Quotes for When Someone is Lying and You Know the Truth

Quotes for When Someone is Lying and You Know the Truth

When you know the truth but someone continues to lie, it can be incredibly frustrating. These quotes reflect the emotions and insights that come with dealing with dishonesty and uncovering the truth.

1. "The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it." — Flannery O'Connor

Even if someone lies, the truth remains constant and unaltered.

2. "Lies may take care of the present, but they have no future." — Author Unknown

Lies might work temporarily, but they eventually catch up with the truth.

3. "The best way to find out if someone is lying is to listen to what they are not saying." — Author Unknown

Often, what is left unsaid can reveal more than the words themselves.

4. "The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself." — Augustine of Hippo

Truth is powerful and self-sustaining, needing no defense.

5. "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." — Mark Twain

Highlights the speed at which lies can spread compared to the slower process of truth.

6. "When someone is lying, they often reveal more than they intend to." — Author Unknown

Lies can expose underlying truths about the person telling them.

7. "You can’t fix the truth, and you can’t make a lie true." — Author Unknown

Truth is unchangeable, while lies remain false regardless of attempts to alter them.

8. "Sometimes, the only way to deal with a lie is to let it be and focus on the truth." — Author Unknown

Focusing on the truth rather than engaging with the lie can be a more effective approach.

9. "The truth may be painful, but lies are more hurtful in the long run." — Author Unknown

While truth can be difficult, lies have the potential to cause more lasting harm.

10. "Truth is the ultimate weapon against lies." — Author Unknown

Truth has the power to expose and dismantle falsehoods.

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