MCQS on Debate on Methods of Economic Analysis | History of economic thought | BA SEM 6 Economics Lucknow University

MCQS on Debate on Methods of Economic Analysis:
Historical school, Marginal revolution demand side analysis, Criticsm of classical theory of
value and distribution, Evolution of new theory of value of distribution: Menger, Walras and Jevons

1. Who is considered the founder of the Historical School of economics?
   a) Karl Marx
   b) Friedrich Engels
   c) Adam Smith
   d) Wilhelm Roscher
   Answer: d) Wilhelm Roscher

2. What was the primary focus of the Historical School of economics?
   a) Mathematical models
   b) Understanding economic history and institutions
   c) Maximizing utility
   d) Market equilibrium
   Answer: b) Understanding economic history and institutions

3. Which term describes the belief that economic principles are shaped by historical and cultural context?
   a) Rationalism
   b) Methodological individualism
   c) Historicism
   d) Positivism
   Answer: c) Historicism

4. Who among the following economists is associated with the Historical School?
   a) John Maynard Keynes
   b) Wilhelm Roscher
   c) Milton Friedman
   d) Friedrich Hayek
   Answer: b) Wilhelm Roscher

5. What did the Historical School criticize about classical economics?
   a) Its reliance on mathematical models
   b) Its neglect of historical and institutional factors
   c) Its emphasis on market equilibrium
   d) Its rejection of government intervention
   Answer: b) Its neglect of historical and institutional factors

 Marginal Revolution and Demand-Side Analysis:

6. Who were the key figures associated with the Marginal Revolution?
   a) Adam Smith and David Ricardo
   b) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
   c) Alfred Marshall and Carl Menger
   d) John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman
   Answer: c) Alfred Marshall and Carl Menger

7. What was the central idea of the Marginal Revolution?
   a) Labor theory of value
   b) Supply-side economics
   c) Marginal utility and diminishing returns
   d) Historical materialism
   Answer: c) Marginal utility and diminishing returns

8. According to the Marginal Revolution, what determines the value of a good?
   a) Labor input
   b) Demand and supply equilibrium
   c) Marginal utility
   d) Production costs
   Answer: c) Marginal utility

9. Which term describes the additional satisfaction gained from consuming one more unit of a good?
   a) Total utility
   b) Marginal utility
   c) Diminishing returns
   d) Elasticity
   Answer: b) Marginal utility

10. How did the Marginal Revolution contribute to demand-side analysis?
    a) By emphasizing the role of supply in determining prices
    b) By focusing on consumer preferences and behavior
    c) By advocating for government intervention in markets
    d) By promoting the labor theory of value
    Answer: b) By focusing on consumer preferences and behavior

11. What was a major criticism of the classical theory of value by the Marginalists?
    a) Its emphasis on supply-side factors
    b) Its neglect of demand-side factors
    c) Its reliance on historical materialism
    d) Its rejection of government intervention
    Answer: b) Its neglect of demand-side factors

12. According to the classical theory of value, what determines the value of a good?
    a) Marginal utility
    b) Demand and supply equilibrium
    c) Labor input
    d) Production costs
    Answer: c) Labor input

13. Which economist criticized the classical theory of distribution for its failure to account for capital and land rents?
    a) Karl Marx
    b) David Ricardo
    c) Alfred Marshall
    d) Thomas Malthus
    Answer: a) Karl Marx

14. What is the primary focus of classical theory regarding distribution?
    a) Rent
    b) Wages
    c) Profits
    d) Interest
    Answer: c) Profits

15. Which term describes the idea that each factor of production receives income equal to its marginal productivity?
    a) Labor theory of value
    b) Law of diminishing returns
    c) Marginal productivity theory
    d) Supply and demand equilibrium
    Answer: c) Marginal productivity theory

16. Who is considered the founder of the Austrian School of economics?
    a) Carl Menger
    b) William Stanley Jevons
    c) Léon Walras
    d) John Maynard Keynes
    Answer: a) Carl Menger

17. What was Carl Menger's contribution to the theory of value?
    a) Marginal utility theory
    b) Labor theory of value
    c) Classical theory of value
    d) Historical theory of value
    Answer: a) Marginal utility theory

18. Who developed the concept of general equilibrium in economics?
    a) Carl Menger
    b) William Stanley Jevons
    c) Léon Walras
    d) Alfred Marshall
    Answer: c) Léon Walras

19. What did Léon Walras contribute to the theory of value and distribution?
    a) Marginal utility theory
    b) Theory of general equilibrium
    c) Theory of marginal productivity
    d) Labor theory of value
    Answer: b) Theory of general equilibrium

20. Which economist is associated with the theory of marginal utility along with Carl Menger and Léon Walras?
    a) Alfred Marshall
    b) David Ricardo
    c) Adam Smith
    d) John Maynard Keynes
    Answer: a) Alfred Marshall

21. Which term describes the concept introduced by William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger, and Léon Walras that describes the satisfaction or benefit derived from consuming a good or service?
    a) Marginal utility
    b) Total utility
    c) Diminishing returns
    d) Production cost
    Answer: a) Marginal utility

22. How did William Stanley Jevons contribute to the theory of value and distribution?
    a) He developed the concept of general equilibrium
    b) He introduced the theory of marginal utility
    c) He formulated the labor theory of value
    d) He advocated for the classical theory of distribution
    Answer: b) He introduced the theory of marginal utility

23. Who among the following economists focused on explaining economic phenomena using mathematical models?
    a) Carl Menger
    b) William Stanley Jevons
    c) Léon Walras
    d) Alfred Marshall
    Answer: d) Alfred Marshall

24. What did the new theory of value and distribution introduced by Menger, Walras, and Jevons emphasize?
    a) Labor as the sole determinant of value
    b) Supply-side factors in determining prices
    c) Marginal utility and demand-side factors
    d) Long-run equilibrium in markets
    Answer: c) Marginal utility and demand-side factors

25. Which economist among Menger, Walras, and Jevons emphasized the role of individual preferences and subjective value in determining prices?
    a) Carl Menger
    b) Léon Walras
    c) William Stanley Jevons
    d) All of the above
    Answer: a) Carl Menger

26. How did the new theory of value and distribution differ from the classical theory?
    a) It emphasized supply-side factors over demand-side factors
    b) It focused on long-run equilibrium rather than short-run fluctuations
    c) It incorporated marginal utility and subjective value
    d) It rejected the role of government intervention in markets
    Answer: c) It incorporated marginal utility and subjective value

27. What is the significance of the new theory of value and distribution in modern economics?
    a) It laid the foundation for neoclassical economics
    b) It revived interest in classical economic principles
    c) It emphasized the role of government intervention in markets
    d) It rejected the use of mathematical models in economics
    Answer: a) It laid the foundation for neoclassical economics

28. Which term describes the idea that economic agents make decisions based on the marginal benefits and costs of their actions?
    a) Rational choice theory
    b) Marginal utility theory
    c) Classical economics
    d) Historical materialism
    Answer: a) Rational choice theory

29. What did the new theory of value and distribution contribute to the understanding of market equilibrium?
    a) It introduced the concept of market failure
    b) It provided insights into the dynamics of supply and demand
    c) It emphasized the importance of government intervention
    d) It rejected the idea of market equilibrium
    Answer: b) It provided insights into the dynamics of supply and demand

30. Which economic concept emphasizes the interplay between individual choices and market outcomes?
    a) Marginal productivity
    b) Market equilibrium
    c) Rational expectations
    d) Marginal analysis
    Answer: d) Marginal analysis

31. What role did the new theory of value and distribution play in shaping modern microeconomic analysis?
    a) It emphasized the importance of historical and institutional factors
    b) It introduced the concept of perfect competition
    c) It provided a framework for analyzing consumer behavior and market outcomes
    d) It rejected the use of mathematical models in economics
    Answer: c) It provided a framework for analyzing consumer behavior and market outcomes

32. How did the new theory of value and distribution contribute to the understanding of consumer behavior?
    a) By emphasizing the role of production costs
    b) By introducing the concept of diminishing returns
    c) By focusing on individual preferences and marginal utility
    d) By promoting the labor theory of value
    Answer: c) By focusing on individual preferences and marginal utility

33. Which term describes the situation where the last unit of a good consumed provides less satisfaction than the previous units?
    a) Diminishing returns
    b) Marginal utility
    c) Total utility
    d) Equilibrium utility
    Answer: a) Diminishing returns

34. What did Carl Menger, Léon Walras, and William Stanley Jevons contribute to the understanding of market dynamics?
    a) They introduced the concept of market socialism
    b) They developed mathematical models to explain market equilibrium
    c) They emphasized the role of government intervention in markets
    d) They provided insights into the role of supply and demand in determining prices
    Answer: d) They provided insights into the role of supply and demand in determining prices

35. Which term describes the condition where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied in a market?
    a) Disequilibrium
    b) Market failure
    c) Equilibrium
    d) Marginal analysis
    Answer: c) Equilibrium

36. How did the new theory of value and distribution contribute to the understanding of income distribution?
    a) By focusing on the role of government policies
    b) By emphasizing the importance of land rent
    c) By highlighting the role of capital and entrepreneurship in generating income
    d) By rejecting the concept of income distribution
    Answer: c) By highlighting the role of capital and entrepreneurship in generating income

37. Which term describes the condition where resources are allocated efficiently in an economy?
    a) Market equilibrium
    b) Perfect competition
    c) Allocative efficiency
    d) Marginal productivity
    Answer: c) Allocative efficiency

38. What is the significance of the new theory of value and distribution in understanding economic growth?
    a) It emphasized the role of government intervention in promoting growth
    b) It provided insights into the factors that contribute to increased productivity
    c) It rejected the idea of economic growth as a desirable goal
    d) It focused on the role of natural resources in economic development
    Answer: b) It provided insights into the factors that contribute to increased productivity

39. Which term describes the situation where resources are used in the most efficient way possible to maximize total utility?
    a) Marginal utility
    b) Total utility
    c) Allocative efficiency
    d) Diminishing returns
    Answer: c) Allocative efficiency

40. How did the new theory of value and distribution influence policy recommendations in economics?
    a) It advocated for government intervention to correct market failures
    b) It promoted laissez-faire policies and minimal government interference
    c) It rejected the role of government in economic affairs
    d) It emphasized the importance of central planning in resource allocation
    Answer: a) It advocated for government intervention to correct market failures

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