Unit I : UNIT I: Personality Assessment
- History of Personality Assessment.
- Ethical Issues in Personality Assessment.
- Psychometric Tests: MMPI, EPPS.
- Psychometric Tests: MPI, NEO.
UNIT II: Indian Perspective of Personality Assessment
- Projective tests: TAT, Rorschach Inkblot Test.
- Sentence Completion and Word Association Test.
- Assessment of Interest and Values: Strong Vocational Interest Blank, Allport Vernon Study of Values.
- Behavioural Assessment: Uses and Types.
UNIT III: Assessment of Mental Ability
- Stanford Binet V-edition, Wechsler Scales-Verbal and Performance.
- Bhatia Battery and Standard Progressive Matrices.
- Assessment of Special Ability: DAT, Minnesota test of Clerical
- Aptitude, Career Maturity Scale.
- Achievement tests: Standardized and Teacher made Achievement tests.
UNIT IV: Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Basics of Research in Psychology: Nature and Goals of Psychological Research.Principles of good research.
Steps/process of research.
Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research.