International Court of Justice in defence studies | MCQS

 (MCQs) on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) with answers, suitable for defense studies:


 Questions and Answers:


1. Where is the International Court of Justice located?

   - A. Paris, France

   - B. The Hague, Netherlands

   - C. New York, USA

   - D. Geneva, Switzerland

   - Answer: B. The Hague, Netherlands


2. When was the International Court of Justice established?

   - A. 1919

   - B. 1945

   - C. 1950

   - D. 1960

   - Answer: B. 1945


3. The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of which organization?

   - A. European Union

   - B. NATO

   - C. United Nations

   - D. World Bank

   - Answer: C. United Nations


4. Which document serves as the statute of the International Court of Justice?

   - A. The United Nations Charter

   - B. The Geneva Conventions

   - C. The ICJ Statute

   - D. The Treaty of Versailles

   - Answer: C. The ICJ Statute


5. How many judges serve on the International Court of Justice?

   - A. 9

   - B. 12

   - C. 15

   - D. 18

   - Answer: C. 15


6. For how many years are the judges of the ICJ elected?

   - A. 6 years

   - B. 9 years

   - C. 12 years

   - D. 15 years

   - Answer: B. 9 years


7. Who elects the judges of the International Court of Justice?

   - A. The UN Security Council alone

   - B. The UN General Assembly alone

   - C. Both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council

   - D. The UN Secretary-General

   - Answer: C. Both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council


8. Can a judge of the ICJ be re-elected?

   - A. Yes

   - B. No

   - Answer: A. Yes


9. Who is the current President of the International Court of Justice? (Note: This might need updating based on the current date.)

   - A. Joan Donoghue

   - B. Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf

   - C. Ronny Abraham

   - D. Peter Tomka

   - Answer: A. Joan Donoghue


10. What is the primary function of the International Court of Justice?

    - A. To prosecute war criminals

    - B. To settle legal disputes submitted by states

    - C. To legislate international law

    - D. To provide advisory opinions on legal questions referred by UN organs and agencies

    - Answer: B. To settle legal disputes submitted by states


11. What is the role of the ICJ's advisory opinions?

    - A. Binding on all member states

    - B. Binding only on the parties requesting it

    - C. Non-binding and advisory in nature

    - D. Binding on the UN General Assembly

    - Answer: C. Non-binding and advisory in nature


12. Can individuals directly bring cases before the ICJ?

    - A. Yes

    - B. No

    - Answer: B. No


13. Which article of the UN Charter deals with the establishment of the ICJ?

    - A. Article 2

    - B. Article 7

    - C. Article 92

    - D. Article 101

    - Answer: C. Article 92


14. What are the official languages of the International Court of Justice?

    - A. English and Spanish

    - B. French and Spanish

    - C. English and French

    - D. French and Arabic

    - Answer: C. English and French


15. What is the quorum for the International Court of Justice to function?

    - A. 9 judges

    - B. 10 judges

    - C. 11 judges

    - D. 12 judges

    - Answer: A. 9 judges


16. Which type of cases can be brought before the ICJ?

    - A. Criminal cases

    - B. Civil cases between individuals

    - C. Disputes between states

    - D. Trade disputes

    - Answer: C. Disputes between states


17. Which of the following is not a source of law applied by the ICJ?

    - A. International conventions

    - B. International custom

    - C. General principles of law recognized by civilized nations

    - D. National legislation

    - Answer: D. National legislation


18. Which body can request advisory opinions from the ICJ?

    - A. The International Criminal Court

    - B. The UN General Assembly

    - C. The World Trade Organization

    - D. The International Labour Organization

    - Answer: B. The UN General Assembly


19. What is required for a state to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ?

    - A. A special treaty

    - B. A declaration recognizing the jurisdiction as compulsory

    - C. A resolution from the UN Security Council

    - D. An invitation from another state

    - Answer: B. A declaration recognizing the jurisdiction as compulsory


20. How can judges of the ICJ be removed from office?

    - A. By a majority vote of the UN General Assembly

    - B. By a unanimous decision of the ICJ judges

    - C. By a two-thirds majority vote of the UN Security Council

    - D. For cause by a majority vote of both the UN General Assembly and the Security Council

    - Answer: D. For cause by a majority vote of both the UN General Assembly and the Security Council


21. What is the role of the Registrar of the ICJ?

    - A. To preside over court sessions

    - B. To manage the administrative functions of the Court

    - C. To cast the deciding vote in case of a tie

    - D. To represent the ICJ in the UN General Assembly

    - Answer: B. To manage the administrative functions of the Court


22. Which principle ensures that no judge of the ICJ is a national of a state involved in a case?

    - A. Judicial independence

    - B. Judicial impartiality

    - C. National neutrality

    - D. State immunity

    - Answer: B. Judicial impartiality


23. Which of the following cases is an example of an ICJ advisory opinion?

    - A. Nicaragua v. United States

    - B. The Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons

    - C. Belgium v. Senegal

    - D. Qatar v. Bahrain

    - Answer: B. The Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons


24. What does "contentious jurisdiction" refer to in the context of the ICJ?

    - A. The ability to issue advisory opinions

    - B. The ability to hear cases between states that consent to the Court's jurisdiction

    - C. The power to enforce its decisions

    - D. The ability to mediate disputes between states

    - Answer: B. The ability to hear cases between states that consent to the Court's jurisdiction


25. Which document provides for the procedures of the ICJ?

    - A. The ICJ Statute

    - B. The Rules of Court

    - C. The UN Charter

    - D. The Geneva Conventions

    - Answer: B. The Rules of Court


26. What is the term for a state that has not accepted the jurisdiction of the ICJ but is involved in a case?

    - A. Respondent state

    - B. Non-party state

    - C. Third-party state

    - D. Non-consenting state

    - Answer: C. Third-party state


27. Which international body can enforce the judgments of the ICJ?

    - A. The UN General Assembly

    - B. The UN Security Council

    - C. The International Criminal Court

    - D. The International Law Commission

    - Answer: B. The UN Security Council


28. Which landmark case involved a dispute over maritime boundaries between Germany and Denmark?

    - A. Corfu Channel Case

    - B. North Sea Continental Shelf Cases

    - C. Gulf of Maine Case

    - D. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay Case

    - Answer: B. North Sea Continental Shelf Cases


29. What is the legal significance of the ICJ's judgments?

    - A. Binding only on the parties involved in the case

    - B. Binding on all UN member states

    - C. Advisory in nature

    - D. Non-binding and subject to voluntary compliance

    - Answer: A. Binding only on the parties involved in the case


30. Which of the following can the ICJ not do?

    - A. Issue binding judgments in disputes between states

    - B. Provide advisory opinions on international legal questions

    - C. Prosecute individuals for crimes against humanity


Sure, here are the remaining questions:


31. Which principle allows the ICJ to decide cases based on equity and fairness?

    - A. Jus cogens

    - B. Ex aequo et bono

    - C. Pacta sunt servanda

    - D. Stare decisis

    - Answer: B. Ex aequo et bono


32. What is required for a case to be brought before the ICJ?

    - A. Mutual consent of the states involved

    - B. Approval of the UN Secretary-General

    - C. A request by any UN member state

    - D. A resolution by the UN Security Council

    - Answer: A. Mutual consent of the states involved


33. Which case dealt with the issue of diplomatic protection of nationals?

    - A. Barcelona Traction Case

    - B. Avena Case

    - C. LaGrand Case

    - D. Tehran Hostages Case

    - Answer: A. Barcelona Traction Case


34. In which year did the ICJ issue its first advisory opinion?

    - A. 1946

    - B. 1948

    - C. 1950

    - D. 1952

    - Answer: A. 1946


35. Which country was involved in the Corfu Channel Case against the United Kingdom?

    - A. Greece

    - B. Albania

    - C. Italy

    - D. France

    - Answer: B. Albania


36. Which landmark case addressed the issue of state sovereignty over airspace?

    - A. Nottebohm Case

    - B. Haya de la Torre Case

    - C. Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 Case

    - D. Gulf of Maine Case

    - Answer: C. Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 Case


37. Which case involved a dispute over the interpretation of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation?

    - A. Iran Hostages Case

    - B. Oil Platforms Case

    - C. Nicaragua v. United States

    - D. Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru Case

    - Answer: B. Oil Platforms Case


38. What is the ICJ's jurisdiction over advisory opinions based on?

    - A. Article 36 of the UN Charter

    - B. Article 65 of the ICJ Statute

    - C. Article 38 of the ICJ Statute

    - D. Article 92 of the UN Charter

    - Answer: B. Article 65 of the ICJ Statute


39. Which principle is used by the ICJ to interpret treaties?

    - A. Principle of good faith

    - B. Principle of non-intervention

    - C. Principle of pacta sunt servanda

    - D. Principle of uti possidetis juris

    - Answer: C. Principle of pacta sunt servanda


40. How many ad hoc judges can be appointed to the ICJ for a particular case?

    - A. 1

    - B. 2

    - C. 3

    - D. 4

    - Answer: A. 1


41. Which case involved the dispute over the status of a territory in Africa?

    - A. Western Sahara Case

    - B. Timor-Leste v. Australia

    - C. Burkina Faso v. Mali

    - D. Botswana v. Namibia

    - Answer: A. Western Sahara Case


42. Who serves as the Vice-President of the ICJ? (Note: This might need updating based on the current date.)

    - A. Kirill Gevorgian

    - B. Xue Hanqin

    - C. Peter Tomka

    - D. Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf

    - Answer: B. Xue Hanqin


43. What type of law does the ICJ primarily deal with?

    - A. Domestic law

    - B. International law

    - C. Civil law

    - D. Criminal law

    - Answer: B. International law


44. Which case addressed the legality of using force in self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter?

    - A. Nicaragua v. United States

    - B. Corfu Channel Case

    - C. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua Case

    - D. Legality of the Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium)

    - Answer: C. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua Case


45. Which case involved the dispute over the use of shared water resources?

    - A. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay Case

    - B. Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project Case

    - C. Danube River Case

    - D. Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration

    - Answer: A. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay Case


46. Which principle does the ICJ apply when there is no clear rule of international law?

    - A. Principle of state sovereignty

    - B. Principle of equity

    - C. Principle of humanitarian intervention

    - D. Principle of self-determination

    - Answer: B. Principle of equity


47. Which case dealt with the issue of genocide?

    - A. Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro

    - B. Croatia v. Serbia

    - C. Germany v. Italy

    - D. Georgia v. Russia

    - Answer: A. Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro


48. Which article of the ICJ Statute allows states to bring cases before the Court?

    - A. Article 36

    - B. Article 38

    - C. Article 40

    - D. Article 42

    - Answer: C. Article 40


49. Which case involved a dispute over fishing rights?

    - A. Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (United Kingdom v. Iceland)

    - B. Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea Case

    - C. Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case

    - D. Gulf of Maine Case

    - Answer: A. Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (United Kingdom v. Iceland)


50. Which principle ensures that the ICJ's judgments are based on established international law?

    - A. Principle of non-refoulement

    - B. Principle of judicial independence

    - C. Principle of stare decisis

    - D. Principle of legal certainty

    - Answer: D. Principle of legal certainty


51. What is the legal basis for the ICJ's advisory jurisdiction?

    - A. Article 36 of the UN Charter

    - B. Article 65 of the ICJ Statute

    - C. Article 38 of the ICJ Statute

    - D. Article 92 of the UN Charter

    - Answer: B. Article 65 of the ICJ Statute


52. Which case involved the issue of territorial sovereignty over islands?

    - A. Qatar v. Bahrain

    - B. Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain Case

    - C. Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge Case

    - D. Cameroon v. Nigeria

    - Answer: C. Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge Case


53. Which principle allows the ICJ to take into account the conduct of states in determining international law?

    - A. Principle of good faith

    - B. Principle of non-intervention

    - C. Principle of equity

    - D. Principle of estoppel

    - Answer: D. Principle of estoppel


54. Which case involved the issue of nuclear tests conducted by a state?

    - A. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons Case

    - B. Nuclear Tests Case (Australia v. France)

    - C. Marshall Islands Cases

    - D. South West Africa Cases

    - Answer: B. Nuclear Tests Case (Australia v. France)


55. Which principle is applied by the ICJ to determine whether a treaty has been violated?

    - A. Principle of pacta sunt servanda

    - B. Principle of jus cogens

    - C. Principle of uti possidetis juris

    - D. Principle of rebus sic stantibus

    - Answer: A. Principle of pacta sunt servanda


56. Which case involved the issue of racial discrimination?

    - A. South West Africa Cases

    - B. Georgia v. Russia

    - C. Advisory Opinion on Namibia

    - D. Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v. United Arab Emirates)

    - Answer: D. Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v. United Arab Emirates)


57. What is the term for the parties involved in a case before the ICJ?

    - A. Plaintiffs and defendants

    - B. Appellants and respondents

    - C. Claimants and respondents

    - D. Applicants and respondents

    - Answer: D. Applicants and respondents


Sure, here are the remaining questions:


58. Which case involved a dispute over the legality of a security fence?

    - A. Nicaragua v. United States

    - B. Israel v. Palestine

    - C. Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

    - D. East Timor Case

    - Answer: C. Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory


59. Which of the following is a necessary condition for the ICJ to have jurisdiction over a dispute?

    - A. Both parties must be members of the United Nations

    - B. Both parties must consent to the Court's jurisdiction

    - C. The dispute must involve a violation of human rights

    - D. The dispute must be referred by the UN General Assembly

    - Answer: B. Both parties must consent to the Court's jurisdiction


60. What is the significance of the principle of "pacta sunt servanda" in international law?

    - A. It allows states to revoke treaties at will

    - B. It requires states to honor their treaty obligations

    - C. It permits states to interpret treaties flexibly

    - D. It forbids states from entering into new treaties

    - Answer: B. It requires states to honor their treaty obligations


61. In which case did the ICJ address the issue of provisional measures?

    - A. Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro

    - B. Cameroon v. Nigeria

    - C. LaGrand Case (Germany v. United States)

    - D. Fisheries Jurisdiction Case

    - Answer: C. LaGrand Case (Germany v. United States)


62. Which case involved the dispute over the sovereignty of a territory?

    - A. Gulf of Maine Case

    - B. Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case

    - C. Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria

    - D. Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru Case

    - Answer: C. Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria


63. Which principle is often used by the ICJ to interpret ambiguous treaty provisions?

    - A. Principle of proportionality

    - B. Principle of effective interpretation

    - C. Principle of humanitarian intervention

    - D. Principle of non-intervention

    - Answer: B. Principle of effective interpretation


64. Which case dealt with the issue of reparations for wrongful acts?

    - A. Reparations for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations

    - B. Nicaragua v. United States

    - C. Case Concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo

    - D. Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo

    - Answer: A. Reparations for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations


65. Which principle ensures the ICJ's decisions are impartial?

    - A. Principle of neutrality

    - B. Principle of equity

    - C. Principle of judicial independence

    - D. Principle of non-refoulement

    - Answer: C. Principle of judicial independence


66. Which case addressed the issue of maritime delimitation?

    - A. Qatar v. Bahrain

    - B. North Sea Continental Shelf Cases

    - C. Gulf of Maine Case

    - D. Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea Case

    - Answer: B. North Sea Continental Shelf Cases


67. Which article of the UN Charter mandates member states to comply with the ICJ's decisions?

    - A. Article 92

    - B. Article 94

    - C. Article 36

    - D. Article 51

    - Answer: B. Article 94


68. Which case involved a dispute over diplomatic asylum?

    - A. Asylum Case (Colombia/Peru)

    - B. Haya de la Torre Case

    - C. LaGrand Case

    - D. Avena Case

    - Answer: A. Asylum Case (Colombia/Peru)


69. Which principle is used by the ICJ to decide cases based on the fundamental fairness and justice?

    - A. Principle of non-intervention

    - B. Principle of ex aequo et bono

    - C. Principle of uti possidetis juris

    - D. Principle of jus cogens

    - Answer: B. Principle of ex aequo et bono


70. Which case involved the dispute over the interpretation of a peace treaty?

    - A. Iran Hostages Case

    - B. Corfu Channel Case

    - C. Temple of Preah Vihear Case

    - D. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay Case

    - Answer: C. Temple of Preah Vihear Case


71. Which case addressed the issue of state responsibility for environmental damage?

    - A. Trail Smelter Case

    - B. Nuclear Tests Case

    - C. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay Case

    - D. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons Case

    - Answer: C. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay Case


72. Which principle does the ICJ apply to resolve conflicts between international law and national law?

    - A. Principle of lex specialis

    - B. Principle of lex posterior

    - C. Principle of supremacy of international law

    - D. Principle of non-contradiction

    - Answer: C. Principle of supremacy of international law


73. Which case involved a dispute over the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide?

    - A. Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro

    - B. Nicaragua v. United States

    - C. Georgia v. Russia

    - D. Congo v. Uganda

    - Answer: A. Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro


74. Which principle is used by the ICJ to decide whether to grant provisional measures?

    - A. Principle of proportionality

    - B. Principle of urgency

    - C. Principle of humanitarian intervention

    - D. Principle of non-refoulement

    - Answer: B. Principle of urgency


75. Which case involved the issue of sovereignty over maritime areas and the continental shelf?

    - A. North Sea Continental Shelf Cases

    - B. Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case

    - C. Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria

    - D. Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea Case

    - Answer: B. Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case


76. Which principle ensures that the ICJ applies international law uniformly?

    - A. Principle of stare decisis

    - B. Principle of non-intervention

    - C. Principle of consistency

    - D. Principle of pacta sunt servanda

    - Answer: C. Principle of consistency


77. Which case involved the dispute over the legality of certain actions during the Iran-Iraq War?

    - A. Nicaragua v. United States

    - B. Oil Platforms Case

    - C. Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo

    - D. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons

    - Answer: B. Oil Platforms Case


78. Which article of the ICJ Statute outlines the composition and election of judges?

    - A. Article 2

    - B. Article 9

    - C. Article 31

    - D. Article 36

    - Answer: B. Article 9


79. Which case involved the dispute over the interpretation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations?

    - A. LaGrand Case (Germany v. United States)

    - B. Avena Case

    - C. Iran Hostages Case

    - D. Both A and B

    - Answer: D. Both A and B


80. Which principle allows the ICJ to issue a binding judgment on preliminary objections?

    - A. Principle of res judicata

    - B. Principle of proportionality

    - C. Principle of pacta sunt servanda

    - D. Principle of legal certainty

    - Answer: A. Principle of res judicata


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