Unit 2 : Neo - Malthusian History of economic thought | BA SEM 6 Economics Lucknow University

20 Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers on The Classical Legacy and Marxism Approach To The Economic Problem In The History Of Economic Thought:

1. Who is considered the father of classical economics?
   a) Adam Smith
   b) Karl Marx
   c) John Maynard Keynes
   d) David Ricardo
   Answer: a) Adam Smith
2. According to classical economists, what is the primary driver of economic activity?
   a) Government intervention
   b) Supply and demand
   c) Labor theory of value
   d) Class struggle
   Answer: b) Supply and demand
3. Which classical economist is known for his theory of comparative advantage?
   a) Adam Smith
   b) John Stuart Mill
   c) Thomas Malthus
   d) David Ricardo
   Answer: d) David Ricardo
4. According to classical economics, what is the role of government in the economy?
   a) Active intervention to regulate markets
   b) Passive role, limited to maintaining law and order
   c) Central planning of production and distribution
   d) Redistribution of wealth
   Answer: b) Passive role, limited to maintaining law and order
5. Which classical economist is known for his theory of population growth and its effects on the economy?
   a) Adam Smith
   b) David Ricardo
   c) Thomas Malthus
   d) John Stuart Mill
   Answer: c) Thomas Malthus
6. According to Marx, what is the primary source of value in a capitalist economy?
   a) Supply and demand
   b) Labor
   c) Capital
   d) Land
   Answer: b) Labor
7. What did Marx argue about the relationship between capitalists and workers?
   a) Mutual cooperation for economic prosperity
   b) Class struggle leading to exploitation of workers
   c) Equal distribution of wealth
   d) Government control of means of production
   Answer: b) Class struggle leading to exploitation of workers
8. According to Marxist theory, what drives historical change?
   a) Technological advancements
   b) Political revolutions
   c) Economic forces and class struggle
   d) Natural disasters
   Answer: c) Economic forces and class struggle
9. What did Marx predict would be the ultimate fate of capitalism?
   a) Stability and perpetual growth
   b) Transformation into socialism
   c) Collapse due to internal contradictions
   d) Expansion into a global economic system
   Answer: c) Collapse due to internal contradictions
10. Which term describes the process by which capitalists extract surplus value from workers according to Marx?
a) Exploitation
b) Redistribution
c) Profit sharing
d) Market equilibrium
Answer: a) Exploitation
11. Who coined the term "invisible hand" to describe the self-regulating nature of markets?
a) Adam Smith
b) Karl Marx
c) John Maynard Keynes
d) David Ricardo
Answer: a) Adam Smith
12. According to classical economists, what determines the distribution of income in society?
a) Government policies
b) Land ownership
c) Supply and demand
d) Marginal productivity of factors of production
Answer: d) Marginal productivity of factors of production
13. What did Marx argue about the nature of capitalist crises?
a) They are natural and unavoidable occurrences
b) They are caused by government intervention
c) They are inherent in the capitalist system
d) They can be eliminated through technological advancements
Answer: c) They are inherent in the capitalist system
14. Which classical economist is known for his theory of the "invisible hand" guiding market behavior?
a) Adam Smith
b) David Ricardo
c) John Maynard Keynes
d) Thomas Malthus
Answer: a) Adam Smith
15. According to Marx, what is the final stage of historical development after capitalism?
a) Feudalism
b) Socialism
c) Communism
d) Mercantilism
Answer: c) Communism
16. What did Marx argue about the role of ideology in society?
a) It serves to maintain the status quo and uphold capitalist interests
b) It promotes social cohesion and unity
c) It is irrelevant to economic development
d) It leads to economic prosperity
Answer: a) It serves to maintain the status quo and uphold capitalist interests
17. Which classical economist is known for his theory of the stationary state of the economy?
a) Adam Smith
b) David Ricardo
c) John Stuart Mill
d) Thomas Malthus
Answer: c) John Stuart Mill
18. According to Marx, what determines the value of a commodity?
a) Consumer demand
b) Cost of production
c) Market competition
d) Socially necessary labor time
Answer: d) Socially necessary labor time
19. Which classical economist is known for his theory of the iron law of wages?
a) Adam Smith
b) David Ricardo
c) John Stuart Mill
d) Thomas Malthus
Answer: d) Thomas Malthus
20. What did Marx argue about the role of the state in a capitalist society?
a) It represents the interests of the working class
b) It acts as a neutral arbiter in economic conflicts
c) It serves the interests of the capitalist class
d) It is irrelevant to economic development
Answer: c) It serves the interests of the capitalist class

10 multiple-choice questions on dialectical materialism:
1. What is the philosophical framework that underpins Marxist theory?
   a) Idealism
   b) Empiricism
   c) Dialectical materialism
   d) Rationalism
   Answer: c) Dialectical materialism
2. According to dialectical materialism, what is the driving force behind historical development?
   a) Divine intervention
   b) Class struggle
   c) Technological progress
   d) Political reform
   Answer: b) Class struggle
3. Who developed the concept of dialectical materialism?
   a) Karl Marx
   b) Friedrich Engels
   c) Vladimir Lenin
   d) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
   Answer: b) Friedrich Engels
4. What does dialectics refer to in dialectical materialism?
   a) The study of material goods
   b) The interplay of opposites leading to change
   c) The analysis of human consciousness
   d) The study of historical artifacts
   Answer: b) The interplay of opposites leading to change
5. How does dialectical materialism view the relationship between consciousness and material conditions?
   a) Consciousness shapes material conditions
   b) Material conditions shape consciousness
   c) They have no relationship
   d) They influence each other equally
   Answer: b) Material conditions shape consciousness
6. According to dialectical materialism, what is the primary source of social progress?
   a) Religious institutions
   b) Economic factors
   c) Political leadership
   d) Educational systems
   Answer: b) Economic factors
7. Which term describes the process of quantitative change leading to qualitative change in dialectical materialism?
   a) Synthesis
   b) Thesis
   c) Antithesis
   d) Negation of the negation
   Answer: d) Negation of the negation
8. How does dialectical materialism view contradictions within society?
   a) They are temporary and inconsequential
   b) They are necessary for social progress
   c) They should be avoided at all costs
   d) They lead to stagnation
   Answer: b) They are necessary for social progress
9. What role does dialectical materialism assign to individuals in historical development?
   a) Passive observers
   b) Agents of change
   c) Victims of circumstance
   d) Guardians of tradition
   Answer: b) Agents of change
10. Which aspect of dialectical materialism emphasizes the importance of understanding phenomena in their context?
a) Materialism
b) Dialectics
c) Idealism
d) Empiricism
Answer: b) Dialectics
20 multiple-choice questions on historical determinism and capitalist crisis:
1. What is historical determinism?
   a) The belief that history follows a predetermined course
   b) The study of historical artifacts
   c) The reliance on historical anecdotes to explain current events
   d) The rejection of historical analysis in understanding social phenomena
   Answer: a) The belief that history follows a predetermined course
2. According to historical determinism, what drives historical change?
   a) Random events
   b) Individual actions
   c) Economic forces and social conditions
   d) Government policies
   Answer: c) Economic forces and social conditions
3. What role does capitalism play in historical determinism?
   a) It accelerates historical progress
   b) It inhibits historical progress
   c) It has no impact on historical progress
   d) It determines the course of historical progress
   Answer: d) It determines the course of historical progress
4. How does historical determinism view capitalist crises?
   a) As temporary setbacks
   b) As inherent flaws of the capitalist system
   c) As opportunities for growth
   d) As manageable through government intervention
   Answer: b) As inherent flaws of the capitalist system
5. Which term describes the recurring periods of economic downturn within capitalism?
   a) Economic cycles
   b) Golden ages
   c) Economic booms
   d) Capitalist stability
   Answer: a) Economic cycles
6. According to historical determinism, what leads to capitalist crises?
   a) Overproduction and underconsumption
   b) Government regulation
   c) Technological advancements
   d) Labor strikes
   Answer: a) Overproduction and underconsumption
7. What role does historical determinism assign to class struggle?
   a) It is irrelevant to historical development
   b) It is the primary driver of historical change
   c) It plays a minor role in historical progress
   d) It impedes historical progress
   Answer: b) It is the primary driver of historical change
8. How does historical determinism view the relationship between capitalism and imperialism?
   a) They are unrelated phenomena
   b) Imperialism is a natural extension of capitalism
   c) Capitalism is a form of imperialism
   d) Imperialism leads to the downfall of capitalism
   Answer: b) Imperialism is a natural extension of capitalism
9. Which term describes the tendency of capitalism to accumulate wealth in the hands of a few?
   a) Wealth equality
   b) Wealth concentration
   c) Wealth dispersion
   d) Wealth redistribution
   Answer: b) Wealth concentration
10. What is the Marxist term for the point at which the internal contradictions of capitalism become unbearable?
a) Economic equilibrium
b) Capitalist utopia
c) Revolutionary moment
d) Technological singularity
Answer: c) Revolutionary moment
11. According to historical determinism, what role does technological innovation play in capitalist crises?
a) It resolves contradictions within the system
b) It exacerbates contradictions within the system
c) It has no impact on capitalist crises
d) It leads to government intervention
Answer: b) It exacerbates contradictions within the system
12. What is the Marxist term for the breakdown of the capitalist system due to its internal contradictions?
a) Economic equilibrium
b) Capitalist utopia
c) Proletarian revolution
d) Bourgeois revolution
Answer: c) Proletarian revolution
13. How does historical determinism view the role of government in addressing capitalist crises?
a) Government intervention is necessary to resolve crises
b) Government intervention worsens crises
c) Government should remain neutral in crises
d) Government should withdraw from economic affairs during crises
Answer: a) Government intervention is necessary to resolve crises
14. According to historical determinism, what is the ultimate fate of capitalism?
a) Perpetual stability and prosperity
b) Transformation into socialism
c) Collapse due to internal contradictions
d) Expansion into a global economic system
Answer: c) Collapse due to internal contradictions
15. Which term describes the Marxist theory that capitalist crises create conditions ripe for revolutionary change?
a) Economic determinism
b) Crisis theory
c) Historical materialism
d) Dialectical materialism
Answer: b) Crisis theory
16. How does historical determinism view the role of ideology in capitalist societies?
a) It is a driving force for change
b) It perpetuates the status quo
c) It has no impact on social development
d) It leads to economic prosperity
Answer: b) It perpetuates the status quo
17. Which economic concept refers to the tendency of the rate of profit to fall over time in capitalism?
a) Economic equilibrium
b) Profit maximization
c) Law of value
d) Tendency of the rate of profit to fall
Answer: d) Tendency of the rate of profit to fall
18. What is the Marxist term for the economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production and wage labor?
a) Feudalism
b) Socialism
c) Capitalism
d) Communism
Answer: c) Capitalism
19. According to historical determinism, what is the role of economic crises in the transition to socialism?
a) They delay the transition to socialism
b) They accelerate the transition to socialism
c) They have no impact on the transition to socialism
d) They lead to the restoration of capitalism
Answer: b) They accelerate the transition to socialism
20. What is the Marxist term for the period of revolutionary upheaval that marks the transition from capitalism to socialism?
a) Capitalist utopia
b) Socialist revolution
c) Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
d) Dictatorship of the proletariat
Answer: d) Dictatorship of the proletariat
20 multiple-choice questions on Socialists and the Institutionalists:
1. Who are the two main figures associated with the Socialist tradition?
   a) Adam Smith and David Ricardo
   b) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
   c) John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman
   d) Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo
   Answer: b) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
2. What is the central idea of socialism?
   a) Free market competition
   b) Private ownership of the means of production
   c) Government control of the means of production
   d) Individual pursuit of profit
   Answer: c) Government control of the means of production
3. Which term describes the economic system advocated by socialists?
   a) Capitalism
   b) Feudalism
   c) Socialism
   d) Mercantilism
   Answer: c) Socialism
4. According to socialist theory, who should control the means of production?
   a) Private individuals
   b) The government
   c) Trade unions
   d) Corporations
   Answer: b) The government
5. What is the goal of socialism regarding income distribution?
   a) Equal distribution of wealth
   b) Unequal distribution of wealth
   c) Distribution based on merit
   d) Distribution based on inheritance
   Answer: a) Equal distribution of wealth
6. Which term describes the process by which workers collectively own and manage the means of production?
   a) Capitalism
   b) Socialism
   c) Communism
   d) Syndicalism
   Answer: d) Syndicalism
7. Who is considered one of the pioneers of Institutional Economics?
   a) Karl Marx
   b) Friedrich Engels
   c) John Maynard Keynes
   d) Thorstein Veblen
   Answer: d) Thorstein Veblen
8. What is the central focus of Institutional Economics?
   a) Maximizing individual utility
   b) Maximizing profit
   c) Understanding economic institutions and their impact on behavior
   d) Promoting free trade
   Answer: c) Understanding economic institutions and their impact on behavior
9. Which term describes the idea that economic behavior is influenced by social and cultural factors?
   a) Methodological individualism
   b) Rational choice theory
   c) Institutionalism
   d) Historical materialism
   Answer: c) Institutionalism
10. What do Institutionalists argue about the role of government in the economy?
a) Government intervention should be minimized
b) Government intervention is necessary to correct market failures
c) Government should have no role in the economy
d) Government intervention leads to inefficiency
Answer: b) Government intervention is necessary to correct market failures
11. Who introduced the concept of "conspicuous consumption" in Institutional Economics?
a) John Maynard Keynes
b) Adam Smith
c) Thorstein Veblen
d) Milton Friedman
Answer: c) Thorstein Veblen
12. According to Institutional Economics, what drives economic behavior?
a) Individual preferences
b) Social norms and institutions
c) Rational decision-making
d) Market forces
Answer: b) Social norms and institutions
13. Which term describes the tendency of institutions to resist change?
a) Inertia
b) Dynamism
c) Progressivism
d) Efficiency
Answer: a) Inertia
14. What role do institutions play in shaping economic outcomes, according to Institutional Economics?
a) They have no impact on economic outcomes
b) They determine economic outcomes
c) They play a minor role in economic outcomes
d) They are influenced by economic outcomes
Answer: b) They determine economic outcomes
15. What is the primary criticism of Institutional Economics?
a) It ignores the role of institutions in economic behavior
b) It overemphasizes the role of institutions in economic behavior
c) It lacks empirical evidence
d) It is too focused on individual decision-making
Answer: b) It overemphasizes the role of institutions in economic behavior
16. Which term describes the idea that institutions evolve over time to adapt to changing circumstances?
a) Institutional inertia
b) Institutional evolution
c) Institutional rigidity
d) Institutional equilibrium
Answer: b) Institutional evolution
17. What do Institutionalists argue about the nature of economic rationality?
a) Economic rationality is universal and timeless
b) Economic rationality varies across cultures and historical contexts
c) Economic rationality is determined solely by individual preferences
d) Economic rationality is irrelevant to economic outcomes
Answer: b) Economic rationality varies across cultures and historical contexts
18. Which term describes the approach that emphasizes the importance of historical and cultural context in understanding economic behavior?
a) Rational choice theory
b) Neoclassical economics
c) Institutional economics
d) Behavioral economics
Answer: c) Institutional economics
19. What is the primary difference between neoclassical economics and Institutional Economics?
a) Neoclassical economics focuses on individual decision-making, while Institutional Economics focuses on social norms and institutions
b) Neoclassical economics emphasizes the role of government intervention, while Institutional Economics advocates for free markets
c) Neoclassical economics rejects the role of institutions in economic behavior, while Institutional Economics emphasizes their importance
d) Neoclassical economics prioritizes long-term planning, while Institutional Economics focuses on short-term gains
Answer: a) Neoclassical economics focuses on individual decision-making, while Institutional Economics focuses on social norms and institutions
20. Who is known for his work on the concept of "bounded rationality" in Institutional Economics?
a) John Maynard Keynes
b) Adam Smith
c) Herbert Simon
d) Thorstein Veblen
Answer: c) Herbert Simon

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