Psychological Testing and Assessment Notes Topic-wise Lucknow University | BA Sem 5 Psychology

 Paper 11 A

Title of the Paper: Psychological Testing and Assessment


Course Outcome:

• It will help the students to know the importance of psychological assessment.

• It will also enhance the concept of psychometric tests and its characteristics.

• It will enable the students to develop various

psychological tests and their standardization.

• Assessment: Concept and Need.

• Distinction between Assessment and Measurement.

• Errors in Measurement: Examiner Variables, Testee Variables,

Situational Variables.

• Types of Assessment.

Unit I: UNIT I

• Assessment: Concept and Need.

• Distinction between Assessment and Measurement.

Errors in Measurement: Examiner Variables, Testee Variables,

Situational Variables. Types of Assessment


UNIT II: Psychological Test

• Definition and uses of Psychological Tests.

• Brief History of Psychological Testing.

• Type of Tests: (Administration) Individual vs. Group, Speed vs. Power.

• Type of Tests: (Content) Verbal vs. Performance, Culture Fair, Objective vs.


UNIT III: Characteristics of Psychological Test

• Reliability: Concept and Internal Consistency.

Methods of determining Reliability: Test-Retest, Cronbach Alpha &

Split Half.

• Validity: Concept and Types.

• Factors influencing Reliability and Validity.

UNIT IV: Test Construction

• Item Writing and Pretesting.

• Item Analysis and Test Administration.

• Standardization: Meaning, Norms Development & Types of Norms.

• Self-Administering Scales: Rating Scales and Types.

References :

Text Books :

• Anastasi, A. & Urbina, S. (1999). Psychological testing (7th International

ed.), MacmillonCo.

• Anastasi, A. (1997). Psychological Testing. New York, Macmillon Co.

• Singh, A.K. (2000). Test, Measurements and Research Methods. Patna:

Bharati Bhawaan(P&D)

Suggested Reading :

• Srivastava, D. N. (2003). Manovigyanik Nirdharan. Agra: Vinod Pustak


• Kaplan, R. N. & Saccuzzo, D. P. (2001). Psychological Testing. Principles,

Applicationsand Issues (5thed.) USA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning

• Festinger, L. and Katz, D. (1976). Research Methods in Behavioral

Sciences. AmerindPublication Co Pvt.

• Garret, H. C. (1981). Statistics in Psychology and Education. Longmans,

Green & Co.,New York

Web References :



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