UP Police Constable 2024 : Syllabus, Paper pattern, exam dates, result

UPPRPB had released UP Police Constable 2024 syllabus and exam pattern for written exam. In this post, you can check topic wise up police constable 2024 syllabus, paper pattern, expected result date.
UP Police Constable 2024 : Syllabus, Paper pattern, exam dates, result

Uttar Pradesh police recruitment and promotion board announced 60244 vacancies for constable post. full-width 

If you are also interested in giving government job then this post is for you only. In this post, I will tell you about up police constable vacancy, exam pattern and syllabus. Uttar Pradesh police recruitment and promotion board has announced 60244 vacancies this year. Now the time for result to come has also come. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath has confirmed that the result of UP Police Constable will be declared by the end of this October.

The written exam of UP constable was conducted in two phases.

The first phase was held on 23 August 2024 and 25 August 2024

And the second phase was held on 30 and 31 August. This exam was held in two shifts, the first shift was from 10 am to 12 am and the second shift was from 3 pm to 5 pm.
  • This time around 48 lakh candidates gave the exam.
In the table below we will see when the application for up police exam started, how many vacancies came in it, what are the posts, selection process, salary will be known, official website, exam date and expected result date and we will be able to see their official website.

UP Police Constable Exam Date, Registration, Result (expected)

Recruitment Board

Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB)



Mode of Application


Application Dates

27th December 2023 -- 16th January 2024

Selection Process

·        Written Test

·        Document Verification

·        Physical Standard Test

·        Physical Efficiency Test

Exam date

First phase: 23 & 25 August 2024

Second Phase: 30 & 31 August

Expected Result

End of October



Rs 21,700

Job Location

Uttar Pradesh

Official Website



Uttar Pradesh police recruitment and promotion board (upprpb) has given the outline of up police constable syllabus and exam pattern by studying which we can clear the exam easily. Students should make their study plan after looking at all these things. By looking at the syllabus and paper pattern you can make a study plan in a good way. Up police constable syllabus includes general hindi, general knowledge, numerical and mental ability and mental aptitude/intelligence/reasoning.

According to up police constable exam paper pattern, its written test is objective type i.e. MCQs which has total 300 marks (each question is of 2 marks) and there is negative marking of 0.5 marks if you answer a question wrongly.


Now let us know the syllabus of up police constable which includes 4 subjects
  1. General hindi
  2. General knowledge
  3. Reasoning ability
  4. Numerical and mental ability
Let us do one by one and see the sub topics inside it. In the table below we will see what is the UP Police exam pattern and how many questions are asked in each subject and how many marks are scored. What are the total marks and what is the duration of the exam?

UP Police Constable Exam Pattern 2024

Section Name

No. of Questions

Total Marks

Time Duration

General Science 



2 hours  

(120 minutes)

General Hindi



Numerical & Mental Ability Test



Mental Aptitude Test or Intelligence Quotient Test or Reasoning






Detailed Syllabus of UP Police Constable 2024

We have provided the UP Police constable subject wise syllabus below which has four subjects which are General Hindi, General Knowledge, Ability Test and Reasoning. Candidates can clear the exam with good marks by preparing their study plan according to the syllabus given below. Let us see the subject wise syllabus of Sub Police Constable in detail.

UP Police Constable General Knowledge Syllabus 2024

Below is, written syllabus of UP Police Constable General Knowledge. This general knowledge syllabus includes all the topic to prepare candidates for their upcoming UP Police Constable Exam 2025

UP Police Constable General Knowledge Syllabus



General Knowledge

India and its adjacent countries

Scientific Progress/Development

National/International Awards

Indian Languages

Books & Authors




Sports-Athlete such as essential knowledge

Current Affairs

Important Dates

Human Rights

Natural Resources


Environment and Urbanization

Indian Economy and Culture

Indian Constitution

India and World geography

Natural Resources

Indian Agriculture

UP Police Constable General Hindi Syllabus 2024

Below is, written syllabus of UP Police Constable General Hindi. This general hindi syllabus includes all the topic to prepare candidates for their upcoming UP Police Constable Exam 2025

UP Police Constable General Hindi Syllabus 2024

General Hindi

Questions & Answers from the Passage

Title of the Passage

Letter Writing

Word Knowledge

Use of Words



One Word Substitutions

Sentence Correction

Idioms Phrases

UP Police Constable Reasoning ability Syllabus 2024

Below is, the written syllabus of UP Police Constable Reasoning ability . This Reasoning ability syllabus includes all the topics to prepare candidates for their upcoming UP Police Constable Exam 2025

UP Police Constable Reasoning Syllabus 2024





Space visualization


Analysis and Judgment








Arithmetic reasoning

Verbal and figure classification

Arithmetical number series

Ability to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships

Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions

UP Police Constable Numerical and mental ability Syllabus 2024

Below is, the written syllabus of UP Police Constable Numerical and mental ability . This Numerical and mental ability syllabus includes all the topics to prepare candidates for their upcoming UP Police Constable Exam

UP Police Constable Numerical Ability Syllabus 2024

Numerical Aptitude

Number System


Decimals and Fraction


Ratio (:) and Proportion (::)


Profit and Loss


Simple interest

Compound interest



Time and Work

Time and Distance

Use of Tables and Graphs


Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions


Logical Diagrams

Symbol-Relationship Interpretation


Perception Test

Word formation Test

Letter and number series

Word and alphabet Analogy

Common Sense Test

Letter and number coding

Direction sense Test

Logical interpretation of data

Forcefulness of argument

Determining implied meaning

UP Police Constable Syllabus 2024 Hindi

Below is, the written syllabus of UP Police Constable in Hindi. This syllabus includes all the topics to prepare candidates for their upcoming UP Police Constable Exam

UP Police Constable Syllabus in Hindi



General Knowledge

1.     सामान्य विज्ञान

2.     भारत का इतिहास

3.     भारतीय संविधान

4.     भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था एवं संस्कृति

5.     भारतीय कृषि

6.     वाणिज्य एवं व्यापार

7.     जनसंख्या

8.     पर्यावरण एवं नगरीकरण

9.     भारत/विश्व  का भूगोल

10. प्राकृतिक संसाधन

11. Uttar Pradesh की शिक्षा संस्कृति और सामाजिक प्रथाओं के सम्बन्ध में विशिष्ट जानकारी

12. Uttar Pradesh में राजस्व, पुलिस व सामान्य प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था

13. मानवाधिकार

14. आंतरिक सुरक्षा तथा आतंकवाद

15. भारत और उसके पड़ोसी देशों के बीच सम्बन्ध

16. राष्ट्रीय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महत्व के विषय

17. (संगठन): राष्ट्रीय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय

18. विमुद्रीकरण और उसका प्रभाव

19. साइबर काइम

20. GST: वस्तु एवं सेवाकर

21. पुरस्कार और सम्मान

22. देश / राजधानी / मुद्रायें

23. महत्वपूर्ण दिवस

24. अनुसंधान एवं खोज

25. पुस्तक और उनके लेखक

26. सोशल मीडिया कम्युनिकेशन

General Hindi

1.     हिन्दी वर्णमाला

2.     तद्भव

3.     तत्सम

4.     पर्यायवाची

5.     विलोम

6.     अनेकार्थक

7.     वाक्यांशों के स्थान पर एक शब्द

8.     समरूपी भिन्नार्थक शब्द

9.     अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्ध करना

10. लिंग

11. वचन

12. कारक

13. सर्वनाम

14. विशेषण

15. किया काल

16. वाच्य

17. अव्यय

18. उपसर्ग

19. प्रत्यय

20. सन्धि

21. समास

22. विराम – चिन्ह

23. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियां रस

24. छन्द

25. अलंकार


1.     समरूपता

2.     समानता

3.     भिन्नता

4.     खाली स्थान भरना

5.     समस्या को सुलझाना

6.     विश्लेषण निर्णय

7.     निर्णायक क्षमता

8.     दृ य स्मृति

9.     विभेदन क्षमता

10. पर्यवेक्षण

11. सम्बन्ध

12. अवधारणा

13. अंकगणितीय तर्क

14. शब्द और आकृति वर्गीकरण

15. अंकगणितीय संख्या श्रृंखला

Numerical Ability 

1.     संख्या पद्धति

2.     सरलीकरण

3.     दशमलव और भिन्न

4.     महत्तम समापवर्तक और लघुत्तम समापवर्तक

5.     अनुपात और समानुपात

6.     प्रतिशत

7.     लाभ और हानि

8.     छूट

9.     साधारण ब्याज

10. चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज

11. भागीदारी

12. औसत

13. टाइम  और वर्क

14. टाइम  और दूरी

15. सारणी और ग्राफ का प्रयोग

16. मेन्सुरेशन

17. अंकगणितीय संगणना विश्लेषणात्मक कार्य

18. विविध

Mental Ability Test

1.     तार्किक आरेख

2.     संकेत – सम्बन्ध विश्लेषण

3.     प्रत्यक्ष ज्ञान बोध

4.     शब्द रचना परीक्षण

5.     अक्षर और संख्या श्रृंखला

6.     शब्द और वर्णमाला में आंशिक समरूपता

7.     व्यावहारिक ज्ञान परीक्षण

8.     दिशा ज्ञान परीक्षण

9.     आंकड़ों का तार्किक विश्लेषण

10. प्रभावी तर्क

11. अंतर्निहित भावों का विनिश्चय करना

Mental Aptitude Test

1.     जनहित

2.     कानून एवं शांति व्यवस्था

3.     साम्प्रदायिक सद्भाव

4.     अपराध नियंत्रण

5.     विधि का शासन

6.     अनुकूलन की क्षमता

7.     व्यावसायिक सूचना

8.     पुलिस प्रणाली

9.     समकालीन पुलिस मुद्दे एवं कानून व्यवस्था

10. व्यवसाय के प्रति रूचि

11. मानसिक दृढ़ता

12. अल्पसंख्यकों एवं अल्प अधिकार वालों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता

13. लैंगिक संवेदनशीलता

Intelligence Quotient

1.     सम्बन्ध

2.     सम्बन्ध व आंशिक समानता परीक्षण

3.     असमान को चिन्हित करना

4.     श्रृंखला पूरी करने

5.     संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि

6.     दिशा ज्ञान

7.     रक्त सम्बन्ध

8.     वर्णमाला पर आधारित प्रश्न

9.     समय – क्रम परीक्षण

10. वेन आरेख और चार्ट सदृश परीक्षण

11. गणितीय योग्यता परीक्षण

12. क्रम में व्यवस्थित करना

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