Daddy Issues | Psychology today

Daddy issues

This is the about the underlying daddy issues syndrome that is going on nowadays. It’s a genz thing now days but let’s see this daddy issue from psychological perspective and why these daddy issues and mommy issues is making the genz lonelier. Recently I saw this American series euphoria the character that fascinated me the most was Cassie and all the daddy issues she got because of the absence of his father. Let’s know what is daddy issue? when a father is physically or emotionally distant from a child. the child doesn’t get the proper love and attention they deserve from their father. That s when the child tries to get the validation from other males that they wanted from the primary male care taker. This is how Cassie s story begins her father was an addict in the starting he was very loving and caring towards her but after the divorce of her parents his fathers love changed and he always promised to come back but he never came back. This same pattern we saw with Nate and Cassie. We keep chasing the things we were deprived of in our childhood. Cassie didn’t get the love she deserved from her father so in her teens she started to date toxic people just to get that validation that she is lovable. Unconsciously she always felt that the other person will leave her. Cassie loved her bf’s even if she knew they all were using her in some or other way. She just wanted to be loved no matter what that’s why she settled with Nate (he was very toxic, even he also had anger issues and sometimes he was into violence). Nate even ignored Cassie after being physical with her and Cassie wanted that love. It’s just not Cassie, everyone has felt this that we all just want to feel loved and understood.

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