The Comprehensive Guide to the Flat Earth Theory

The Comprehensive Guide to the Flat Earth Theory

The Comprehensive Guide to the Flat Earth Theory

Over last few years, the Flat Earth theory has exploded through social media and even some mainstream conversations. Visual: Earth from space and the words: Despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, some people passionately believe in the Flat Earth model. In this piece, we will take a look at the ancient [and not so ancient] roots and why it is that this shaky theory keeps coming back as in fashion, with some refutations to science.


Origins of the belief in a Flat Earth

In antiquity, the flat Earth was a prevalent theme among many ancient civilizations in Greece and Mesopotamia. But by the time of ancient Greeks, some famous philosophers such as Pythagoras and Aristotle had already posited a sphere Earth with schematic commendations. Not until the 16th century and the work of astronomers including Galileo and Copernicus was it widely accepted that Earth is spherical.

So what is all of the Flat Earth theory revival in 21st century?

But, Seriously, Why Do Some People Believe The Earth Is Flat?

Why people still believe in flat Earth (although we know more)

1. Distrust of Authority: One of the main proponents in the Flat Earth movement is skepticism against government, scientific bodies and space agencies -- i.e. NASA. They are convinced these institutions are in on a worldwide conspiracy to cover up the "facts" about Earth.

2. Perception Trumps Science: Many Flat Earthers believe their eyes and senses are more accurate than science. Based on their naked eye observation, they claim the Earth looks flat when standing on it and the horizon is flat instead of being curved. This only serves to confirm what they believe.

3. Impact of Social Media: YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have been crucial in sharing the word about Flat Earth. It is also worth noting that cheaters can be very persuasive–taking to YouTube, or Tik Tok (if you want your brain cells to shrivel up) and make entertaining videos/posts about it–and some people who fail psych seek out alternative explanations, fueling into this interested in the grand conspiracy.

4. Cognitive Bias: Psychological factors such as confirmation bias (the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions), Dunning-Kruger effect (where people with little knowledge on a subject mistakenly overrate their expertise) play into the Flat Earth theory.

Some Scientific Debunking of a Flat Earth

The Flat Earth model has been debunked by science in many ways for centuries. Responses to the 11 Most Common Scientific Arguments Made by Flat Earthers

1. Flat Horizon: Flat Earthers say, “The horizon is perfectly flat; so the Earth must also be.” The truth is, the Earth is big enough that its curve is only really detectable over large distances by looking at it (i.e. from space). Still, there is evidence of a round Earth that can be seen in high-altitude flight and from space.

2. Flat Earthers might ask, for instance, how Gravity works on a flat plane. Gravity is what keeps us on the ground, but to work properly it requires that the Earth actually be a sphere — which scientists have known for thousands of years.

3. Photographic Evidence from Space: NASA and other space agencys have also taken many photographs and videos of Earth from space, which all clearly show a round shape. Although conspiracy-theorists — who call themselves Flat Earthers — claim these images are fake or part of a global-scale hoax, the same results were also confirmed by rental observations from privately-owned space-satellites.

4. Around the world: Around the world (For hundreds of years, people have been traveling around the globe, from Magellen's first circumnavigation in the 16th century to modern day flight paths. On a flat Earth, cross-country travel would not work the same way as it does on a round planet.

Why the Flat Earth Matters

Now, supporting the idea that the Earth is indeed flat may come off as harmless, this is part of a broader society-wide trend in which accurate scientific theories are cast aside in favor of crank conspiracy theories. This mentality can then carry over in to other places, such as public health, climate change or education and have detrimental consequences. On top of that, one could argue, we absolutely need to teach people how to think critically and maybe even a little bit of science.


Flat Earth theory in Islam: The Perceptions Explained

The controversy over the Earths roundness is a historical one, with some previous explanations being that the Earth is flat. Though the Earth has been confirmed by modern science to be an oblate spheroid, some people maintain that religious texts include Islam support a different model where Earth is flat. This blog post will delve into the Islamic view on whether the Earth is flat or round, specific verses in the Qur'an and opinions from Islamic scholars about the theory of a flat Earth.

What About the Shape of the Earth in The Qur'an?

The Qur'an is full of descriptions of the natural world by Islam. Certain verses have been interpreted by flat Earth followers and proponents to indicate the Earth is flat. Unfortunately, these explanations are often altered out-of-context or deceiving.

For example, verses such as:

  • Surah Al-Ghashiyah (88:20): “And at the Earth, how it is spread out!
  • Al-Nazi'at, 79:30"And after that He are the earth spread (dahaha;.. ore. the flat expanse of dry land as distinguished from dry sea)

The Quranic term "spread out" or "dahaha" is frequently referred to by flat Earth theorists. Nonetheless, Islamic scholars insisted that these terms describe how people see and feel while on Earth rather than the fact of a flat Earth. When the Earth is spread out, it simply means that there was a place to live (versus an unnecessary bumper-overpopulation by spreading the animal population too far), as opposed to a geometric sense of such.

Flat Earth and Islamic Scholars

Islamic scholars have been arguing over the roundness of Earth since the golden age of Islamic science. Islamic astronomy and geography were enriched by the works of prominentMuslim scholars like Al-Biruni (973–1048 AD) and Ibn Hazm (994–1064 AD). They confirmed the Earth is round using observational science and Islamic teachings.



Here are some references that you could use to further explore the topic of Flat Earth Theory:

1. Gleason, I. F. (1892). Is the Earth a Globe?. Universal Zetetic Society. (Original writings that supported flat Earth theory in the 19th century).

2. Garwood, C. (2007). Flat Earth: The History of an Infamous Idea. Pan Macmillan. (An excellent book that outlines the history of Flat Earth beliefs from ancient times to modern day).

3. Rowbotham, S. (1865). Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. (A foundational text for the modern Flat Earth movement).

4. Garber, D. A. (2000). Flat Earth and the Sphere of Scientific Inquiry. Journal of Historical Ideas. (A critical exploration of why Flat Earth ideas persist).

5. Hannam, J. (2010). God's Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science. Icon Books. (Discusses medieval views of the world and how scientific thought transitioned to more modern ideas).

These sources should provide historical context, scientific counterarguments, and insight into the persistence of Flat Earth beliefs.

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