Humanistic and Existential Theories MCQS Lucknow University BA SEM 6 Psychology | EduCatn

MCQS: Unit IV: Humanistic and Existential Theories

• General assumptions of Humanistic and Existential Theories

• Humanistic Theories: Maslow and Rogers

• Existential Theories: Frankl and Rollo May

Humanistic and Existential Theories MCQS Lucknow University BA SEM 6 Psychology | EduCatn

General Assumptions of Humanistic and Existential Theories

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the general assumptions of Humanistic and Existential Theories along with their answers:

1. What is a key assumption of Humanistic Theory?

A) Humans are primarily driven by unconscious impulses

B) Humans strive for self-actualization and personal growth

C) Humans are shaped by external rewards and punishments

D) Humans are determined by their genetic makeup

Answer: B) Humans strive for self-actualization and personal growth

2. According to Existential Theory, individuals have:

A) No control over their lives

B) Limited potential for growth

C) Ultimate responsibility for their choices

D) Predetermined destinies

Answer: C) Ultimate responsibility for their choices

3. Humanistic psychologists emphasize the importance of:

A) Deterministic forces shaping behavior

B) Environmental influences on development

C) Unconscious conflicts driving behavior

D) Self-awareness and self-acceptance

Answer: D) Self-awareness and self-acceptance

4. According to Humanistic Theory, the primary motive behind human behavior is:

A) Survival instincts

B) Unconscious desires

C) Self-actualization

D) Social conformity

Answer: C) Self-actualization

5. Existentialists believe that individuals experience anxiety due to:

A) Lack of social support

B) Fear of punishment

C) Awareness of their freedom and responsibility

D) Genetic predispositions

Answer: C) Awareness of their freedom and responsibility

6. The Humanistic perspective emphasizes the importance of:

A) Labeling individuals based on their behavior

B) Analyzing past experiences to understand behavior

C) Uncovering unconscious motives driving behavior

D) Recognizing individuals' unique experiences and perspectives

Answer: D) Recognizing individuals' unique experiences and perspectives

7. According to Humanistic Theory, individuals are inherently motivated to:

A) Conform to societal norms

B) Maximize pleasure and minimize pain

C) Achieve self-actualization

D) Repress their true selves

Answer: C) Achieve self-actualization

8. Existentialists emphasize the importance of:

A) Avoiding uncertainty and ambiguity

B) Seeking external validation and approval

C) Embracing the absurdity of existence

D) Suppressing emotions and desires

Answer: C) Embracing the absurdity of existence

9. Humanistic psychology is often criticized for:

A) Overemphasizing unconscious processes

B) Ignoring the role of biology in behavior

C) Focusing too much on negative aspects of human nature

D) Neglecting cultural influences on behavior

Answer: B) Ignoring the role of biology in behavior

10. According to Existential Theory, individuals experience existential anxiety when they:

A) Conform to societal expectations

B) Ignore their freedom and responsibility

C) Embrace their authentic selves

D) Achieve self-actualization

Answer: B) Ignore their freedom and responsibility

11. Humanistic psychologists believe that individuals have an innate drive for:

A) Material wealth

B) Social status

C) Self-actualization

D) Power and control

Answer: C) Self-actualization

12. Existentialists view human existence as:

A) Predetermined by fate

B) A result of genetic determinism

C) Meaningless unless assigned meaning by the individual

D) Governed by societal norms

Answer: C) Meaningless unless assigned meaning by the individual

13. Humanistic Therapy focuses on:

A) Analyzing unconscious conflicts

B) Providing insight into past traumas

C) Promoting self-awareness and personal growth

D) Modifying external environmental factors

Answer: C) Promoting self-awareness and personal growth

14. According to Existential Theory, individuals experience existential guilt when they:

A) Embrace their authentic selves

B) Act in accordance with societal norms

C) Reject the notion of free will

D) Ignore their responsibilities and choices

Answer: D) Ignore their responsibilities and choices

15. Humanistic psychologists emphasize the importance of:

A) Labeling individuals based on their behavior

B) Analyzing past experiences to understand behavior

C) Uncovering unconscious motives driving behavior

D) Recognizing individuals' unique experiences and perspectives

Answer: D) Recognizing individuals' unique experiences and perspectives

16. According to Humanistic Theory, individuals are motivated by a need for:

A) Power and control over others

B) External rewards and punishments

C) Self-actualization and personal growth

D) Social approval and acceptance

Answer: C) Self-actualization and personal growth

17. Existentialists believe that individuals must confront:

A) The inevitability of death and non-being

B) The limitations of their genetic makeup

C) The importance of conforming to societal norms

D) The superiority of their own culture

Answer: A) The inevitability of death and non-being

18. Humanistic psychologists criticize traditional psychology for:

A) Focusing too much on unconscious processes

B) Ignoring the role of free will in behavior

C) Neglecting the influence of societal norms on behavior

D) Overemphasizing the role of genetics in behavior

Answer: B) Ignoring the role of free will in behavior

19. According to Existential Theory, individuals experience existential isolation when they:

A) Form deep connections with others

B) Reject societal expectations

C) Recognize their interconnectedness with all beings

D) Feel disconnected from themselves and others

Answer: D) Feel disconnected from themselves and others

20. Humanistic Therapy aims to:

A) Modify unconscious thought patterns

B) Resolve conflicts between id, ego, and superego

C) Promote self-awareness and personal responsibility

D) Provide external solutions to internal problems

Answer: C) Promote self-awareness and personal responsibility

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Humanistic Theories focusing on Maslow and Rogers:

1. Who is considered the founder of Humanistic Psychology?

A) Sigmund Freud

B) Carl Rogers

C) Abraham Maslow

D) B.F. Skinner

Answer: C) Abraham Maslow

2. Which of the following is NOT a key concept in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A) Self-actualization

B) Esteem

C) Power

D) Safety

Answer: C) Power

3. According to Maslow's hierarchy, which need must be fulfilled first before an individual can strive for self-actualization?

A) Physiological needs

B) Safety needs

C) Love and belongingness needs

D) Esteem needs

Answer: A) Physiological needs

4. Maslow described self-actualization as:

A) Fulfilling one's potential and achieving personal growth

B) Acquiring wealth and material possessions

C) Seeking power and dominance over others

D) Gaining acceptance and approval from society

Answer: A) Fulfilling one's potential and achieving personal growth

5. According to Maslow, which of the following represents the highest level of psychological development?

A) Esteem needs

B) Safety needs

C) Self-actualization

D) Love and belongingness needs

Answer: C) Self-actualization

6. Rogers' concept of unconditional positive regard refers to:

A) Accepting oneself regardless of flaws or imperfections

B) Rejecting societal norms and expectations

C) Providing love and acceptance without conditions or judgment

D) Striving for perfection and excellence

Answer: C) Providing love and acceptance without conditions or judgment

7. Which of the following is NOT one of the core conditions for therapeutic growth in Rogerian therapy?

A) Empathy

B) Unconditional positive regard

C) Conditional acceptance

D) Congruence

Answer: C) Conditional acceptance

8. Rogers believed that individuals have an innate tendency toward:

A) Aggression and violence

B) Conformity and obedience

C) Self-actualization and personal growth

D) Power and dominance

Answer: C) Self-actualization and personal growth

9. According to Rogers, incongruence between the self and experience leads to:

A) Self-actualization

B) Anxiety and psychological discomfort

C) Social conformity

D) Increased self-esteem

Answer: B) Anxiety and psychological discomfort

10. Rogers described the ideal therapeutic environment as one characterized by:

A) Expert interpretation and analysis

B) Empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard

C) Strict adherence to treatment protocols

D) Directives and instructions from the therapist

Answer: B) Empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard

11. Maslow's theory is often criticized for being:

A) Too focused on unconscious processes

B) Culturally biased and limited in applicability

C) Ignoring the role of physiological needs

D) Lacking empirical support

Answer: B) Culturally biased and limited in applicability

12. Rogers believed that individuals experience psychological problems when:

A) They conform too closely to societal expectations

B) They lack self-esteem and confidence

C) There is a discrepancy between their self-concept and actual experience

D) They are unable to fulfill their physiological needs

Answer: C) There is a discrepancy between their self-concept and actual experience

13. Maslow's concept of peak experiences refers to:

A) Moments of intense pleasure and gratification

B) States of flow and optimal performance

C) Transcendent moments of self-actualization and profound insight

D) States of deep relaxation and meditation

Answer: C) Transcendent moments of self-actualization and profound insight

14. According to Maslow, which need involves feeling valued and respected by others?

A) Esteem needs

B) Love and belongingness needs

C) Safety needs

D) Physiological needs

Answer: A) Esteem needs

15. Rogers' concept of congruence refers to:

A) Consistency between one's self-concept and actual experience

B) Flexibility and adaptability in social situations

C) Strict adherence to societal norms and expectations

D) Resilience in the face of adversity

Answer: A) Consistency between one's self-concept and actual experience

16. Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that once a need is satisfied:

A) It no longer influences behavior

B) It becomes less important compared to higher-level needs

C) It remains a constant motivator throughout life

D) It leads to dissatisfaction and frustration

Answer: B) It becomes less important compared to higher-level needs

17. Rogers believed that therapy should focus on:

A) Identifying unconscious conflicts

B) Providing advice and solutions to clients' problems

C) Creating a supportive and empathetic therapeutic relationship

D) Analyzing childhood experiences

Answer: C) Creating a supportive and empathetic therapeutic relationship

18. Maslow's theory is often criticized for:

A) Ignoring the role of unconscious processes

B) Being too focused on individualistic cultures

C) Lacking empirical evidence to support its claims

D) Neglecting the influence of social factors on behavior

Answer: C) Lacking empirical evidence to support its claims

19. According to Rogers, psychological growth occurs when individuals:

A) Suppress their emotions and desires

B) Conform to societal norms and expectations

C) Experience unconditional positive regard from others

D) Engage in self-criticism and self-doubt

Answer: C) Experience unconditional positive regard from others

20. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often depicted as a:

A) Linear progression from basic to higher-level needs

B) Circular model emphasizing the interdependence of needs

C) Hierarchical structure with physiological needs at the top

D) Random assortment of needs without any specific order

Answer: A) Linear progression from basic to higher-level needs

21. Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that individuals:

A) Can skip levels of needs depending on personal preferences

B) Must fulfill lower-level needs before progressing to higher-level needs

C) Should focus exclusively on fulfilling self-actualization needs

D) Achieve peak experiences by satisfying physiological needs

Answer: B) Must fulfill lower-level needs before progressing to higher-level needs

22. Rogers emphasized the importance of ______ in the therapeutic relationship.

A) Power dynamics

B) Unilateral decision-making

C) Mutual respect and collaboration

D) Emotional detachment

Answer: C) Mutual respect and collaboration

23. Maslow's concept of self-actualization implies:

A) Perfection or reaching an ideal state

B)Continuous self-improvement and growth

C) Social conformity and compliance

D) A fixed and unchangeable personality

Answer: B) Continuous self-improvement and growth

24. According to Rogers, the discrepancy between the actual self and the ideal self leads to:

A) Self-actualization

B) Incongruence and psychological distress

C) Increased self-esteem

D) Superiority complex

Answer: B) Incongruence and psychological distress

25. Maslow's theory has been criticized for:

A) Overemphasizing the role of unconscious processes

B) Failing to account for individual differences in motivation

C) Ignoring the importance of belongingness needs

D) Focusing too much on the positive aspects of human nature

Answer: B) Failing to account for individual differences in motivation

26. Rogers' concept of empathy involves:

A) Understanding and sharing the feelings of another person

B) Offering advice and solutions to clients' problems

C) Maintaining emotional distance from clients

D) Expressing unconditional positive regard

Answer: A) Understanding and sharing the feelings of another person

27. Maslow's hierarchy of needs has been criticized for:

A) Being too culturally specific

B) Overemphasizing the role of physiological needs

C) Neglecting the importance of self-actualization

D) Lacking empirical evidence to support its claims

Answer: A) Being too culturally specific

28. Rogers' person-centered therapy is based on the assumption that:

A) Clients are inherently irrational and need guidance from the therapist

B) Therapists should focus on interpreting unconscious motives

C) Clients have the capacity for self-awareness and self-direction

D) Therapists should impose their values and beliefs on clients

Answer: C) Clients have the capacity for self-awareness and self-direction

29. Maslow's theory is often criticized for:

A) Overemphasizing unconscious processes

B) Ignoring the role of biology in behavior

C) Neglecting cultural influences on behavior

D) Focusing too much on negative aspects of human nature

Answer: C) Neglecting cultural influences on behavior

30. Rogers' concept of unconditional positive regard emphasizes:

A) Accepting oneself regardless of flaws or imperfections

B) Rejecting societal norms and expectations

C) Providing love and acceptance without conditions or judgment

D) Striving for perfection and excellence

Answer: C) Providing love and acceptance without conditions or judgment

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Existential Theories focusing on Frankl and Rollo May:

1. Who is the founder of Existential Analysis?

A) Viktor Frankl

B) Rollo May

C) Irvin Yalom

D) Jean-Paul Sartre

Answer: A) Viktor Frankl

2. Which book did Viktor Frankl write that describes his experiences in Nazi concentration camps and his theory of logotherapy?

A) "Man's Search for Meaning"

B) "Being and Nothingness"

C) "Existential Psychotherapy"

D) "The Courage to Create"

Answer: A) "Man's Search for Meaning"

3. According to Frankl, the primary motivation of human beings is:

A) Pleasure seeking

B) Power and control

C) The pursuit of meaning and purpose

D) Self-preservation

Answer: C) The pursuit of meaning and purpose

4. Frankl emphasized the importance of finding meaning in:

A) Social status and success

B) Relationships with others

C) Suffering and adversity

D) Material possessions

Answer: C) Suffering and adversity

5. Rollo May is best known for his contributions to:

A) Psychoanalysis

B) Behaviorism

C) Humanistic and Existential psychology

D) Cognitive psychology

Answer: C) Humanistic and Existential psychology

6. According to Rollo May, anxiety is:

A) A sign of weakness and neurosis

B) A natural response to stress and danger

C) The result of unresolved unconscious conflicts

D) An existential condition inherent in human existence

Answer: D) An existential condition inherent in human existence

7. Frankl's concept of "tragic optimism" refers to:

A) Finding hope and meaning in the face of suffering and adversity

B) Accepting defeat and resigning to one's fate

C) Denying the reality of suffering and pain

D) Seeking pleasure and gratification despite challenges

Answer: A) Finding hope and meaning in the face of suffering and adversity

8. According to Frankl, individuals can find meaning in life through:

A) Pursuing pleasure and hedonism

B) Achieving social status and success

C) Experiencing love and belongingness

D) Finding purpose in suffering and challenges

Answer: D) Finding purpose in suffering and challenges

9. Rollo May emphasized the importance of:

A) Avoiding uncertainty and ambiguity

B) Confronting the existential realities of life

C) Seeking external validation and approval

D) Suppressing emotions and desires

Answer: B) Confronting the existential realities of life

10. Frankl believed that individuals possess:

A) Inherent evil and destructive tendencies

B) Unlimited potential for growth and self-actualization

C) Pre-determined destinies beyond their control

D) Genetic predispositions that determine their behavior

Answer: B) Unlimited potential for growth and self-actualization

11. Rollo May's concept of "daimonic" refers to:

A) A supernatural entity controlling human behavior

B) Inherent evil within human nature

C) A natural force driving creativity and self-expression

D) A psychological defense mechanism

Answer: C) A natural force driving creativity and self-expression

12. According to Frankl, the search for meaning is:

A) A luxury reserved for the privileged few

B) A universal human concern central to mental health

C) A futile endeavor leading to existential despair

D) A distraction from the pursuit of pleasure and happiness

Answer: B) A universal human concern central to mental health

13. Rollo May believed that existential anxiety arises from:

A) Fear of punishment and societal judgment

B) The search for meaning and purpose in life

C) The confrontation with death and non-being

D) Unconscious conflicts and repressed desires

Answer: C) The confrontation with death and non-being

14. Frankl's concept of "existential vacuum" refers to:

A) A sense of emptiness and meaninglessness in life

B) A state of blissful ignorance and unawareness

C) The absence of basic physiological needs

D) The pursuit of pleasure and hedonism

Answer: A) A sense of emptiness and meaninglessness in life

15. Rollo May emphasized the importance of:

A) Avoiding uncertainty and ambiguity

B) Suppressing emotions and desires

C) Confronting existential dilemmas with courage and authenticity

D) Seeking external validation and approval

Answer: C) Confronting existential dilemmas with courage and authenticity

16. Frankl's logotherapy focuses on:

A) Analyzing unconscious conflicts and childhood experiences

B) Providing insight into past traumas and repressed memories

C) Discovering meaning and purpose in life

D) Modifying dysfunctional thought patterns and behaviors

Answer: C) Discovering meaning and purpose in life

17. Rollo May believed that individuals experience psychological problems when they:

A) Suppress their emotions and desires

B) Conform too closely to societal norms and expectations

C) Lack awareness of their existential concerns and dilemmas

D) Seek external validation and approval from others

Answer: C) Lack awareness of their existential concerns and dilemmas

18. Frankl's concept of "existential frustration" refers to:

A) The pursuit of pleasure and hedonism

B) The inability to fulfill physiological needs

C) The experience of meaninglessness and despair

D) The confrontation with existential dilemmas

Answer: C) The experience of meaninglessness and despair

19. Rollo May's concept of "the courage to be" refers to:

A) Resignation and acceptance of one's fate

B) Confronting existential fears and uncertainties

C) Seeking external validation and approval

D) Suppressing emotions and desires

Answer: B) Confronting existential fears and uncertainties

20. Frankl believed that individuals could find meaning in:

A) Pleasure and hedonism

B) Avoiding suffering and pain

C) Creating value and purpose in their lives

D) Social conformity and obedience

Answer: C) Creating value and purpose in their lives

21. Rollo May's existential therapy emphasizes the importance of:

A) Avoiding existential dilemmas

B) Seeking external validation and approval

C) Confronting existential fears and uncertainties

D) Suppressing emotions and desires

Answer: C) Confronting existential fears and uncertainties

22. Frankl's logotherapy is based on the premise that:

A) Unconscious conflicts determine behavior

B) Meaning and purpose are inherent in human existence

C) Pleasure seeking is the primary motivation of human behavior

D) Individuals are driven by genetic predispositions

Answer: B) Meaning and purpose are inherent in human existence

23. Rollo May believed that existential anxiety can lead to:

A) Apathy and resignation

B) Increased self-awareness and growth

C) Suppressing emotions and desires

D) Seeking external validation and approval

Answer: B) Increased self-awareness and growth

24. Frankl's concept of "the will to meaning" refers to:

A) The pursuit of pleasure and gratification

B) The drive to create value and purpose in one's life

C) The desire for external validation and approval

D) The suppression of existential fears and anxieties

Answer: B) The drive to create value and purpose in one's life

25. Rollo May believed that individuals often experience anxiety when they:

A) Suppress their emotions and desires

B) Confront existential dilemmas and uncertainties

C) Seek external validation and approval from others

D) Pursue pleasure and hedonism

Answer: B) Confront existential dilemmas and uncertainties

26. Frankl's concept of "existential vacuum" suggests that individuals may experience a sense of:

A) Fulfillment and satisfaction

B) Emptiness and meaninglessness

C) Safety and security

D) Connection and belongingness

Answer: B) Emptiness and meaninglessness

27. Rollo May believed that individuals can overcome existential anxiety by:

A) Seeking pleasure and gratification

B) Suppressing emotions and desires

C) Confronting existential fears and uncertainties

D) Avoiding existential dilemmas

Answer: C) Confronting existential fears and uncertainties

28. Frankl's logotherapy is grounded in the belief that:

A) Pleasure seeking is the primary motivation of human behavior

B) Meaning and purpose are constructed through individual experiences

C) Human behavior is determined by unconscious conflicts

D) External factors shape individuals' sense of self

Answer: B) Meaning and purpose are constructed through individual experiences

29. Rollo May's existential therapy emphasizes the importance of:

A) Analyzing unconscious conflicts and childhood experiences

B) Providing advice and solutions to clients' problems

C) Creating a supportive and empathetic therapeutic relationship

D) Confronting existential dilemmas with courage and authenticity

Answer: D) Confronting existential dilemmas with courage and authenticity

30. Frankl believed that individuals could find meaning in:

A) Seeking external validation and approval

B) Embracing suffering and adversity

C) Pursuing pleasure and gratification

D) Creating value and purpose in their lives

Answer: D) Creating value and purpose in their lives

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