30 MCQS on Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory

Here are 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focusing on Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory, along with their answers.

Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

1. Freud's psychoanalytic theory is primarily concerned with:

   - a) Conscious thoughts and behaviors

   - b) Unconscious motives and conflicts

   - c) Social learning and environment

   - d) Biological and genetic factors

   - Answer: b) Unconscious motives and conflicts


2. According to Freud, the structure of personality includes:

   - a) Id, Ego, Superego

   - b) Conscious, Preconscious, Unconscious

   - c) Introversion, Extraversion, Ambiversion

   - d) Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness

   - Answer: a) Id, Ego, Superego


. The Id operates on which principle?

   - a) Reality principle

   - b) Pleasure principle

   - c) Morality principle

   - d) Consistency principle

   - Answer: b) Pleasure principle


4. The Ego operates on which principle?

   - a) Reality principle

   - b) Pleasure principle

   - c) Morality principle

   - d) Consistency principle

   - Answer: a) Reality principle


5. The Superego represents:

   - a) Basic biological drives

   - b) Rational decision-making

   - c) Moral standards and ideals

   - d) Immediate gratification

   - Answer: c) Moral standards and ideals


6. Which part of the personality is responsible for mediating between the Id and the Superego?

   - a) Id

   - b) Ego

   - c) Superego

   - d) Conscious mind

   - Answer: b) Ego


7. Defense mechanisms are primarily used by which part of the personality?

   - a) Id

   - b) Ego

   - c) Superego

   - d) Conscious mind

   - Answer: b) Ego


8. Which defense mechanism involves attributing one’s own unacceptable thoughts to others?

   - a) Denial

   - b) Projection

   - c) Repression

   - d) Sublimation

   - Answer: b) Projection


9. Which defense mechanism involves redirecting unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable activities?

   - a) Denial

   - b) Projection

   - c) Repression

   - d) Sublimation

   - Answer: d) Sublimation


10. Repressing painful or unacceptable thoughts into the unconscious is known as:

    - a) Denial

    - b) Displacement

    - c) Repression

    - d) Rationalization

    - Answer: c) Repression


11. Which psychosexual stage is associated with weaning and fixation on oral activities?

    - a) Oral stage

    - b) Anal stage

    - c) Phallic stage

    - d) Latency stage

    - Answer: a) Oral stage


12. The Oedipus complex is associated with which psychosexual stage?

    - a) Oral stage

    - b) Anal stage

    - c) Phallic stage

    - d) Genital stage

    - Answer: c) Phallic stage


1. According to Freud, which stage involves dormant sexual feelings and focus on social and intellectual skills?

    - a) Oral stage

    - b) Anal stage

    - c) Phallic stage

    - d) Latency stage

    - Answer: d) Latency stage


14. Which of the following concepts is central to Freud's theory of personality development?

    - a) Self-actualization

    - b) Psychosexual stages

    - c) Cognitive schemas

    - d) Operant conditioning

    - Answer: b) Psychosexual stages


15. Which psychosexual stage is associated with toilet training and control?

    - a) Oral stage

    - b) Anal stage

    - c) Phallic stage

    - d) Genital stage

    - Answer: b) Anal stage


16. In Freud’s theory, the final stage of psychosexual development is:

    - a) Oral stage

    - b) Anal stage

    - c) Phallic stage

    - d) Genital stage

    - Answer: d) Genital stage


17. According to Freud, fixation at the oral stage might result in:

    - a) Excessive cleanliness

    - b) Overeating or smoking

    - c) Aggressiveness

    - d) Sexual dysfunction

    - Answer: b) Overeating or smoking


18. Freud’s concept of libido refers to:

    - a) A life instinct focused on survival and reproduction

    - b) An aggressive drive

    - c) A moral standard

    - d) A cognitive schema

    - Answer: a) A life instinct focused on survival and reproduction


19. Which technique involves a patient saying whatever comes to mind, without censorship?

    - a) Dream analysis

    - b) Free association

    - c) Hypnosis

    - d) Transference

    - Answer: b) Free association


20. The technique of dream analysis was used by Freud to explore:

    - a) Conscious thoughts

    - b) Repressed memories

    - c) Genetic predispositions

    - d) Behavioral conditioning

    - Answer: b) Repressed memories


21. In Freud’s theory, the mechanism by which unacceptable impulses are transformed into their opposites is called:

    - a) Reaction formation

    - b) Regression

    - c) Rationalization

    - d) Displacement

    - Answer: a) Reaction formation


22. Freud’s concept of the preconscious refers to:

    - a) Thoughts currently in awareness

    - b) Thoughts that are not currently in awareness but can be brought to consciousness

    - c) Deeply repressed memories

    - d) Instinctual drives

    - Answer: b) Thoughts that are not currently in awareness but can be brought to consciousness


23. The term "penis envy" is associated with which stage of Freud's theory?

    - a) Oral stage

    - b) Anal stage

    - c) Phallic stage

    - d) Latency stage

    - Answer: c) Phallic stage


24. According to Freud, the part of the mind that operates on the reality principle is the:

    - a) Id

    - b) Ego

    - c) Superego

    - d) Conscious mind

    - Answer: b) Ego


25. The process by which children incorporate their parents’ values into their developing superegos is called:

    - a) Identification

    - b) Fixation

    - c) Repression

    - d) Displacement

    - Answer: a) Identification


26. According to Freud, the primary focus of the anal stage is:

    - a) Oral activities like sucking and biting

    - b) Control over bowel and bladder elimination

    - c) Exploration of the genital area

    - d) Developing social and intellectual skills

    - Answer: b) Control over bowel and bladder elimination


27. Freud's concept of the death instinct is referred to as:

    - a) Libido

    - b) Thanatos

    - c) Eros

    - d) Anima

    - Answer: b) Thanatos


28. Which defense mechanism involves reverting to behaviors from an earlier stage of development?

    - a) Reaction formation

    - b) Regression

    - c) Rationalization

    - d) Displacement

    - Answer: b) Regression


29. The Electra complex is the female counterpart to which male complex?

    - a) Oedipus complex

    - b) Inferiority complex

    - c) Identity complex

    - d) Dependency complex

    - Answer: a) Oedipus complex


30. Freud believed that dreams are:

    - a) Random neural activity

    - b) Wish fulfillments

    - c) Manifestations of conscious thoughts

    - d) Influenced by daily experiences only

    - Answer: b) Wish fulfillments


These questions cover a broad range of concepts and key elements of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory.

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