Hair length

   c) Skin color

   d) Shoe size

   Answer: c) Skin color


3. Indian tribes in the northeastern regions are more likely to have which type of physical features?

   a) Nordic

   b) Mongoloid

   c) Mediterranean

   d) Semitic

   Answer: b) Mongoloid


Linguistic Characteristics:


4. What distinguishes the languages of Indian tribes from major regional languages?

   a) They have a common script.

   b) They are derived from Sanskrit.

   c) They are unrelated to major languages.

   d) They are used only for religious rituals.

   Answer: c) They are unrelated to major languages.


5. The linguistic diversity among Indian tribes is a result of:

   a) Government intervention

   b) Globalization

   c) Historical isolation

   d) Economic prosperity

   Answer: c) Historical isolation


6. Some Indian tribes have their own unique scripts for writing. True or False?

   Answer: True


Socio-Economic Characteristics:


7. The socio-economic status of Indian tribes is influenced by:

   a) Music preferences

   b) Geographical isolation

   c) Marital status

   d) Political affiliation

   Answer: b) Geographical isolation


8. Many Indian tribes traditionally engage in activities such as:

   a) Industrial manufacturing

   b) Shifting agriculture

   c) Urban planning

   d) Software development

   Answer: b) Shifting agriculture


9. Government initiatives aim to improve the socio-economic conditions of Indian tribes. True or False?

   Answer: True


Mixed Characteristics:


10. The diversity of racial characteristics among Indian tribes is largely due to:

    a) Genetic engineering

    b) Colonial rule

    c) Historical, geographical, and cultural factors

    d) Social media influence

    Answer: c) Historical, geographical, and cultural factors


11. Which factor plays a significant role in shaping the linguistic diversity of Indian tribes?

    a) Television shows

    b) Interstellar travel

    c) Historical isolation

    d) Trade agreements

    Answer: c) Historical isolation


12. Which characteristic has a strong impact on the socio-economic status of Indian tribes?

    a) Hair color

    b) Population density

    c) Government policies

    d) Social media followers

    Answer: c) Government policies


Racial Characteristics:


13. What term is used to describe the unique physical features and traits of a particular group of people?

    a) Cultural markers

    b) Ethnicity

    c) Racial profiling

    d) Genetic code

    Answer: b) Ethnicity


14. The racial characteristics of Indian tribes are static and unchanging. True or False?

    Answer: False


15. Which region of India is known for its Dravidian ethnic groups?

    a) North India

    b) Northeast India

    c) South India

    d) Central India

    Answer: c) South India


Linguistic Characteristics:


16. Which of the following is NOT a reason for linguistic diversity among Indian tribes?

    a) Historical isolation

    b) Colonial influence

    c) Shared religious practices

    d) Geographical barriers

    Answer: c) Shared religious practices


17. What is the term for languages that are no longer spoken or have very few speakers?

    a) Extinct languages

    b) Ancient languages

    c) Universal languages

    d) Modern languages

    Answer: a) Extinct languages


18. How can linguistic diversity impact social interactions within tribes?

    a) It fosters unity and understanding

    b) It can lead to miscommunication and division

    c) It has no impact on social interactions

    d) It encourages assimilation

    Answer: b) It can lead to miscommunication and division


Socio-Economic Characteristics:


19. Which of the following can be a result of poor socio-economic conditions among Indian tribes?

    a) Increased access to education

    b) Improved healthcare facilities

    c) Limited access to basic services

    d) Higher social mobility

    Answer: c) Limited access to basic services


20. The term "marginalization" refers to:

    a) The central role of a tribe in society

    b) Economic prosperity

    c) The process of pushing a group to the outskirts of society

    d) A political movement

    Answer: c) The process of pushing a group to the outskirts of society


21. Which of the following can contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions among Indian tribes?

    a) Cultural assimilation

    b) Government policies and programs

    c) Isolation from the mainstream society

    d) Emphasis on traditional practices only

    Answer: b) Government policies and programs


Mixed Characteristics:


22. The socio-economic characteristics of Indian tribes are often influenced by their historical interactions and:

    a) Current fashion trends

    b) Technological advancements

    c) Government policies

    d) Religious affiliations

    Answer: c) Government policies


23. Which characteristic has a significant impact on the cultural identity of Indian tribes?

    a) Socio-economic status

    b) Geographical location

    c) Skin color

    d) Political affiliations

    Answer: b) Geographical location


24. Which aspect of an ethnographic profile is concerned with the ways tribes make a living, allocate resources, and engage with their environment?

    a) Racial characteristics

    b) Linguistic diversity

    c) Socio-economic practices

    d) Religious beliefs

    Answer: c) Socio-economic practices


General Knowledge:


25. The term "Adivasi" in India refers to:

    a) A nomadic tribe

    b) An indigenous or tribal community

    c) A religious group

    d) A linguistic minority

    Answer: b) An indigenous or tribal community


26. Who is responsible for conducting the decennial population census in India?

    a) United Nations

    b) World Health Organization

    c) Ministry of Home Affairs

    d) Ministry of Tribal Affairs

    Answer: c) Ministry of Home Affairs


27. Which Indian state is known for having a significant population of tribal communities?

    a) Goa

    b) Kerala

    c) Uttar Pradesh

    d) Jharkhand

    Answer: d) Jharkhand



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