Approaches of Personality | BA SEM 6 Psychology Lucknow University Syllabus

Unit I: Overview of Personality 
• Criteria for Evaluating Personality Theories 
• Basic assumptions Concerning Human Nature 
• Comparison of Nomothetic vs. Idiographic Approach, Trait vs. Type Theories
Unit II: Trait and Type theories 
• Allport and Cattell’s theory of Personality 
• Eysenck and Jung’s theory of Personality

Unit III: Psychodynamic Theories 
Extension of Psychoanalytic theory: Adler and Object Relations 

Unit IV: Humanistic and Existential Theories 
• General assumptions of Humanistic and Existential Theories 
• Humanistic Theories: Maslow and Rogers 
• Existential Theories: Frankl and Rollo May

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