50 Most important MCQS on Biodiversity | Objective Questions | EduCatn

Biodiversity, or biological diversity, refers to the variety of life on Earth, encompassing the diversity of species, genetic variations within those species, and the ecosystems they form. It includes all living organisms, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest mammals, and the complex interactions they have with each other and their environments.
50 Most important MCQS on Biodiversity | Objective Questions | EduCatn

Importance of Biodiversity

  • Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity is crucial for the functioning of ecosystems, which provide essential services such as: Pollination(Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the male part of a plant to the female part, which enables the plant to reproduce and produce seeds. detailed): Many plants rely on animals for pollination, which is vital for food production.
  • Nutrient Cycling: Diverse organisms contribute to the recycling of nutrients, maintaining soil fertility and ecosystem health.
  • Water Purification: Wetlands and forests filter pollutants from water, ensuring clean water supplies.
  • Food Security: A diverse range of species contributes to food security by providing a variety of crops, livestock, and fish. Genetic diversity within these species is essential for breeding programs that can adapt to changing environmental conditions and resist pests and diseases.
  • Medicinal Resources: Many medicines are derived from natural compounds found in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Biodiversity is a source of potential new drugs and treatments, making its conservation critical for healthcare.
  • Climate Regulation: Biodiverse ecosystems, such as forests and wetlands, play a significant role in regulating the climate by sequestering carbon dioxide and mitigating the effects of climate change.
  • Cultural Significance: Biodiversity is integral to the cultural identity and heritage of many communities. It influences traditions, practices, and spiritual beliefs, providing a sense of place and belonging.
  • Economic Benefits: Biodiversity supports industries such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and tourism. Healthy ecosystems contribute to economic stability and growth by providing resources and recreational opportunities.
  • Resilience to Change: Ecosystems with high biodiversity are generally more resilient to disturbances such as climate change, natural disasters, and human impacts. Diverse species can adapt to changes, ensuring ecosystem stability and continuity.

  • Scientific Research and Education: Biodiversity provides a wealth of knowledge for scientific research, helping us understand ecological processes, evolution, and the interdependence of life forms. It also serves as a basis for education and awareness about environmental issues.


The importance of biodiversity cannot be overstated. It is essential for the health of our planet and the well-being of all living organisms, including humans. Protecting and conserving biodiversity is crucial for sustaining ecosystems, ensuring food security, and maintaining the natural balance that supports life. As threats to biodiversity increase due to habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and overexploitation, it is imperative that we take action to preserve the rich tapestry of life on Earth for future generations.

MCQs on Biodiversity

What is biodiversity?
A) The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
B) The number of species in a specific area.
C) The genetic variation within a species.
D) The total number of organisms in an ecosystem.

Answer: A
Biodiversity encompasses the variety of life forms, including species diversity, genetic diversity, and ecosystem diversity.

Which of the following is NOT a level of biodiversity?
A) Genetic diversity
B) Species diversity
C) Ecosystem diversity
D) Population diversity

Answer: D
The three recognized levels of biodiversity are genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity.

What role do keystone species play in an ecosystem?
A) They are the most abundant species.
B) They have a disproportionately large effect on their environment relative to their abundance.
C) They are the first species to colonize a barren environment.
D) They are the largest species in an ecosystem.

Answer: B
Keystone species are crucial for maintaining the structure of an ecological community, influencing the types and numbers of various other species.

Which of the following is a major threat to biodiversity?
A) Habitat destruction
B) Conservation efforts
C) Sustainable practices
D) Ecological restoration

Answer: A
Habitat destruction is one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss, as it reduces the natural environments where species live.

What is the significance of genetic diversity?
A) It allows for the survival of species in changing environments.
B) It decreases the adaptability of species.
C) It is irrelevant to ecosystem health.
D) It only benefits agricultural species.

Answer: A
Genetic diversity is crucial for the adaptability and resilience of species, allowing them to survive environmental changes and diseases.

Which of the following ecosystems is known for its high biodiversity?
A) Desert
B) Tundra
C) Tropical rainforest
D) Grassland

Answer: C
Tropical rainforests are among the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, hosting a vast number of species.

What is the primary purpose of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
A) To promote economic development.
B) To conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable use of its components.
C) To increase agricultural production.
D) To regulate international trade.

Answer: B
The CBD aims to conserve biodiversity, promote sustainable use of its components, and ensure fair sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources.

Which of the following is an example of ex situ conservation?
A) National parks
B) Wildlife reserves
C) Botanical gardens
D) Marine protected areas

Answer: C
Ex situ conservation involves protecting an endangered species outside its natural habitat, such as in botanical gardens or zoos.

What is a biodiversity hotspot?
A) An area with a high number of endemic species that is also experiencing significant habitat loss.
B) A region with abundant water resources.
C) A location with a high density of human population.
D) A place where biodiversity is not threatened.

Answer: A
Biodiversity hotspots are regions that are rich in endemic species but are also under threat from human activities.

Which of the following is a benefit of biodiversity?
A) Increased vulnerability to diseases.
B) Enhanced ecosystem services.
C) Decreased food security.
D) Reduced resilience to environmental changes.

Answer: B
Biodiversity contributes to ecosystem services such as pollination, nutrient cycling, and climate regulation, which are essential for human survival.

MCQs on Biodiversity

Which of the following best describes "endemic species"?
A) Species that are found in multiple regions.
B) Species that are native to a specific location and not found elsewhere.
C) Species that have been introduced to a new habitat.
D) Species that are extinct in the wild.

Answer: B
Endemic species are those that are native to a particular area and are not naturally found in other locations.

What is the primary cause of the current biodiversity crisis?
A) Natural disasters
B) Climate change
C) Human activities
D) Evolutionary processes

Answer: C
Human activities, such as habitat destruction, pollution, overexploitation, and climate change, are the primary drivers of the current biodiversity crisis.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy ecosystem?
A) Low species diversity
B) High genetic diversity
C) High levels of pollution
D) Monoculture practices

Answer: B
A healthy ecosystem typically has high genetic diversity, which contributes to resilience and adaptability.

What is the role of pollinators in ecosystems?
A) They decompose organic matter.
B) They provide food for predators.
C) They facilitate the reproduction of flowering plants.
D) They regulate the climate.

Answer: C
Pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, play a crucial role in the reproduction of flowering plants by transferring pollen.

Which of the following is an example of in situ conservation?
A) Seed banks
B) Wildlife sanctuaries
C) Zoos
D) Aquariums

Answer: B
In situ conservation involves protecting species in their natural habitats, such as wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.

What is the significance of the "Red List" maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)?
A) It lists all known species in the world.
B) It categorizes species based on their conservation status.
C) It provides guidelines for sustainable fishing.
D) It tracks climate change impacts on biodiversity.

Answer: B
The IUCN Red List categorizes species based on their risk of extinction, helping to inform conservation efforts.

Which of the following is a consequence of biodiversity loss?
A) Increased ecosystem stability
B) Enhanced food security
C) Decreased resilience to environmental changes
D) Improved air quality

Answer: C
Biodiversity loss can lead to decreased resilience in ecosystems, making them more vulnerable to changes and disturbances.

What is "biomagnification"?
A) The increase in biodiversity in an ecosystem.
B) The accumulation of toxins in organisms at higher trophic levels.
C) The process of species adapting to their environment.
D) The restoration of degraded habitats.

Answer: B
Biomagnification refers to the increasing concentration of toxic substances in organisms as one moves up the food chain.

Which of the following practices can help conserve biodiversity?
A) Monoculture farming
B) Sustainable forestry
C) Urban sprawl
D) Overfishing

Answer: B
Sustainable forestry practices help maintain biodiversity by ensuring that forest ecosystems remain healthy and productive.

What is the primary goal of biodiversity conservation?
A) To increase the number of species in a specific area.
B) To maintain ecosystem services and ensure the survival of species.
C) To promote economic development.
D) To eliminate invasive species.

Answer: B
The primary goal of biodiversity conservation is to maintain ecosystem services and ensure the survival of species for future generations.

MCQs on Biodiversity

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of biodiversity?
A) Provision of food and resources
B) Increased vulnerability to diseases
C) Regulation of climate
D) Maintenance of ecosystem balance

Answer: B
Increased biodiversity generally enhances resilience to diseases, while a lack of biodiversity can make ecosystems more vulnerable.

What is the primary focus of conservation biology?
A) To study the economic value of species
B) To understand the evolutionary processes of species
C) To protect and restore biodiversity
D) To promote agricultural practices

Answer: C
Conservation biology primarily focuses on protecting and restoring biodiversity and the ecosystems that support it.

Which of the following is an example of ex situ conservation?
A) National parks
B) Wildlife reserves
C) Botanical gardens
D) Marine protected areas

Answer: C
Ex situ conservation involves protecting species outside their natural habitats, such as in botanical gardens or zoos.

What is the main purpose of a biodiversity hotspot?
A) To increase agricultural production
B) To identify areas rich in biodiversity that are under threat
C) To promote tourism
D) To establish urban development zones

Answer: B
Biodiversity hotspots are regions that are rich in endemic species but are also experiencing significant habitat loss, making them a priority for conservation efforts.

Which of the following is a major threat to marine biodiversity?
A) Sustainable fishing practices
B) Coral reef restoration
C) Overfishing and habitat destruction
D) Marine protected areas

Answer: C
Overfishing and habitat destruction are significant threats to marine biodiversity, leading to declines in fish populations and the degradation of marine ecosystems.

What role do keystone species play in an ecosystem?
A) They are the most abundant species in the ecosystem.
B) They have a disproportionately large impact on their environment relative to their abundance.
C) They are the first species to colonize a disturbed area.
D) They are the largest species in the ecosystem.

Answer: B
Keystone species have a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecosystem, and their removal can lead to significant changes in the ecosystem.

Which of the following is a consequence of habitat fragmentation?
A) Increased genetic diversity
B) Enhanced species interactions
C) Isolation of populations
D) Improved ecosystem services

Answer: C
Habitat fragmentation leads to the isolation of populations, which can reduce genetic diversity and increase vulnerability to extinction.

What is the significance of genetic diversity within a species?
A) It reduces the adaptability of the species.
B) It increases the likelihood of extinction.
C) It enhances the ability of a species to adapt to changing environments.
D) It has no significant impact on the species.

Answer: C
Genetic diversity within a species enhances its ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, increasing its chances of survival.

Which of the following practices can help mitigate climate change impacts on biodiversity?
A) Deforestation
B) Restoration of degraded ecosystems
C) Urbanization
D) Industrial agriculture

Answer: B
Restoring degraded ecosystems can help sequester carbon, improve resilience to climate change, and support biodiversity.

What is the primary goal of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
A) To promote economic growth
B) To ensure sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity
C) To increase agricultural productivity
D) To eliminate invasive species

Answer: B
The primary goal of the CBD is to promote sustainable development while conserving biodiversity and ensuring its sustainable use.

MCQs on Biodiversity

Which of the following is a direct consequence of biodiversity loss?
A) Increased ecosystem resilience
B) Decreased availability of ecosystem services
C) Enhanced genetic diversity
D) Improved agricultural yields

Answer: B
Biodiversity loss leads to a decrease in the availability of ecosystem services, which are vital for human well-being and environmental health.

What is the primary cause of the current biodiversity crisis?
A) Natural disasters
B) Climate change
C) Human activities
D) Evolutionary processes

Answer: C
The current biodiversity crisis is primarily driven by human activities, including habitat destruction, pollution, overexploitation, and climate change.

Which of the following is an example of a keystone species?
A) A common rabbit
B) A top predator like a wolf
C) A widespread plant species
D) An invasive species

Answer: B
A top predator like a wolf is considered a keystone species because its presence helps maintain the structure of the ecosystem by controlling prey populations.

What is the term for species that are found in only one specific habitat and nowhere else?
A) Invasive species
B) Endemic species
C) Migratory species
D) Keystone species

Answer: B
Endemic species are those that are native to and found only in a specific geographic area, making them particularly vulnerable to habitat loss.

Which of the following practices can help conserve biodiversity?
A) Monoculture farming
B) Sustainable forestry
C) Urban sprawl
D) Overfishing

Answer: B
Sustainable forestry practices help conserve biodiversity by maintaining forest ecosystems and their associated species while allowing for resource use.

What is the role of pollinators in ecosystems?
A) They decompose organic matter.
B) They provide food for predators.
C) They facilitate plant reproduction.
D) They regulate water cycles.

Answer: C
Pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, play a crucial role in facilitating plant reproduction by transferring pollen, which is essential for the production of fruits and seeds.

Which of the following is a method of in situ conservation?
A) Seed banks
B) Zoos
C) National parks
D) Botanical gardens

Answer: C
In situ conservation involves protecting species in their natural habitats, such as in national parks and wildlife reserves.

What is the significance of the Red List maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)?
A) It lists all known species in the world.
B) It categorizes species based on their conservation status.
C) It provides guidelines for agricultural practices.
D) It promotes tourism in biodiversity hotspots.

Answer: B
The IUCN Red List categorizes species based on their risk of extinction, providing critical information for conservation efforts.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy ecosystem?
A) Low species diversity
B) High resilience to disturbances
C) Monoculture dominance
D) Pollution and habitat degradation

Answer: B
A healthy ecosystem typically exhibits high resilience to disturbances, allowing it to recover from changes and maintain its functions.

What is the primary focus of ecosystem restoration?
A) To increase agricultural output
B) To return ecosystems to their original state
C) To promote urban development
D) To eliminate invasive species

Answer: B
Ecosystem restoration aims to return degraded ecosystems to their original state, enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services.

MCQs on Biodiversity

Which of the following is a benefit of maintaining biodiversity?
A) Increased vulnerability to diseases
B) Greater ecosystem stability
C) Higher levels of pollution
D) Reduced food security

Answer: B
Maintaining biodiversity contributes to greater ecosystem stability, allowing ecosystems to better withstand environmental changes and disturbances.

What is the primary goal of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
A) To promote economic growth
B) To protect and sustainably use biodiversity
C) To increase agricultural production
D) To enhance urban development

Answer: B
The primary goal of the CBD is to protect and sustainably use biodiversity, ensuring that ecosystems and species are preserved for future generations.

Which of the following is an example of ex situ conservation?
A) Wildlife reserves
B) National parks
C) Botanical gardens
D) Marine protected areas

Answer: C
Ex situ conservation involves protecting species outside their natural habitats, such as in botanical gardens or zoos.

What is the term for the variety of genes within a species?
A) Species diversity
B) Ecosystem diversity
C) Genetic diversity
D) Functional diversity

Answer: C
Genetic diversity refers to the variety of genes within a species, which is crucial for the adaptability and survival of that species.

Which of the following factors is NOT a direct threat to biodiversity?
A) Habitat destruction
B) Climate change
C) Overpopulation
D) Increased genetic variation

Answer: D
Increased genetic variation is generally beneficial for biodiversity, while habitat destruction, climate change, and overpopulation are direct threats.

What is the role of a keystone resource in an ecosystem?
A) It is a resource that is abundant and widely available.
B) It is a resource that is critical for the survival of many species.
C) It is a resource that is only used by a few species.
D) It is a resource that has no significant impact on the ecosystem.

Answer: B
A keystone resource is critical for the survival of many species within an ecosystem, and its loss can lead to significant changes in the ecosystem structure.

Which of the following is a consequence of invasive species?
A) Increased biodiversity
B) Disruption of local ecosystems
C) Enhanced ecosystem services
D) Stabilization of food webs

Answer: B
Invasive species can disrupt local ecosystems by outcompeting native species, leading to declines in biodiversity and changes in ecosystem dynamics.

What is the primary purpose of biodiversity hotspots?
A) To promote tourism
B) To identify areas for conservation priority
C) To increase agricultural production
D) To enhance urban development

Answer: B
Biodiversity hotspots are regions that are prioritized for conservation due to their high levels of endemic species and significant habitat loss.

Which of the following practices can help mitigate climate change and protect biodiversity?
A) Deforestation
B) Sustainable land management
C) Overfishing
D) Urban sprawl

Answer: B
Sustainable land management practices can help mitigate climate change by preserving ecosystems, enhancing carbon sequestration, and protecting biodiversity.

What is the significance of genetic diversity in agriculture?
A) It reduces crop yields.
B) It increases vulnerability to pests.
C) It enhances resilience to environmental changes.
D) It promotes monoculture practices.

Answer: C
Genetic diversity in agriculture enhances resilience to environmental changes and pests, ensuring food security and sustainable farming practices.

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