Unit 4: The Constitutional provisions regarding the Schedules Castes | BA/Bsc Anthropology

Unit 4: The Constitutional provisions regarding the Schedules Castes

The Constitution of India contains special provisions for the upliftment and protection of historically marginalized and disadvantaged groups, including the Scheduled Castes (SCs), also known as Dalits. These provisions are outlined in the Constitution's Articles and Schedules. Here's a detailed explanation of the constitutional provisions regarding Scheduled Castes:


1. Article 15: This article prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. It allows the state to make special provisions for the advancement of socially and educationally backward classes, including Scheduled Castes.


2. Article 17: Article 17 explicitly abolishes "untouchability" in any form. It declares the practice to be unconstitutional and enforces penalties for its violation. This article is a significant step towards the social inclusion and upliftment of the Scheduled Castes.


3. Article 46: This article emphasizes the promotion of educational and economic interests of the weaker sections, including Scheduled Castes. It encourages the state to promote with special care the educational and economic interests of these sections and protect them from social injustice and exploitation.


4. Fifth Schedule: The Fifth Schedule of the Constitution outlines the provisions for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in various states. While it mainly focuses on the Scheduled Tribes, some areas of the Fifth Schedule also apply to Scheduled Castes in these regions.


5. Sixth Schedule: The Sixth Schedule pertains to the administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram. It has a provision for the formation of autonomous districts and regional councils, which have the authority to make laws on certain specified matters. While the primary focus is on tribal areas, it indirectly impacts Scheduled Castes residing within these regions.


6. Seventh Schedule: The Seventh Schedule allocates powers between the Union and the States. Entries 24, 25, and 97 pertain to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Entry 24 allows the states to legislate on matters related to welfare of Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, and Scheduled Tribes. Entry 25 empowers states to legislate on matters related to relief of the poor, which includes Scheduled Castes. Entry 97 allows the Union to legislate on matters related to any other matter not enumerated in the State List or the Concurrent List.


7. Reservation in Legislatures: The Constitution provides for reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes in both the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the State Legislative Assemblies. The proportion of reserved seats is determined by the population percentage of Scheduled Castes in that particular region.


8. Reservation in Government Jobs and Education: The Constitution provides for reservation of positions in government jobs and educational institutions for Scheduled Castes. These provisions are aimed at enhancing representation and opportunities for members of these communities.


9. National Commission for Scheduled Castes: Article 338 of the Constitution provides for the establishment of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes. This commission monitors the safeguards provided for Scheduled Castes, investigates specific complaints, and reports on their social, educational, and economic conditions.


10. Special Officer for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: Article 338-A of the Constitution provides for the appointment of a Special Officer for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. This officer is responsible for investigating and monitoring matters relating to the constitutional safeguards for these communities.


These constitutional provisions collectively aim to uplift and empower the Scheduled Castes, eliminate social inequalities and discrimination, and promote their social, educational, and economic well-being. The provisions underscore the commitment of the Indian Constitution to creating an inclusive and just society by addressing historical injustices and ensuring equal opportunities for all.



Certainly, here are multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers related to the constitutional provisions regarding Scheduled Castes:


1. Which article of the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth?

   a) Article 14

   b) Article 15

   c) Article 16

   d) Article 17

   Answer: b) Article 15


2. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution specifically addresses the abolition of:

   a) Poverty

   b) Caste-based reservations

   c) Discrimination against women

   d) Untouchability

   Answer: d) Untouchability


3. Which article emphasizes the promotion of educational and economic interests of the Scheduled Castes and other weaker sections?

   a) Article 40

   b) Article 44

   c) Article 46

   d) Article 50

   Answer: c) Article 46


4. Which Schedule of the Indian Constitution outlines provisions for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes?

   a) First Schedule

   b) Third Schedule

   c) Fifth Schedule

   d) Sixth Schedule

   Answer: c) Fifth Schedule


5. The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution pertains to the administration of tribal areas in which states?

   a) Assam, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand

   b) West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Tripura

   c) Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram

   d) Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh

   Answer: c) Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram


6. The reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes in legislatures is provided under which Schedule of the Indian Constitution?

   a) Fifth Schedule

   b) Sixth Schedule

   c) Seventh Schedule

   d) Eighth Schedule

   Answer: c) Seventh Schedule


7. The National Commission for Scheduled Castes is established under which article of the Indian Constitution?

   a) Article 338

   b) Article 340

   c) Article 342

   d) Article 345

   Answer: a) Article 338


8. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for the appointment of a Special Officer for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes?

   a) Article 338-A

   b) Article 340-A

   c) Article 342-A

   d) Article 345-A

   Answer: a) Article 338-A


9. The proportion of reserved seats for Scheduled Castes in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies is determined by:

   a) The President of India

   b) The Chief Justice of India

   c) The Election Commission of India

   d) The Population percentage of Scheduled Castes in the region

   Answer: d) The Population percentage of Scheduled Castes in the region


10. Which entry in the Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution allows states to legislate on matters related to the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes?

    a) Entry 20

    b) Entry 21

    c) Entry 24

    d) Entry 25

    Answer: c) Entry 24


11. The Constitutional provisions regarding Scheduled Castes aim to address historical:

    a) Injustices and inequalities

    b) Ethnic conflicts

    c) Economic disparities

    d) Linguistic differences

    Answer: a) Injustices and inequalities


12. Article 46 of the Indian Constitution emphasizes the promotion of the educational and economic interests of:

    a) All citizens

    b) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

    c) Women only

    d) Religious minorities

    Answer: b) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes


13. Which article of the Indian Constitution explicitly abolishes untouchability in any form?

    a) Article 14

    b) Article 15

    c) Article 16

    d) Article 17

    Answer: d) Article 17


14. The National Commission for Scheduled Castes monitors the safeguards provided for Scheduled Castes and:

    a) Women

    b) Children

    c) Religious minorities

    d) Scheduled Tribes

    Answer: d) Scheduled Tribes


15. The Constitution provides for the establishment of a Special Officer for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under which article?

    a) Article 338

    b) Article 338-A

    c) Article 339

    d) Article 339-A

    Answer: b) Article 338-A


16. Which Schedule of the Indian Constitution pertains to the administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram?

    a) First Schedule

    b) Fifth Schedule

    c) Sixth Schedule

    d) Seventh Schedule

    Answer: c) Sixth Schedule


17. The proportion of reserved seats for Scheduled Castes in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies is determined based on:

    a) The Union Government's decision

    b) Population percentage of Scheduled


 Castes in that particular region

    c) The Chief Minister's recommendation

    d) The Election Commission's discretion

    Answer: b) Population percentage of Scheduled Castes in that particular region


18. Which entry in the Seventh Schedule allows the Union to legislate on matters not enumerated in the State List or the Concurrent List?

    a) Entry 24

    b) Entry 25

    c) Entry 40

    d) Entry 97

    Answer: d) Entry 97


19. Which provision specifically focuses on abolishing untouchability in India?

    a) Article 14

    b) Article 15

    c) Article 16

    d) Article 17

    Answer: d) Article 17


20. The Constitutional provisions for Scheduled Castes are part of India's commitment to creating a society that is:

    a) Economically prosperous

    b) Socially inclusive and just

    c) Dominated by a single culture

    d) Isolated from international relations

    Answer: b) Socially inclusive and just


21. The provision of reservation in government jobs and educational institutions is aimed at:

    a) Excluding Scheduled Castes from these opportunities

    b) Promoting urbanization

    c) Enhancing representation and opportunities for Scheduled Castes

    d) Reserving all opportunities for Scheduled Castes only

    Answer: c) Enhancing representation and opportunities for Scheduled Castes


22. The Constitutional provisions related to Scheduled Castes contribute to which of the following goals?

    a) Promoting cultural assimilation

    b) Addressing historical injustices and inequalities

    c) Excluding Scheduled Castes from public life

    d) Establishing a religious state

    Answer: b) Addressing historical injustices and inequalities


23. Which Schedule of the Indian Constitution provides for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes?

    a) First Schedule

    b) Third Schedule

    c) Fifth Schedule

    d) Seventh Schedule

    Answer: c) Fifth Schedule


24. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution is aimed at the eradication of:

    a) Gender discrimination

    b) Religious discrimination

    c) Social inequality

    d) Economic disparities

    Answer: c) Social inequality


25. The primary objective of Article 46 of the Indian Constitution is to promote the:

    a) Interests of the upper castes

    b) Isolation of tribal communities

    c) Educational and economic interests of weaker sections

    d) Assimilation of cultural practices

    Answer: c) Educational and economic interests of weaker sections


26. Which provision of the Constitution establishes the National Commission for Scheduled Castes?

    a) Article 338

    b) Article 338-A

    c) Article 342

    d) Article 345

    Answer: a) Article 338


27. What is the significance of the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution?

    a) It provides for the abolition of untouchability

    b) It focuses on the administration of tribal areas

    c) It outlines the rights of women in society

    d) It emphasizes economic development only

    Answer: b) It focuses on the administration of tribal areas


28. Article 15 of the Indian Constitution allows the state to make special provisions for the advancement of:

    a) Urbanization

    b) Religious groups

    c) Historically marginalized classes

    d) All citizens

    Answer: c) Historically marginalized classes


29. The Constitutional provisions regarding Scheduled Castes reflect India's commitment to:

    a) Maintaining a class-based society

    b) Promoting religious discrimination

    c) Upholding cultural assimilation

    d) Social justice and equality

    Answer: d) Social justice and equality


30. Which article of the Indian Constitution specifically addresses the prohibition of untouchability?

    a) Article 14

    b) Article 15

    c) Article 16

    d) Article 17

    Answer: d) Article 17



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