Stress Management MCQs | Self Enhancement Skills | BA/BSC/BCOM/BBA SEM 3 CO CURRICULAR LUCKNOW UNIVERSITY

Stress Management MCQs | Self Enhancement Skills | BA/BSC/BCOM/BBA SEM 3 CO CURRICULAR LUCKNOW UNIVERSITY

Self Enhancement Skills

Ba Semester 3 Co-curricular MCQS

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Stress Management

20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on stress management, covering the concept, types, and sources of stress, along with their answers:

Concept of Stress:

1. Question: What is stress?

   - A) A state of constant relaxation

   - B) The body's natural response to a perceived threat or challenge

   - C) An absence of emotional experiences

   - D) A permanent state of happiness


   Answer: B) The body's natural response to a perceived threat or challenge


2. Question: Which of the following is a physiological response to stress?

   - A) Increased heart rate and blood pressure

   - B) Decreased metabolism

   - C) Reduced breathing rate

   - D) Enhanced digestion


   Answer: A) Increased heart rate and blood pressure


3. Question: What is eustress?

   - A) Negative stress

   - B) Chronic stress

   - C) Positive stress

   - D) Acute stress


   Answer: C) Positive stress


4. Question: What is distress?

   - A) Positive stress

   - B) Chronic stress

   - C) Negative stress

   - D) Acute stress


   Answer: C) Negative stress


Types of Stress:

5. Question: Which type of stress is typically short-term and often considered beneficial?

   - A) Chronic stress

   - B) Acute stress

   - C) Traumatic stress

   - D) Environmental stress


   Answer: B) Acute stress


6. Question: What is chronic stress?

   - A) Stress that occurs suddenly and intensely

   - B) Persistent stress over an extended period

   - C) Stress caused by traumatic events

   - D) Stress resulting from positive life changes


   Answer: B) Persistent stress over an extended period


7. Question: Which type of stress is associated with everyday challenges and pressures?

   - A) Chronic stress

   - B) Acute stress

   - C) Daily stressors

   - D) Traumatic stress


   Answer: C) Daily stressors


8. Question: What is traumatic stress?

   - A) Stress from daily hassles

   - B) Stress caused by sudden, extreme events

   - C) Stress related to work issues

   - D) Stress resulting from positive life changes


   Answer: B) Stress caused by sudden, extreme events


Sources of Stress:

9. Question: Which of the following is an example of a personal stressor?

   - A) Traffic congestion

   - B) Project deadlines at work

   - C) Financial difficulties

   - D) Noise pollution


   Answer: C) Financial difficulties


10. Question: What is an environmental stressor?

    - A) A stressor related to personal relationships

    - B) A stressor associated with the external surroundings

    - C) A stressor resulting from one's thoughts and perceptions

    - D) A stressor related to work responsibilities


    Answer: B) A stressor associated with the external surroundings


11. Question: Which category does lack of control fall under as a source of stress?

    - A) Environmental stressor

    - B) Personal stressor

    - C) Organizational stressor

    - D) Cognitive stressor


    Answer: D) Cognitive stressor


12. Question: What is an organizational stressor?

    - A) Stress caused by family issues

    - B) Stress related to personal health

    - C) Stress arising from work or workplace conditions

    - D) Stress resulting from social events


    Answer: C) Stress arising from work or workplace conditions


13. Question: Which of the following is an example of a social stressor?

    - A) Lack of job satisfaction

    - B) Relationship conflicts

    - C) High workload

    - D) Financial instability


    Answer: B) Relationship conflicts


14. Question: How can life changes contribute to stress?

    - A) By providing stability and predictability

    - B) By eliminating all sources of stress

    - C) By disrupting familiar routines and patterns

    - D) By promoting a sense of control


    Answer: C) By disrupting familiar routines and patterns


15. Question: What is the role of daily hassles in contributing to stress?

    - A) They have minimal impact on overall stress levels

    - B) They can accumulate and contribute significantly to stress

    - C) They only affect individuals with high stress tolerance

    - D) They are exclusively positive experiences


    Answer: B) They can accumulate and contribute significantly to stress


Coping with Stress:

16. Question: What is a healthy coping mechanism for managing stress?

    - A) Ignoring stressors and avoiding any form of action

    - B) Seeking social support and talking about the stressor

    - C) Isolating oneself from others

    - D) Engaging in substance abuse


    Answer: B) Seeking social support and talking about the stressor


17. Question: How can physical activity contribute to stress management?

    - A) By promoting a sedentary lifestyle

    - B) By increasing stress levels



    - C) By releasing endorphins and reducing tension

    - D) By avoiding any form of exercise


    Answer: C) By releasing endorphins and reducing tension


18. Question: What is the role of time management in stress reduction?

    - A) By promoting procrastination

    - B) By fostering a chaotic and disorganized lifestyle

    - C) By prioritizing tasks and reducing stress

    - D) By avoiding any form of planning and structure


    Answer: C) By prioritizing tasks and reducing stress


19. Question: How does practicing mindfulness contribute to stress management?

    - A) By promoting mindlessness

    - B) By fostering awareness of the present moment and reducing impulsivity

    - C) By encouraging distraction

    - D) By suppressing all thoughts


    Answer: B) By fostering awareness of the present moment and reducing impulsivity


20. Question: What is a potential consequence of relying solely on avoidance as a coping strategy for stress?

    - A) Increased resilience to stressors

    - B) Enhanced problem-solving skills

    - C) Escalation of stress and unresolved issues

    - D) Improved emotional well-being


    Answer: C) Escalation of stress and unresolved issues


20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on techniques of stress management, along with their answers:

Stress Management Techniques:

1. Question: What is progressive muscle relaxation?

   - A) A technique involving rapid muscle contractions

   - B) A method of gradually tensing and then relaxing muscle groups

   - C) A form of aerobic exercise

   - D) A type of meditation


   Answer: B) A method of gradually tensing and then relaxing muscle groups


2. Question: What is the purpose of deep breathing exercises in stress management?

   - A) To increase tension in the body

   - B) To activate the fight-or-flight response

   - C) To promote relaxation and reduce anxiety

   - D) To speed up the heart rate


   Answer: C) To promote relaxation and reduce anxiety


3. Question: How does mindfulness meditation contribute to stress reduction?

   - A) By promoting mindlessness

   - B) By encouraging distraction

   - C) By fostering awareness of the present moment

   - D) By suppressing all thoughts


   Answer: C) By fostering awareness of the present moment


4. Question: What is cognitive restructuring in the context of stress management?

   - A) A technique to avoid all negative thoughts

   - B) A process of changing negative thought patterns to positive ones

   - C) A form of physical exercise

   - D) A method of visualization


   Answer: B) A process of changing negative thought patterns to positive ones


5. Question: How does time management contribute to stress reduction?

   - A) By promoting procrastination

   - B) By fostering a chaotic and disorganized lifestyle

   - C) By prioritizing tasks and reducing stress

   - D) By avoiding any form of planning and structure


   Answer: C) By prioritizing tasks and reducing stress


6. Question: What is the primary goal of assertiveness training in stress management?

   - A) To encourage aggressive behavior

   - B) To promote passive communication

   - C) To express needs and opinions respectfully and confidently

   - D) To avoid communication with others


   Answer: C) To express needs and opinions respectfully and confidently


7. Question: How does engaging in physical activity contribute to stress management?

   - A) By promoting a sedentary lifestyle

   - B) By increasing stress levels

   - C) By releasing endorphins and reducing tension

   - D) By avoiding any form of exercise


   Answer: C) By releasing endorphins and reducing tension


8. Question: What is the purpose of guided imagery in stress management?

   - A) To discourage creative thinking

   - B) To promote negative visualization

   - C) To create a mental picture of a peaceful and calming scene

   - D) To distract the mind from stressors


   Answer: C) To create a mental picture of a peaceful and calming scene


9. Question: How does practicing gratitude contribute to stress management?

   - A) By fostering a negative outlook

   - B) By promoting self-criticism

   - C) By shifting focus to positive aspects and reducing stress

   - D) By ignoring personal achievements


   Answer: C) By shifting focus to positive aspects and reducing stress


10. Question: What is the role of social support in stress management?

    - A) To encourage isolation and solitude

    - B) To increase stress levels

    - C) To provide a network of emotional and practical assistance

    - D) To discourage communication with others


    Answer: C) To provide a network of emotional and practical assistance


11. Question: How does setting boundaries contribute to stress management?

    - A) By encouraging constant multitasking

    - B) By avoiding assertiveness

    - C) By promoting a chaotic and disorganized lifestyle

    - D) By preventing overload and ensuring self-care


    Answer: D) By preventing overload and ensuring self-care


12. Question: What is biofeedback as a stress management technique?

    - A) A technique to enhance negative thoughts

    - B) A process of visualizing stressful scenarios

    - C) A method of gaining awareness and control over physiological functions

    - D) A form of aggressive communication


    Answer: C) A method of gaining awareness and control over physiological functions


13. Question: How does laughter therapy contribute to stress reduction?

    - A) By promoting a serious and tense atmosphere

    - B) By increasing cortisol levels

    - C) By releasing endorphins and promoting relaxation

    - D) By discouraging positive interactions


    Answer: C) By releasing endorphins and promoting relaxation


14. Question: What is the role of journaling in stress management?

    - A) To avoid self-reflection

    - B) To promote negative self-talk

    - C) To express thoughts and emotions on paper for self-awareness

    - D) To distract oneself from stressors


    Answer: C) To express thoughts and emotions on paper for self-awareness


15. Question: How does aromatherapy contribute to stress management?

    - A) By promoting unpleasant scents

    - B) By increasing stress levels

    - C) By using essential oils to induce relaxation and reduce stress

    - D) By avoiding exposure to different scents


    Answer: C) By using essential oils to induce relaxation and reduce stress


16. Question: What is the purpose of resilience training in stress management?

    - A) To encourage a victim mentality

    - B) To promote avoidance of difficulties

    - C) To provide the ability to bounce back from setbacks

    - D) To discourage adaptability


    Answer: C) To provide the ability to bounce back from setbacks


17. Question: How does practicing time-out contribute to stress management?

    - A) By encouraging constant engagement without breaks

    - B) By avoiding any form of relaxation

    - C) By taking short breaks to relax and recharge

    - D) By promoting a fast-paced lifestyle


    Answer: C) By taking short breaks to relax and recharge


18. Question: What is the purpose of practicing mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)?

    - A) To promote mindlessness

    - B) To encourage constant multitasking

    - C) To cultivate mindfulness and reduce stress

    - D) To suppress all thoughts and emotions




Answer: C) To cultivate mindfulness and reduce stress


19. Question: How does practicing positive affirmations contribute to stress management?

    - A) By reinforcing negative beliefs about oneself

    - B) By fostering self-criticism

    - C) By using positive and empowering statements about oneself

    - D) By avoiding any form of affirmation


    Answer: C) By using positive and empowering statements about oneself


20. Question: What is the role of sleep hygiene in stress management?

    - A) To encourage irregular sleep patterns

    - B) To avoid establishing a bedtime routine

    - C) To promote healthy sleep habits for overall well-being

    - D) To discourage relaxation before bedtime


    Answer: C) To promote healthy sleep habits for overall well-being


20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on stress management through Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali, along with their answers:

Ashtanga Yoga and Stress Management:

1. Question: In the context of Ashtanga Yoga, what is the first limb, focusing on ethical principles and moral conduct?

   - A) Asana

   - B) Pranayama

   - C) Yama

   - D) Niyama


   Answer: C) Yama


2. Question: Which limb of Ashtanga Yoga involves the practice of physical postures and is commonly associated with yoga in the West?

   - A) Yama

   - B) Niyama

   - C) Asana

   - D) Pratyahara


   Answer: C) Asana


3. Question: What is the primary purpose of practicing Pranayama in Ashtanga Yoga?

   - A) To perform physical postures

   - B) To regulate and control breath to enhance life force energy

   - C) To practice ethical principles

   - D) To attain a state of meditation


   Answer: B) To regulate and control breath to enhance life force energy


4. Question: Which limb of Ashtanga Yoga involves withdrawal of the senses from external stimuli?

   - A) Dharana

   - B) Pratyahara

   - C) Samadhi

   - D) Niyama


   Answer: B) Pratyahara


5. Question: In the context of Ashtanga Yoga, what is Dharana?

   - A) Meditation

   - B) Concentration and focusing the mind

   - C) Physical postures

   - D) Breath control


   Answer: B) Concentration and focusing the mind


6. Question: What is the purpose of practicing the fifth limb, Dhyana, in Ashtanga Yoga?

   - A) To perform physical postures

   - B) To cultivate a state of meditation and uninterrupted flow of concentration

   - C) To regulate and control breath

   - D) To withdraw the senses from external stimuli


   Answer: B) To cultivate a state of meditation and uninterrupted flow of concentration


7. Question: What is Samadhi in the context of Ashtanga Yoga?

   - A) A state of deep relaxation

   - B) A state of enlightenment and union with the divine

   - C) A breathing technique

   - D) A physical posture


   Answer: B) A state of enlightenment and union with the divine


8. Question: Which limb of Ashtanga Yoga involves self-discipline and personal observances?

   - A) Asana

   - B) Yama

   - C) Niyama

   - D) Pranayama


   Answer: C) Niyama


9. Question: What is the purpose of practicing the Niyama called Saucha in Ashtanga Yoga?

   - A) Cleanliness and purity of the body and mind

   - B) Contentment and gratitude

   - C) Self-discipline and austerity

   - D) Study and self-reflection


   Answer: A) Cleanliness and purity of the body and mind


10. Question: Which limb involves the practice of contentment, gratitude, and finding joy in the present moment?

    - A) Yama

    - B) Niyama

    - C) Pratyahara

    - D) Dhyana


    Answer: B) Niyama

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11. Question: What is the role of Ahimsa in Ashtanga Yoga?

    - A) Truthfulness and non-deception

    - B) Non-violence and compassion towards all living beings

    - C) Non-attachment to material possessions

    - D) Austerity and self-discipline


    Answer: B) Non-violence and compassion towards all living beings


12. Question: Which limb of Ashtanga Yoga involves the study of sacred texts and self-reflection?

    - A) Pratyahara

    - B) Dharana

    - C) Svadhyaya

    - D) Samadhi


    Answer: C) Svadhyaya


13. Question: What is the significance of practicing Ashtanga Yoga's eighth limb, Samyama?

    - A) A combination of concentration, meditation, and absorption

    - B) A physical posture sequence

    - C) Breath control techniques

    - D) Withdrawal of the senses


    Answer: A) A combination of concentration, meditation, and absorption


14. Question: Which limb of Ashtanga Yoga involves the observance of truthfulness and non-deception?

    - A) Ahimsa

    - B) Satya

    - C) Asteya

    - D) Brahmacharya


    Answer: B) Satya


15. Question: How does the practice of Ashtanga Yoga contribute to stress management?

    - A) By promoting a sedentary lifestyle

    - B) By increasing stress levels

    - C) By fostering physical, mental, and spiritual well-being

    - D) By encouraging constant multitasking


    Answer: C) By fostering physical, mental, and spiritual well-being


16. Question: In Ashtanga Yoga, what is the purpose of practicing the limb called Asteya?

    - A) Non-violence and compassion towards all living beings

    - B) Truthfulness and non-deception

    - C) Non-stealing and honesty

    - D) Non-attachment to material possessions


    Answer: C) Non-stealing and honesty


17. Question: What is the significance of the Ashtanga Yoga limb called Brahmacharya?

    - A) Non-violence and compassion towards all living beings

    - B) Truthfulness and non-deception

    - C) Moderation and conservation of energy

    - D) Non-attachment to material possessions


    Answer: C) Moderation and conservation of energy


18. Question: Which limb of Ashtanga Yoga involves the practice of non-attachment and freedom from desires?

    - A) Aparigraha

    - B) Pratyahara

    - C) Dharana

    - D) Niyama


    Answer: A) Aparigraha


19. Question: How does the practice of Ashtanga Yoga contribute to stress management on a psychological level?

    - A) By promoting constant multitasking

    - B) By fostering mindfulness and mental clarity

    - C) By encouraging attachment to desires

    - D) By avoiding ethical principles


    Answer: B) By fostering mindfulness and mental clarity


20. Question: In Ashtanga Yoga, what does the term Aparigraha refer to?

    - A) Non-violence and compassion towards all living beings

    - B) Non-stealing and honesty

    - C) Non-attachment and freedom from desires

    - D) Moderation and conservation of energy


    Answer: C) Non-attachment and freedom from desires

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