20 multiple-choice questions on the application of different methods of psychophysics:

20 multiple-choice questions on the application of different methods of psychophysics:

 1. Which psychophysical method is best suited for determining the absolute threshold of a stimulus?

   A) Method of Constant Stimuli

   B) Method of Limits

   C) Method of Adjustment

   D) Method of Pair Comparison

    Answer: B) Method of Limits


2. Which method of psychophysics involves presenting stimuli in pairs for direct comparison?

   A) Method of Constant Stimuli

   B) Method of Limits

   C) Method of Pair Comparison

   D) Method of Average Error

    Answer: C) Method of Pair Comparison


3. In which method of psychophysics are participants asked to adjust the intensity of a stimulus until it is barely detectable?

   A) Method of Limits

   B) Method of Adjustment

   C) Method of Constant Stimuli

   D) Method of Average Error

    Answer: B) Method of Adjustment


4. Which method of psychophysics involves presenting stimuli at fixed intervals and asking participants to respond whether they can detect them?

   A) Method of Constant Stimuli

   B) Method of Pair Comparison

   C) Method of Limits

   D) Method of Average Error

    Answer: A) Method of Constant Stimuli


5. The method of psychophysics that relies on participants ranking stimuli based on their perceived intensity is:

   A) Method of Adjustment

   B) Method of Pair Comparison

   C) Method of Constant Stimuli

   D) Method of Limits

    Answer: B) Method of Pair Comparison


6. Which method of psychophysics is particularly useful for estimating the just noticeable difference with high precision?

   A) Method of Limits

   B) Method of Pair Comparison

   C) Method of Adjustment

   D) Method of Constant Stimuli

    Answer: B) Method of Pair Comparison


7. In which method of psychophysics are stimuli presented at various intensities, and participants adjust them until they are barely detectable?

   A) Method of Adjustment

   B) Method of Pair Comparison

   C) Method of Constant Stimuli

   D) Method of Limits

   Answer: A) Method of Adjustment


8. Which method of psychophysics is less susceptible to response bias compared to others?

   A) Method of Adjustment

   B) Method of Pair Comparison

   C) Method of Constant Stimuli

   D) Method of Limits

    Answer: B) Method of Pair Comparison


9. The psychophysical method that involves presenting stimuli randomly and asking participants to rank them based on intensity is:

   A) Method of Pair Comparison

   B) Method of Constant Stimuli

   C) Method of Adjustment

   D) Method of Average Error

    Answer: A) Method of Pair Comparison


10. Which method of psychophysics is commonly used to measure the absolute threshold in a quick and efficient manner?

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: C) Method of Constant Stimuli


11. The psychophysical method based on presenting stimuli in ascending or descending order and asking participants to respond when they can or cannot detect them is:

    A) Method of Pair Comparison

    B) Method of Adjustment

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: D) Method of Limits


12. Which method of psychophysics allows for precise control over stimulus presentation?

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: C) Method of Constant Stimuli


13. In which method of psychophysics are participants presented with a wide range of stimulus intensities?

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: C) Method of Constant Stimuli


14. The psychophysical method commonly used to measure the difference limen is:

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

    Answer: C) Method of Constant Stimuli


15. Which method of psychophysics involves presenting stimuli at fixed intervals and asking participants to respond whether they can detect them?

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: C) Method of Constant Stimuli


16. The psychophysical method that relies on participants' ability to accurately judge the relative intensity of stimuli is:

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: B) Method of Pair Comparison


17. Which method of psychophysics is particularly useful for assessing the reliability of sensory judgments across different conditions?

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: B) Method of Pair Comparison


18. The psychophysical method commonly used to estimate the just noticeable difference with high precision is:

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: B) Method of Pair Comparison


19. Which method of psychophysics is less precise compared to other methods?

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: A) Method of Adjustment


20. The psychophysical method that involves presenting pairs of stimuli and asking participants to indicate which one appears stronger is:

    A) Method of Adjustment

    B) Method of Pair Comparison

    C) Method of Constant Stimuli

    D) Method of Limits

     Answer: B) Method of Pair Comparison

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